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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

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  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I'm also in the camp that thinks Micaiah would be a cool character, but I have zero expectation for her to be playable ehehe.

If someone from Awakening isn't in (doubtful), then we're probably not getting a third FE character at all.

I guess he refers to the Gematsu leak as well.

Probably, but I don't really put any stock in leaks and rumors, hahaha. No, I don't care how lucky or 'credible' they've been with past guesses.

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Not to mention the leak happened fairly early in development. By now, for all we know, Sakurai might have changed his mind about Chrom or Shulk or Palutena entirely.

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Except I'm not wrong. You yourself said that Sheik's gender is debatable. So there IS no right or wrong answer.

RFoF was talking about the SSB Sheik.

And as you mentioned before Ana, SSB doesn't follow the canon of the games that each person comes from. Whether or not Sheik is male or female in the canon of LoZ, she is in SSB

There. THIS is what RFoF meant, okay? In Smash, Sheik is female. In LoZ, its debatable, as her post already proved, with the wiki sources of BOTH.


Getting off that, I'm still hoping for something regarding Palutena. Its an absolute must!

Edited by The King
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I really kind of doubt that he'll show up, but if he does...well, whatever, it'll be hilarious either way. XD Maybe his Final Smash will be King Frost.

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There's a rumor that's going around that Jack Frost from Megami Tensei is gonna be revealed at E3. Thoughts?

Welp...... this is really something. I doubt it, but interesting choice, nonetheless

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There's a rumor that's going around that Jack Frost from Megami Tensei is gonna be revealed at E3. Thoughts?

... ... ...I would love Sakurai forever. Also, what? Where'd that come from?

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There. THIS is what RFoF meant, okay? In Smash, Sheik is female. In LoZ, its debatable, as her post already proved, with the wiki sources of BOTH.


Getting off that, I'm still hoping for something regarding Palutena. Its an absolute must!

Yes, but I think that because Smash has been known to make errors every now and then, I'm still allowed to call Sheik a man. Now yes, let's get off this subject already.

An SMT character? We're hearing rumors for a lot of newcomers lately, it seems. The Gematsu rumor already still has Chrom, Palutena, Shulk, the Chorus Men, and Mii in the waiting, and now an SMT character. I doubt ALL of them are getting in alongside the ones we already have. That would total up to 12 newcomers. Brawl had 13, I think. I doubt SSB4 will get nearly as many.

I do still hope that Mii is totally wrong though. Miis might work fine in Mario Kart, but Smash is a whole different ball game.

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Except I'm not wrong. You yourself said that Sheik's gender is debatable. So there IS no right or wrong answer.

If it's debatable and there's no right or wrong answer, why do you continually insist that you're right?

Just drop it, Ana, seriously. Nothing constructive is coming out of the whole Sheik discussion at all.

Gehhhhhh tomorrow can't come soon enough. x____X

Edited by BANRYU
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If it's debatable and there's no right or wrong answer, why do you continually insist that you're right?

Just drop it, Ana, seriously. Nothing constructive is coming out of the whole Sheik discussion at all.

There's no point arguing with him. Whenever Anacybele is proven wrong she wants to change the discussion because the previous one isn't going in his favour.

Besides the fact still stands, it has been proven with evidence that SSBB!Sheik if without a doubt female. Unless someone can find a quote of samurai contradicting himself of course. We all know it, and that is good enough.

Edited by Vicious Sal
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No, I wish to change the discussion because the debate is pointless, not because I've been "proven wrong."

Anyway, there's an issue with that article. It says that retailers list Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon for Wii U, but the screenshot on that Gamepad is from the original Luigi's Mansion. Dark Moon has no reason to be ported to the Wii U though, it's just fine as it is on the 3DS. Besides, fans are screaming for Luigi's Mansion 3, not an HD remake.

I also don't like the lack of Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem on that list and the listing of Mii on Smash Bros. I don't care for any of those newcomers listed, in fact. :( So I hope this is all wrong and that we get an FE newcomer...

Edited by Anacybele
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Hmm, whoever that anonymous tipster was for the ORAS stuff is at least somewhat wrong, considering that there isn't Mega Groudon and Mega Kyogre, but Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre. If the same tipster from the ORAS stuff is also tipping about Smash 4, I'm going to be very suspicious about what he or she says.

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Two things:

1) Anacybele is definitely wrong about Sheik and we all know this. She just doesn't want to admit she's wrong and wants to have the last word on the subject no matter what. Watch her reply to this post saying that she's not wrong and immediately want to end the topic.

