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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

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  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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That looks like an awesome stage, it looks like it represents FE better than castle siege did. Arenas were in a lot of FE games, right? I'm a little uneducated on the subject. I know they were in the gameboy titles, but I don't want to be saying things that aren't true.

I never said anything about Ike back when he was revealed to be returning; I like the newer design, the muscles suit him. I don't really know, I was kind of hoping he wouldn't come back because he sort of writes off my most wanted character; Magnus, as really unlikely. We can't have multiple big, bulky swordsmen running around smacking people, that'd be redundant and I doubt Sakurai would revisit having similar characters like that. Nonetheless, he looks cool and I'm sure he'll be fun to play as, but, eh, it's ambivalent for me. Not hating on Ike

Edited by Spiky
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The only FE games that don't have arenas, to my knowledge, are the Tellius games. Which actually would give Sakurai an excuse to add another Wii U FE stage that DOES represent Tellius. I hope he does this, as Ike needs a place where he can feel right at home! Literally if it's the mercenaries' fort. XD

Edited by Anacybele
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The only FE games that don't have arenas, to my knowledge, are the Tellius games. Which actually would give Sakurai an excuse to add another Wii U FE stage that DOES represent Tellius. I hope he does this, as Ike needs a place where he can feel right at home! Literally if it's the mercenaries' fort. XD

Watch the other one be Castle siege.

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Watch the other one be Castle siege.

That would be listed as a Brawl stage, since it IS a Brawl stage. I'm talking about a brand new stage. :/

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I'm hoping Falco comes back. D: He was a sub-main since Melee, I'll be sad if he doesn't return.

I feel like he probably has priority over Wolf, so unless Star Fox is only getting one rep, Falco's likely to return.

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Is this real?


That's Schemmel's real twitter and the tweets are definitely real, as seen here:


I suppose there's the possibility he's joking, but I doubt he'll do that as it could affect his job negatively.

Ineresting to note that Sean tagged Rob Paulsen in one of those Tweets.

(For those who don't know, he is the voice of Gray Fox in Twin Snakes and Brawl)



Possible hinting towards Snake returning?

Ha ha ha...
Doing the voice of Kakarot. With him participating has got to be a *thump* *thump* *thump* beyond belief. Even though that he has his own tropical isle by now. As he was a legend of his time! =D

A Devil Axe would be kinda interesting for smash. A powerful weapon that sometimes backfires. It would definitely add some chaos and that sounds like something Sakurai might do.

Let's hope so...

Thought there were arenas in FE1?

EDIT: There are.

You're right. There were


That had no exits.

The only FE games that don't have arenas, to my knowledge, are the Tellius games. Which actually would give Sakurai an excuse to add another Wii U FE stage that DOES represent Tellius. I hope he does this, as Ike needs a place where he can feel right at home! Literally if it's the mercenaries' fort. XD

He needs to have a stage from his own world. We've only had stages that weren't relevant to any FE era. Arena Ferox would be the first to be relevant to the series.

Edited by Bimbo
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I'm hoping Falco comes back. D: He was a sub-main since Melee, I'll be sad if he doesn't return.

You worry about your own hide, Falco's not going anywhere anytime soon.

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In all seriousness though, if we were to get another fire emblem map it should be something from FE10 since we got RD!Ike, perhaps Riban river, that one collapsing bridge, the tower of guidance or maybe Daein keep.

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Riven Bridge, you mean? Yeah, that would be neat! I'm starting to like the idea of the Greil Mercenaries' Fort or Tower of Guidance more though. But I'll be happy with any Tellius location as long as it's a good one! I just want one at all, really. :P

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I know this has probably been mentioned before, but what kind of changes do you guys anticipate for returning veterans that we haven't seen yet, like Meta Knight, Wario, Ice Climbers, Ness, Captain Falcon etc.?

I'm sure (or hoping, at least) that chaingrabbing gets removed from the ICs' roster. And, y'know, it's kind of weird... Meta Knight in Brawl actually doesn't feel at all like he does in games where he's playable. I'd like to see him play more like that, where he has a fast dash speed and relatively high gravity (in Nightmare in Dreamland and I think KSSU, he could dash and ascend faster than Kirby, but also fall faster and fly slower horizontally). Some more strong and deliberate sword strikes and fewer fast ones would be nice too, and I always thought it was weird that he didn't get the stabbity down-air like Toon Link has (another move that Meta Knight actually had in almost all his incarnations).

