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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Doesn't change the fact that he only became popular because of an external force.

Same thing happened with Captain Falcon.

Everyone always praise him but the games from the F-Zero series have really abysmal sales even worse than the Fire Emblem series. Most of those people that always talk about how awesome Captain Falcon is don't support the F-Zero series as a whole.

Edited by kingddd
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Ike was only popular because he was put in Brawl.

So? He's still popular and more notable than any other Lord not named Marth, what with the whole leading role in two games(and no, Leif doesn't count because his role in FE4 doesn't even come close to Ike's role in RD) and being the only Lord other than Marth to get a confirmed descendant in Awakening)

The "their popularity only comes from Smash" argument is bullcrap. Cap. Falcon wouldn't be as popular as he is if not for Smash. Same for the ICs and Game & Watch.

I actually haven't followed the Star Force series, so thanks for clearing that up. But the folks from ZX aren't Mega Man regardless.

Care to explain why?

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Kingddd has a point. When I see stuff about Captain Falcon, it's more often talk of his Falcon Punch and stuff than his games.

Edited by Anacybele
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And exactly, Ike has a fairly large fanbase now thanks to Brawl. He also got me to play FE and I'm sure the same holds true for plenty of others that might have missed out on Melee for whatever reason.

That's not popularity based on his own games. That's popularity derived from the Smash Bros. effect. They could put fucking Alm in instead and he'd be just as popular as Ike.

Also, if you want be anal, the four generals in Mega Man Zero are based off of X. They're like his "children".

And yes, based off of X. Not that pansy Copy X.

Edited by NoNameAtAll
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That's not popularity based on his own games. That's popularity derived from the Smash Bros. effect. They could put fucking Alm in instead and he'd be just as popular as Ike.

Which is why we have such huge fanbases for Doc Mario, Pichu, and Young Link, right? And why nobody wants Jiggs or ROB cut? Because getting in Smash => instant popularity?

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I never said it wasn't. :/

So then you admit ANY lord being put in would drive them to popularity and that you're overly biased due to fangirling over Ikey-poop.

Which is why we have such huge fanbases for Doc Mario, Pichu, and Young Link, right? And why nobody wants Jiggs or ROB cut? Because getting in Smash => instant popularity?

All of whom you list as clones (Except Jiggs and ROB. Jiggs cut would be dumb considering its been in since the original. And ROB played a role in even getting video games popular once more in the U.S. after that 1983 crash)

Edited by NoNameAtAll
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So then you admit ANY lord being put in would drive them to popularity and that you're overly biased due to fangirling over Ikey-poop.

See my last post. Getting in Smash =/= instant popularity.

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What Shinpichu said.

I'm also starting to get very sick of people saying that everything I say about characters I like or dislike is bias. It's stupid and doesn't even make sense. If I wanted to be biased all the time, I'd be screaming for people like Frederick, Kieran, and Ezlo to be playable. But I know that they have no chance in hell. Frederick might have a slight chance at being an assist if Chrom is in the playable roster and Sakurai decides against Lucina, but beyond that, pff.

Edited by Anacybele
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I didn't know it mattered whether I said starring role or main character. :/

Doesn't change the fact that popularity is popularity, regardless of how it came to be.

It does when you use it as a point for a character being included. Even though it shouldn't matter at all. Why does it matter if a character has been in two games or more? Is it really that much of an advantage? Considering Chrom has a pretty high chance of getting in, I don't think so.

Yes, I don't deny that popularity because of smash brothers is fine, but you seem to suggest that Ike is popular besides this, which I find to be disingenuous.

So? He's still popular and more notable than any other Lord not named Marth, what with the whole leading role in two games(and no, Leif doesn't count because his role in FE4 doesn't even come close to Ike's role in RD) and being the only Lord other than Marth to get a confirmed descendant in Awakening)

The "their popularity only comes from Smash" argument is bullcrap. Cap. Falcon wouldn't be as popular as he is if not for Smash. Same for the ICs and Game & Watch.

As above, I don't really care for arguing about their popularity because of smash. I'm just tired of the Ike biased bullshit.

And what NoNameAtAll said.

I feel as though I've had this argument before...

Edited by Tryhard
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It does when you use it as a point for a character being included. Even though it shouldn't matter at all. Why does it matter if a character has been in two games or more? Is it really that much of an advantage? Considering Chrom has a pretty high chance of getting in, I don't think so.

When you're from a series that is otherwise full of one-shot leads, it does.

When Chrom stars in another game, then we can talk about him being as important as Ike. But until then he(and any other possible FE newcomer/Roy) should only get in after Ike(and Marth ofc).

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When Chrom stars in another game, then we can talk about him being as important as Ike. But until then he(and any other possible FE newcomer/Roy) should only get in after Ike(and Marth ofc).

Well, we'll see who's included, then. I'll leave it at that.

Well, you seem to suggest that Ike has no fans outside of Smash players. Which is not true.

Yes, I think there are no Ike fans in the Fire Emblem fanbase. None at all.

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Look on the bright side everyone. Remember other than the obvious secret characters already revealed, the majority of the unlockable characters from Brawl weren't shown off until after release. So they could of changed it so that Wario, Ike, Lucas, Ness etc are now unlockable characters which is why they haven't announced them yet.

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Yes, I think there are no Ike fans in the Fire Emblem fanbase. None at all.

I like Ike. He may not be my absolute favorite but I'm a fan and I know there are others in and out of the FE fandom.

Hell if you want to talk about hated Lords there's Micaiah. I still think Ike has a shot of returning. Not saying he's an absolute, but he has a shot nonetheless.