2) If Atlus gets a character (which I guess is possible given their close relationship to Nintendo as of late), I feel it WILL be Jack Frost. He is essentially the company mascot, is a pretty recognizable character, and has been on plenty of Nintendo systems. Although I do think we'll see Pac-Man or the return of Snake before Jack Frost.

For the record, I do support Jack Frost. Hee ho.

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1) Anacybele is definitely wrong about Sheik and we all know this. She just doesn't want to admit she's wrong and wants to have the last word on the subject no matter what. Watch her reply to this post saying that she's not wrong and immediately want to end the topic.

Hahahahaha. Oh wow. Still, really. Do you people ENJOY making false assumptions about me?

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Well, E3 2014 has begun. Can't wait for tomorrow when we get the Nintendo stuff I actually care about. I wonder if there is going to be anything special about the Pic of the Day tonight.

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If Atlus gets a character (which I guess is possible given their close relationship to Nintendo as of late), I feel it WILL be Jack Frost. He is essentially the company mascot, is a pretty recognizable character, and has been on plenty of Nintendo systems. Although I do think we'll see Pac-Man or the return of Snake before Jack Frost.

I remember when we were on Skype voice call, someone said "Ike is confirmed" late at night.

I heard "Aigis confirmed".

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Well, E3 2014 has begun. Can't wait for tomorrow when we get the Nintendo stuff I actually care about. I wonder if there is going to be anything special about the Pic of the Day tonight.

I've been wondering this too, actually. I hope it's an awesome pic. ^^

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What are people's bets on Pic of the Day?

-A stage

-An item/Another Pokemon/An assist trophy

-Silly, miscellaneous image

-Showing new mechanic (steam, entry platforms etc.)

-Other ideas

-Nothing/Something after the video

I left a character out because I feel it's unlikely. I assume they would want to save any character reveals for their video. But I could be wrong. My best bet is another new mechanic thing. I want to see how expansive and polished the game is.

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As much as I'd love to see a Tellius stage, I doubt it'll be any stage. We just got two new stages last week, one of which was FE-related, so yeah. xP

I'm betting on either a silly miscellaneous thing, a new little mechanic, or nothing until after the conference. Sakurai probably wants to save the big stuff for the actual conference or the 90 minute Smash thing.

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I'm willing to bet the PotD itself will reveal nothing new, but it will show something like four characters looking straight at the camera, accompanied by some cryptic dialogue like "What's coming on E3 today? Tune in to the Nintendo Digital Event and find out!"

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In all seriousness though, if we were to get another fire emblem map it should be something from FE10 since we got RD!Ike, perhaps Riban river, that one collapsing bridge, the tower of guidance or maybe Daein keep.

We never have had an FE stage that is relevant to any of the eras.

Yeah, there weren't as many chain-grabs in Brawl, but they did exist. And even then, some characters who could do it could only do it against certain other characters. For example, Ike could only do it against someone slower than him, aka Bowser or Ganondorf. His side grab kicks the crap out of them. Literally. lol

And Meta Knight better damn well be balanced. He was the most overpowered character in Smash history. Had his OWN tier in the tier list, which not even Melee Fox had.

That's IF he makes the cut.

Yeah, part of the reason I brought up the way that Meta Knight handles in the Kirby series is because I think it would make him more balanced in general. o3o Some of Meta Knight's primary attributes that make him so strong in Brawl are his uber-fast attacks and his floatiness, which could be mitigated by making his attacks less blazingly fast and a little stronger per-hit and making him fall faster. Ehehe but I'm trying not to get TOO attached to that idea; I'm sure they'll balance him in one way or another, though. He's too well-known to be overpowered for them NOT to fix him, and I have little doubt that that's why it's taking so long for him to be re-announced.

This point may be valid.

Yeah, Sakurai surely doesn't want anymore overpowered people at this point.

So, on another topic, I'd been saying that something tells me that just Chrom as an FE newcomer is just too predictable and unsurprising to happen. But maybe we're getting more than just him. It doesn't seem likely, but hey, Sakurai's been surprising us a lot lately, right? So if we were to get a fourth FE rep, who would you want? I'd go for Eliwood/Roy or Ephraim. Preferably Ephraim because lances and green hair rather than blue hair (or if his hair still looks blue to you, it's still pretty different from Ike and Marth's blues). :P

I'd prefer these guys over Chrom too for some more diversity. Though I'd pick the Awakening Avatar before I pick Roy or Eliwood, because magic and female option.

And if we get Ephraim or Eliwood or Roy, we'll have one FE rep for each era of the series' history. Marth for NES, SNES, and DS, Ike for GC and Wii, Ephraim/Eliwood/Roy for GBA, and Chrom/Avatar for 3DS. Wouldn't that be awesome? ^^

Celica, Hector, or what you suggest...please.
We need a Magic, Lance, or Axe user.

