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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Um dude Sonic was revealed near Lost Worlds release date and Peach was revealed on the date the original Mario Bros came out. So its actually just Marth and Lucario

Lucario was actually confirmed in the Super Smash Bros Brawl anniversary in Japan. Sakurai specifically mentioned this in the Miiverse post.

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Lucario was actually confirmed in the Super Smash Bros Brawl anniversary in Japan. Sakurai specifically mentioned this in the Miiverse post.

Oh yeah I forgot about that. Thanks

Marth then is the only random one

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I love that, btw.

Now watch we get Ridley/Palutena info on April Fool's Day.

If that actually happened and it was indeed only an April Fool's Joke for Palutena, I'd be so crushed.... >_<

Does anyone think we might get a last minute addition for this game like Sonic was for Brawl?

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If that actually happened and it was indeed only an April Fool's Joke for Palutena, I'd be so crushed.... >_<

Does anyone think we might get a last minute addition for this game like Sonic was for Brawl?

The sky is the limit on possibilities but considering Sakurai wants the game out this year. I don't think its as likely

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I'd rather they aren't revealed and we find out at the games release. Especially in regards to the newcomer, it's more exciting that way. But my train of thought could be related to the fact I'm betting for no Fire Emblem newcomer.

No newcomer is certainly possible too. I wouldn't be upset if this was the case. I don't really like Chrom or Lucina anyway. The only FE newcomer right now that I'd jump for joy for is Ephraim and he's probably not happening despite being a lance guy. :P

But I'd rather Ike be revealed before the game is out so I don't have to worry about him being cut and so Sakurai can shut up the dumb people saying Ike WILL be cut because of the Roy incident.

Sakurai playing an April Fool's joke on Tuesday is fine, lol, as long as it isn't something really mean and stupid. xP

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I doubt Sakurai will pull any kind of April Fools joke on an update. As in, "Hey look at this! It's not really in the game!". Maybe he'll do his usual trolling, but not something that'll piss off fans.

As for Ike, I share Grandpa's opinion:


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Let's veer the topic away from Fe in smash again please. All it does is start arguments.

I bet Falco is gonna look cool in HD, what Star Fox stages do you think we'll get? 3DS will most likely get a Star Fox 64 3D stage, as for the Wii U I'd love to see an Assault stage like Fortuna or the Space Pirate Station or heck the Aparoid homeworld

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Let's veer the topic away from Fe in smash again please. All it does is start arguments.

I bet Falco is gonna look cool in HD, what Star Fox stages do you think we'll get? 3DS will most likely get a Star Fox 64 3D stage, as for the Wii U I'd love to see an Assault stage like Fortuna or the Space Pirate Station or heck the Aparoid homeworld

Sorry, that may have been my fault, looking back on my post....

I really really hope that we can get an Adventures stage, both because I actually loved that game and so that I can get a little bit of a confirmation that Nintendo hasn't entirely written off that game (though maybe it has more to do with being the black sheep of the series and being owned by Rare? I'm not sure). Assault stages would be great too; I'd really like a Fichina stage in particular (so much pretty snow!).

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Sorry, that may have been my fault, looking back on my post....

I really really hope that we can get an Adventures stage, both because I actually loved that game and so that I can get a little bit of a confirmation that Nintendo hasn't entirely written off that game (though maybe it has more to do with being the black sheep of the series and being owned by Rare? I'm not sure). Assault stages would be great too; I'd really like a Fichina stage in particular (so much pretty snow!).

An adventures stage would be great, Sauria was pretty as would Fichina.

Now I want a Fichina stage with a Arwing Segment like how Falco had to fly Fox through the enemies haha

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Let's veer the topic away from Fe in smash again please. All it does is start arguments.

I bet Falco is gonna look cool in HD, what Star Fox stages do you think we'll get? 3DS will most likely get a Star Fox 64 3D stage, as for the Wii U I'd love to see an Assault stage like Fortuna or the Space Pirate Station or heck the Aparoid homeworld

The 3DS could get something from Command, so there is Aquas, Asteroid Belt, Corneria, Fichina, Katina, Sector X, Y, and Z, Solar, Titania, or Venom. I'm betting on Fichina or Katina since they're the most important worlds other than Corneria and Venom.

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Going back to music talk, I definitely want the Special Circuit music from Super Punch-Out to be in.

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The 3DS will likely get something from Command, so there is Aquas, Asteroid Belt, Corneria, Fichina, Katina, Sector X, Y, and Z, Solar, Titania, or Venom. I'm betting on Fichina or Katina since they're the most important worlds other than Corneria and Venom.

Command lol, I highly doubt that

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[spoiler=Fire Emblem related discussion]

This sums up my thoughts on the Ike thing. Now can we PLEASE hush up about it? I'm starting to get sick of it coming up real bad now. Yes, that includes how many times I have done so, as I'm tired of bringing it up.

Less than ten pages and You are bringing up Ike again, mad props, I lost the bet. I wagered you were able to not talk about him for more than ten pages. =/

Palutena would be very nice, if she gets in, I hope there will be a SUPER BASH SISTERS easter egg somewhere that triggers a different home screen or w/e.

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Fake or not, I felt this was worth posting here:


If by some freak chance this is actually legit (and he's playable and not an Assist Trophy), at least he's Nintendo related.

[Edit] The person in the screenshot is Nester, from the Howard & Nester comics in Nintendo Power magazines. Their comics would feature various games being covered, as well as secrets and tips for those games with Howard telling the secrets and tips and Nester playing through the game showing the secrets and tips being performed.

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That is so fake. It looks like someone slapped a plastic doll in it.

Also, I wasn't the one that actually brought up FE again. I just added to the topic.

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Fake or not, I felt this was worth posting here:


If by some freak chance this is actually legit (and he's playable and not an Assist Trophy), at least he's Nintendo related.

[Edit] The person in the screenshot is Nester, from the Howard & Nester comics in Nintendo Power magazines. Their comics would feature various games being covered, as well as secrets and tips for those games with Howard telling the secrets and tips and Nester playing through the game showing the secrets and tips being performed.

Thank God that's fake.


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I was terrified this thing was serious when this thing showed up in my Twitter feed, I thought the webpage looked legit-ish even if Nester himself looks a gen behind, obviously I need to look into learning what is blatantly fake and what might not be

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Yeah, the "smashbros.us/us/" part of the URL gives away the fact that it's fake. All the other Smash Bros. pages have "smashbros.com/us/"

For those that want to see the screenshots without giving that fake page hits, here they are:











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