Edited by Naui
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Yes, I think there are no Ike fans in the Fire Emblem fanbase. None at all.

Well then, I'm glad you're proving my statement wrong by giving me a sarcastic remark. Which means at least a small portion of Ike's popularity DOES come from the FE fanbase.

Hell, I myself didn't actually love him as much as I do until I played his games. I liked Ike enough to play him from time to time in Brawl, but he didn't become one of my favorite game characters until I picked up Path of Radiance.

What we can probably safely say though, is that Sakurai is at least planning to bring Ike back. It was the same case with Roy for Brawl, except time constraints.

Edited by Anacybele
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Well then, I'm glad you're proving my statement wrong by giving me a sarcastic remark. Which means at least a small portion of Ike's popularity DOES come from the FE fanbase.

Hell, I myself didn't actually love him as much as I do until I played his games. I liked Ike enough to play him from time to time in Brawl, but he didn't become one of my favorite game characters until I picked up Path of Radiance.

What we can probably safely say though, is that Sakurai is at least planning to bring Ike back. It was the same case with Roy for Brawl, except time constraints.

I just don't think there are as many as you seem to think there are.

And I get it, I do. Before Mortal Kombat 9 came out, I was a fan of Stryker, who is not the most popular character in the franchise to say the least. But I didn't overestimate his worthfulness, saying I wouldn't buy the game if he wasn't in. If a character didn't get into the game, oh well. That doesn't mean I can't enjoy everything else. I find it hard to believe you found nothing else interesting. If you're just playing the game for Ike, isn't that rather one-minded?

I would just rather you didn't go on about Ike all the time. Keep it to yourself, it does annoy people such as myself when you do fangirl over Ike all the time. I know you probably don't care about my opinion, but try and take it into consideration if possible, thanks.

Hell, I don't know about Ike's chances myself. I'm not Sakurai. And that's all I have to say.

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Care to explain why?

Which part, me not following Star Force or the ZX guys not being Mega Man. I'll explain both.

I haven't followed Star Force because I haven't. And the ZX guys aren't Mega Man because they aren't him or based on him, Vent and Alie got the X biometal, yes, but they aren't Mega Man. The way you're using it is like it's a title. Just that, a title. It doesn't make them Mega Man.

Wasn't FE's popularity as a whole boosted by Melee and then later Awakening? Also, I was a fan of Ike before Brawl, hehe.

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Ice Climbers confirmed, maybe.

I hope so! I rock with the Ice Climbers

Mr. Saturn is among the mix of pics so Ness at least has been indirectly confirmed, I suppose.

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And the ZX guys aren't Mega Man because they aren't him or based on him, Vent and Alie got the X biometal, yes, but they aren't Mega Man.

Why do you say this? Sure, they man not look exactly like Mega Man, but they clearly take inspiration from him. In terms of abilities, Model ZX is basically MMX with a saber attached, and Model A is basically MMX with a homing shot and a Giga Attack (though X had those too). They both also have the ability to transform, which is the ZX series take on the copy weapon system(much like the Battle Chips and Cards are the takes of the BN and SF series).

The way you're using it is like it's a title. Just that, a title. It doesn't make them Mega Man.

Just because the name is a title in the ZX series doesn't change the fact that they are called Mega Man when biomerged.

(Oh, and btw ZX isn't the only series with multiple Mega Men. MML has Mega Man Juno as well, and you could argue that the name is meant as a title there too)

I hope so! I rock with the Ice Climbers

Mr. Saturn is among the mix of pics so Ness at least has been indirectly confirmed, I suppose.

Someone on Smashboards noted that Wario and Pilotwings now have series icons. Wario is as good as a lock now. The Pilotwings one might not mean much since AC, Hanenbow, and Pictochat had icons in Brawl.

Edited by shinpichu
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And I get it, I do. Before Mortal Kombat 9 came out, I was a fan of Stryker, who is not the most popular character in the franchise to say the least. But I didn't overestimate his worthfulness, saying I wouldn't buy the game if he wasn't in. If a character didn't get into the game, oh well. That doesn't mean I can't enjoy everything else. I find it hard to believe you found nothing else interesting. If you're just playing the game for Ike, isn't that rather one-minded?

You apparently didn't read the part of my post where I said Ike wouldn't be the only reason I'd decide against getting the game. I never said I wouldn't find anything else interesting. I find these things cool:

- Luigi's Poltergust 5000 Final Smash

- Rosalina being a newcomer

- Ballad of the Goddess having two different versions

- Charizard with his X mega form

- The new online features (For Fun/For Glory)

- Skyloft being a stage

- Lumiose City being a stage

- Arena Ferox being a stage

And that's about it.

Edited by Anacybele
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Why do you say this? Sure, they man not look exactly like Mega Man, but they clearly take inspiration from him. In terms of abilities, Model ZX is basically MMX with a saber attached, and Model A is basically MMX with a homing shot and a Giga Attack (though X had those too). They both also have the ability to transform, which is the ZX series take on the copy weapon system(much like the Battle Chips and Cards are the takes of the BN and SF series).

Just because the name is a title in the ZX series doesn't change the fact that they are called Mega Man when biomerged.

(Oh, and btw ZX isn't the only series with multiple Mega Men. MML has Mega Man Juno as well, and you could argue that the name is meant as a title there too)

I think his point is that all of those are based on Mega Man X. For the Final Smash they seem to have picked Classic Mega Man (...obviously) and all incarnations that were directly based off of him. You might not like it, but that's how it appears to be.

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Hey, as long as I can play as him, I'm fine. Though I wouldn't like not being able to start out with any of my mains. The rest are unlockable too, or at least were. xP (Luigi, Toon Link, Marth)

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