Well, I do think it's kind of unlikely, but I don't think it's THAT farfetched for one reason. FE's 25th anniversary, as well as Ike's 10th, is next year. That's a pretty big FE moment right there, and considering Sakurai's love for FE, he just might acknowledge that with a fourth FE rep. Smash Wii U isn't due until practically December, which is right before 2015 would start, obviously, so yeah.

I'm also wondering if SMT x FE will acknowledge it lol. They could even throw in a bit with Ike that could have him say "I first picked up a sword ten years ago." XD

I don't know.
Nearly half the series never got ported is why that it isn't all that popular and why that we have never had more than two reps. But...FE Awakening's success may change that!

Shiiit yesss

I think it'll be similar to the most recent smash direct, they'll probably reveal a couple of returning veterans and one or two newcomers.

I really hope they give further info about Xenoblade 2, and probably give us hope about FE14, and plz more of The Last Story :D

I'm kind of "screw fe x smt" but who knows

If they plan to do that, let it be e-shop download only please. We don't want the series to die if the sales go bad again.

You overrate the importance of FE too much. Even with Awakening's "strong" sales, (I say "strong" because one million isn't really all that much) Fire Emblem still isn't as well known as other Nintendo franchises, so I doubt it will get three reps, let alone four.

Nobody knows it, because we didn't get nearly half the fucking series. Plus people are not into solving difficult problems and happen to find stratigizing boring. Well...younger audiences do.

Thing is, Star Fox is far more mainstream than Fire Emblem is. :P

Yes as we have ACTUALLY got the entire series like Pokemon.

Star Fox has a rep since the first SSB, while FE got only one rep in melee (shiit I forgot ROY sorry Jed :(), it's obvious why Star Fox deserved more reps than FE. FE is barely known by people, ppl actually has a reference for Fox, Falco and his companions but Marth (speaking about places out of Japan)? Ok fe11 but you know what I mean am I right?

Melee had two reps and Nintendo 64 had one rep.

You're right about that, my mistake. Though for awhile I really did think that Star Fox was dead and wasn't going to get another game. I could be proven wrong though, because hey, Kid Icarus got a new game after what, fifteen years? :P

Not to mention I see people ask for Star Fox and F-Zero once in awhile on Miiverse. I kind of forgot about that.

Just like Metroid did after it died for nearly a decade after Super Metroid.

But Smash already has Marth for a female FE character. Isn't that enough?


Have one of his alternate costumes with no pants and were all set.

I definitely want to see or hear something about a new Metroid. It's been 4 years since the last game, so it's feeling like a bit of a dead series right now. I've never really played much Star Fox, but I'm sorry for those fans that haven't had a new game in a decade.

Hopefully both of these series get proper representation.

It happens.

Doesn't mean that they are completely dead yet.

Sakurai can be mistaken too. He didn't know Adult Link couldn't use the boomerang back when the first Smash was made. And look at Sheik's build. Flat, masculine chest, no curves. Obviously a man's body. Zelda uses magic, so she transformed herself into a man. This is why I consider Sheik to be male.

But each to their own. I personally am surprised at how many people call Sheik a woman though.

Zelda could be a shapeshifter.

Going Xane here....XD

I assume IS would love to have any of its characters in SSB. After all, it's been the greatest advertisement for FE thus far. I know you feel strongly against it, but I doubt the people at IS feel the same way. But obviously, none of us here know how they feel or what they would want because we are not part of Nintendo/IS higher-ups/insiders... At least as far as I know... So any argument doesn't mean too much, other than personal opinion and desires. Naturally, this means my argument doesn't mean much either. After all, whatever they have for the game is already done at this point.

That being said, we still have no idea if FE gets a third rep, much less who it would be. Hopefully we get to learn this on Tuesday, so we can finally start putting many of these arguments to rest. Though I am hopeful for a third rep; no matter who it may be.

Also Meloetta. not much to say about it until I see it in action. It does make me wonder what other Pokemon we haven't seen yet. The amount of stuff and details they are putting into this game are amazing.

Hasn't been in April's E3 trailer like Keldeo and Meloetta has.
Only, because he will be playable. Duh. xP

Anyway, Meloetta is looking cute. ^^


Ho ho ho...

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I'm willing to bet the PotD itself will reveal nothing new, but it will show something like four characters looking straight at the camera, accompanied by some cryptic dialogue like "What's coming on E3 today? Tune in to the Nintendo Digital Event and find out!"

Yeah I could definitely see some group shot/general gameplay shot with a message like that. This seems the most likely.

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