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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Greninja is there to represent GEN 6. Besides, what about MewTwo?

Charizard and Lucario being Mega represent gen 6 well enough, where are our gen 3 and 5 reperesentives then? Mewtwo is a special case. I'd give him more of a pass considering his Melee appearance

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Was this directed to my jab about Ike? I don't actually have a problem with lots of "swordies." It was more to point out that reducing Greninja and Squirtle to just being "bipedal water type attackers" is about as dumb as treating all swordsmen as if they're exactly the same.

No I thought someone wrote that most people complain about sword users being in the game but now I can't even find that post lol.

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719 if you include the upcoming Diancie. 721 for the remaining two non-revealed ones.

I did say offcially, but you're right considering everyone knows about them, luul. Might as well count them.

As for For Fun and For Glory, iunno.

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Charizard and Lucario being Mega represent gen 6 well enough, where are our gen 3 and 5 reperesentives then? Mewtwo is a special case. I'd give him more of a pass considering his Melee appearance

If Pokeballs count then latios and latias for gen 3. Victini for 5.

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If Pokeballs count then latios and latias for gen 3. Victini for 5.

I was going off of playable characters like you.

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"Ike doesn't bring anything new. He's just a swordsman, like Marth."

Did you even watch the trailer.

I did watch it, thanks. Swordfighting has all sorts of different styles. Shooting water? It all looks the same to me. Not to mention that you could swap Ragnell with a heavy club in Brawl and it'd still make sense.

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I did watch it, thanks. Swordfighting has all sorts of different styles. Shooting water? It all looks the same to me. Not to mention that you could swap Ragnell with a heavy club in Brawl and it'd still make sense.

I guess I forgot about the Water Shuriken or Substitute moves that Squirtle had.

I think that Greninja is less of a "water type" than he is of a typical ninja moveset.

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I guess I forgot about the Water Shuriken or Substitute moves that Squirtle had.

I think that Greninja is less of a "water type" than he is of a typical ninja moveset.

Where was it shown that Substitute is part of Greninja's moveset? But you're right, I did forget that it's also part Dark type.

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Heeeeeey, you guys think there's any chance for Fire Emblem items? :o

Staves would be funny. Whacked with a staff, heehee.

and statboosters

To be fair, her birthday is the day Ankokuryuu to Hikari no Tsurugi (FE1) launched in Japan.

Exactly. "FE's anniversary". ...Doesn't really mean anything, though. We just have hope.

Pay attention, Neal.

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I would love to see Einherjar cards so more of FE's characters and games have some representation. And the Vulnerary as a healing item. :3

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Where was it shown that Substitute is part of Greninja's moveset? But you're right, I did forget that it's also part Dark type.

About 1:52 in his trailer. Mario reflects a Water Shuriken that Greninja uses to activate Substitute. It seems to be his counter, working more like the ninja 'body replacement' technique than a normal Substitute.

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@Fun vs. glory

I'll be more likely to go For Glory mode....though I wish it didn't make every stage into just FD. Some platforms would be nice.

Where was it shown that Substitute is part of Greninja's moveset? But you're right, I did forget that it's also part Dark type.

In the trailer

He used it after his Water Shuriken is caped.

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He used it after his Water Shuriken is caped.

Oh, I must have missed it.

And the Einherjar list I have in mind (given that Marth, Ike, and Chrom are playable)

- Titania

- Soren

- Ranulf

- Black Knight

- Elincia

- Ashnard

- Micaiah

- Sothe

- Ashera

- Jill

- Ephraim

- Eirika

- Seth

- Innes

- Franz

- Vigarde

- Lyon

- Eliwood

- Hector

- Ninian

- Marcus

- Florina

- Nergal

- Sain

- Raven

- Roy

- Lilina

- Cecilia

- Zephiel

- Shanna

- Wolt

- Alan

- Leif

- Finn

- Sigurd

- Seliph

- Dierdre

- Julius

- Caeda

- Catria

- Est

- Palla

- Minerva

- Marach (sp?)

- Jagen

- Medeus

- Alm

- Cellica

- Lucina

- Frederick

- Cordelia

- Sumia

- Morgan (both genders)

- Avatar (both genders, default design, if he/she isn't playable)

- Grima

I don't know of as many FE1/2/3/4/5 characters as other games, so forgive me if I left out people who should be here. xP

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Since Lyn is an assist trophy again, I don't see that Einherjar thing happening

I mean, if they would make something like that, she would probably be one, not an assist trophy, I guess

Would be cool to at least have some more FE stuff there, though :/

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Use the Fire Emblem as a shield. Chrom did it.

He moreso just "wore" it as a shield. Both he and Lucina block attacks with their weapons. But SSB says "screw canon" anyway.

There's already that "back shield". It could mean either: A) there's already a shield, no need for another one; or B) there's a shield so another shouldn't be difficult to implement.

Would be cool. Or maybe it acts like an assist trophy and summons both Naga and Grima. To what end, I don't know; haven't thought that far yet. Or, or, it allows you to open crates/etc by just being near them instead of having to attack/throw them. xD

DUDE, Tellius Fire Emblem can be "worn" and summons Yune/Ashera/Ashunera after you take/deliver enough damage. And it's like the dragoon parts in the sense that other people can nab it before the summoning threshold is reached.

Uh... I'm getting carried away.

Should add Alondite with the Shockwave attack

Sorta kinda like the Star Rod.

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I think Lyn coming back as an AT pretty much deconfirms any possible Einherjar appearance.

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