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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Still hoping for Isaac and Shulk. Along with Palutena.

Seeing as none of the three were shown as assists I'm a little happy about that.

In terms of FE it would be so refreshing if it weren't a lord but I feel the only two non lords with even a ghost of a chance are Tiki and Anna due to a lot of appearances

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I really like the whole wireframe Mac they have going on, does anyone else think they'll have different colors of it? Like the frame itself in red or blue?

If it's anything like Wario's from Brawl, then yeah, I'd bet on it.

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I definitely think you guys are reading too much into the trophy reveals if you're interpreting it as character foreshadowing. More likely than not, Sakurai probably just wanted to show off the trophies. He clearly enjoys making them, judging by the lighthearted descriptions they usually have.

I'm still rooting with you guys for Isaac and Shulk, though. Isaac in particular would make a great fighter IMO with all the unique Psynergy spells he's got. (Palutena I don't actually care about that much...? TBH I feel like she might hog a spot on the roster similar to how people thought ROB did in the last game... I just can't imagine what she'd bring to the table. Then again I never did play KIU so what do I know? *shrug*)

I really like the whole wireframe Mac they have going on, does anyone else think they'll have different colors of it? Like the frame itself in red or blue?

If it's anything like Wario's from Brawl, then yeah, I'd bet on it.

Actually I doubt it. By the looks of it, Wireframe Mac is only textured differently, unlike classic VS biker Wario, which had completely different character models. So far the only character that we know parallels the outfit thing Wario had going on is the WFT with the male/female variants.

Edited by BANRYU
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I think the Black Knight as a playable character would be AWESOME, considering he's one of the few villains that would be in the game, with Bowser, Ganondorf, Wolf, and Ridley only. (Apologies if I missed anyone.) Too many heroes. Also, imagine a trailere for him that has him fighting Ike, announcing both of them at once. (Ana's gonna love that.)

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Also, imagine a trailere for him that has him fighting Ike, announcing both of them at once. (Ana's gonna love that.)

OMG, I'd freaking EXPLODE! :D

It's my favorite FE hero and my favorite FE villain!

Also, isn't King Dedede a villain too? Despite that he doesn't really look like one, imo? :P

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Wire frame Mac isn't a simple recolor either though, like other characters always had.

Actually... um... yeah, he is.

Just because he has bits that are see-through doesn't mean anything. Wireframe Mac is still the same Little Mac model with a different texture. It's not the same as the two Wario / WFT variants at all.

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Um, no, he isn't. He's not in his normal outfit in this case, so it's not a simple recolor. A simple recolor is like Mario and Luigi donning their Fire Flower colors. They still have their overalls, long sleeve shirts, and hats, just in different colors.

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Stop Ana, youre making me want to replay the Tellius games! :P Black Knight would be great in Smash. Sadly the moment for that to happen was Brawl and it didnt. Here's to hoping though. I think Palutena would be quite unique actually, Banryu. She has a shield and a lance/staff I think. The game needs lances.

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...So anyway.

EDIT @ PKL: Yeah, I admit a lancefighter-type character would be pretty cool. And Smash DOES need more female types...

Chalk my skepticism up to ignorance, then. @___@

I've been thinking a bit about what I said about Ridley and the whole 'Alfonzo principle' thing... And another, much simpler reason occurred to me for why we're not being shown Ridley directly. I think it's entirely possible that Other M Ridley as a stage hazard is just plain unfinished, whether texturally, or in his movements (which look a bit jumpy from his shadow in the NDD vid) or whatever. Now I'm thinking that maybe Sakurai's not planning anything at all; maybe he just wanted to show Ridley, but he wasn't ready to be shown so he did that. *shrug*

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The only problem I have with the Black Knight being playable is...

How could he jump?

Sure, he can use warp powder as his up-special, but I can't imagine a tall guy in a huge suit of armor jumping more than 1 cm from the ground XD

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Black Knight can apparently move surprisingly fast in that armor according to Ranulf, so I wouldn't be surprised if he could jump a good height. Besides, Bowser can jump in that massive shell of his. :P

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If there's anything that's gonna keep BK from being playable, it's NOT that. If the guy is strong enough to heft that sword around like it's nothing and move quickly in that armor, I can have enough suspended disbelief to see him jumping.

Cue me being a complete spoilsport under the cut. If you're just speculating on the Black Knight for fun then save yourself the trouble of reading. ~3~

No, he's most likely not going to be in because the FE series isn't significant enough on the whole to warrant more than 2-3 of the primary protagonist characters being in. It's just like any other series in SSB-- the big franchises (Mario/Zelda/Pokemon/Kirby/heck even Star Fox apparently) are the only ones that will feature their villain characters. Fire Emblem has the misfortune of having a metric crapton of characters, with very few of them (Marth being the main exception) ever getting any significant time in the limelight. Black Knight is up there as one of the more significant FE villains/characters, for sure, but he also has to compete with the numerous FE lords for a roster spot. Marth and Chrom/Lucina/Avatar if you're delusionally optimistic are givens based on what we know, and IF Fire Emblem has a third spot, it'll most likely go to Ike; the only way BK would get in is if there were four roster spots allocated to Fire Emblem (and even THEN BK would have to compete with like Lyn/Roy/Hector etc).

In short, playable Black Knight isn't happening. I sincerely doubt it.

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Yeah but that's what I'm saying-- there's no way Fire Emblem will get four roster spots. =w=;; If it was, Lyn would doubtlessly be considered since she's been an Assist Trophy already (and if Mac is any indication, that seems to give characters a bit of a better chance). But anyway, that's just more fruitless speculation.

Yeah it IS fun to imagine things like that I admit, even though I tend to refute them the majority of the time lol...

I had a dream once where Latios and Latias were DLC characters in Brawl, and they seemed super fun to play. Even though they'd never get in (there are just too many other Pokemon for them to compete with), it's still fun to imagine.... *___*

@ Sety, Ike had the enemy character palette in Brawl and it's likely that Marth and the Awakening representative will have that too. That not good enough for you?

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Unfortunately I discussed the problem with FE having a villain representative. ~3~ I agree it'd be cool, but....

Anyway weapon type doesn't mean anything. Sakurai has shown time and time again that if he wants to make a character work, he can.

*cries in the corner over Ridley*

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Um, no, he isn't. He's not in his normal outfit in this case, so it's not a simple recolor. A simple recolor is like Mario and Luigi donning their Fire Flower colors. They still have their overalls, long sleeve shirts, and hats, just in different colors.

The point he's trying to make is that in order to make a Wireframe Mac alternate, it doesn't require to make a new Little Mac model from scratch like it was with the two Warios in Brawl and WFT in this game. It's not a TRADITIONAL recolor, sure, but still a recolor in the technical aspect since it can be achieved by adding and removing colors (and transparency) into the character model.

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Final Destination. It DOES look like Soul Calbur and Soul Edge, really. Also, chicken leg in the air.

Imagine this. Ike and the Black Knight fighting, announcing both of them at once. But wait, there's more! There's Siegfried too! Why? Because 1. Namco character, 2. He's Siegfried.

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Hey, I'm not complaining about some SC inspiration in Smash Bros.! I love both! Though the only SC game I've played is the second. It's the only one that got released on a Nintendo console as far as I've seen.

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Well...I hope a Soul Calibur character doesnt make it in or Ill flip some tables. I'd prefer anything from Namco EXCEPT a soul calibur character.

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