He probably won't be QUITE that different, but I'm sure he'll be more balanced, at least. Whatever changes they make, I'm pretty excited to find out. With any luck we'll see the full starting roster at E3, eh?

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There's lots of characters that can chaingrab in melee, but only a couple situational ones in Brawl. Still, the Ice Climbers aren't the only ones who can do it. And honestly, I don't know how you would stop that. Players will find a way when they have two controllable characters on screen. It can get pretty technical and creative though. I bet Rosalina will have some chaingrabs too, for the same reasons. Only down side to hers, I don't know Luma can grab or not. We'll see in time.

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Yeah, there weren't as many chain-grabs in Brawl, but they did exist. And even then, some characters who could do it could only do it against certain other characters. For example, Ike could only do it against someone slower than him, aka Bowser or Ganondorf. His side grab kicks the crap out of them. Literally. lol

And Meta Knight better damn well be balanced. He was the most overpowered character in Smash history. Had his OWN tier in the tier list, which not even Melee Fox had.

Edited by Anacybele
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That's only because Melee Fox and Falco are both as overpowered as Meta Knight, so Fox can't have his own tier. :P Okay not quite, but Fox/Falco are seriously overplayed and overpowered in Melee. I think they both have all positive or equal match-ups, like Meta Knight.

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Yeah, I wan't disagreeing with you. MK needs to go down a couple pegs. Hopefully he isn't over nerfed. I hope he's in the mid or maybe mid-high tier and not straight lat or anything.

Edited by Kyea
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Yeah, I'm tired of having trouble against him. xP

Though interestingly enough, I did better against the guy with Ike than Luigi. Probably because MK has a hard time KOing Ike while Ike is powerful enough to get rid of him in a good few blows.

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Yeah, part of the reason I brought up the way that Meta Knight handles in the Kirby series is because I think it would make him more balanced in general. o3o Some of Meta Knight's primary attributes that make him so strong in Brawl are his uber-fast attacks and his floatiness, which could be mitigated by making his attacks less blazingly fast and a little stronger per-hit and making him fall faster. Ehehe but I'm trying not to get TOO attached to that idea; I'm sure they'll balance him in one way or another, though. He's too well-known to be overpowered for them NOT to fix him, and I have little doubt that that's why it's taking so long for him to be re-announced.

Edited by BANRYU
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He play as a fast faller in Project M. Kinda like what you are describing from his games. He also gains the downward shooting stab for his down aerial (similar to Toon Link). Project M Meta Knight is still good, but definitely not overpowered anymore. However, Fox and Falco in PM are basically the same as they were in Melee. So I still don't like playing them...

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Yeah, Sakurai surely doesn't want anymore overpowered people at this point.

So, on another topic, I'd been saying that something tells me that just Chrom as an FE newcomer is just too predictable and unsurprising to happen. But maybe we're getting more than just him. It doesn't seem likely, but hey, Sakurai's been surprising us a lot lately, right? So if we were to get a fourth FE rep, who would you want? I'd go for Eliwood/Roy or Ephraim. Preferably Ephraim because lances and green hair rather than blue hair (or if his hair still looks blue to you, it's still pretty different from Ike and Marth's blues). :P

I'd prefer these guys over Chrom too for some more diversity. Though I'd pick the Awakening Avatar before I pick Roy or Eliwood, because magic and female option.

And if we get Ephraim or Eliwood or Roy, we'll have one FE rep for each era of the series' history. Marth for NES, SNES, and DS, Ike for GC and Wii, Ephraim/Eliwood/Roy for GBA, and Chrom/Avatar for 3DS. Wouldn't that be awesome? ^^

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Project M Meta Knight looks pretty cool. I like that his Dimensional Cape isn't absolute shit lol (hopefully that's one of the other things that gets fixed)

Hypothetically speaking, I guess I'd lean toward Ephraim or Micaiah or maybe even Seliph (variety be damned), but I think it's more likely that we won't get a third SSB rep than it is that we WILL get a fourth. TBH I kind of wonder if Chrom has the lasting appeal to be in the game, but Awakening WAS very commercially successful, so it's not super likely that he or Lucina won't be in. Definitely don't expect a fourth FE rep, though.

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