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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I still believe that he made a lucky guess on the Wii Fit Trainer.


Rosalina is not a character you'd miss to reveal/leak.

Neither is Palutena, yet he didn't get her the first time.

Plus he did not flat out say Greninja and merely said XY Pokémon if you want to spit hairs at his leak. That's like saying Fire Emblem lord then having Chrom revealed.

Fun fact: Roy's data files in Melee literally call him "Emblem2." So it's not that surprising that at some point in SSB4's development, there was a placeholder for an X/Y Pokemon.

I don't mean to offend you, but I'm a skeptic. Like I said, unless Chorus Men is confirmed, I lack the faith in his crediblity.

Nothing wrong with being sceptical, but the points you raise against it are flawed.

and with 7+/11 of his predicted newcomers confirmed, there's not much left to be sceptical over.

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Didn't the leak come before Greninja was even revealed to be a Pokemon? Either the sixth gen choice wasn't finalized until after X/Y were released, or it was but the leaker knew nobody would know WTF a "Gekkouga" (Greninja's Japanese name... yes, I did just look that up on Serebii) was.

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and with 7+/11 of his predicted newcomers confirmed, there's not much left to be sceptical over.

Now you're being a bit too ridiculous. There is still quite a lot to be sceptical over, you and a few others are denying the evidence against him as 'Oh, Sakurai could change his mind about the DLC!' Which isn't actually a valid rebuttal, at least not if you don't consider Wii Fit being a lucky guess. The only outlandish guess right now was Wii Fit Trainer, otherwise quite a lot of people would've had 5+/11 newcomers predicted. His current prediction rate is simply above average.

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Couldn't someone just ask if Shulk is in the game? Would they accept those questions?

or they want to keep it as a secret
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or they want to keep it as a secret

I'm just wondering if they'd even acknowledge questions like that.

Also I like how Pyrosphere wasn't even in th he Smash tourney, you sneaky Sakurai.

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Apparently not. It's said that he said he "wants to keep making more games like these."

I'm so glad to hear this after hearing a long time ago that Brawl might have been the last Smash.

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So basically you're skeptical because he/she wasn't direct with who exactly it was?

Except that he has made no surprising predictions aside from Wii Fit and Chorus Men. Everyone revealed aside from those two had not been considered by most. Wii Fit helps his credibility but until I see Chorus Men, I find his crediblity to be 50/50 at best.

He made a prediction about Pac-Man who wasn't revealed until today before the game was announced last year. If he's saying that Pac-Man was under development at that time and Rosalina was not even in the mix, I find that fishy given that she was revealed before some of the characters, like Little Mac, whom we wanted more.

As for the Roy thing, that's a different story. He would have been a Veteran to Brawl, not a Newcomer. And he was planned but ultimately scrapped. As for the Greninja thing, the leak was made only a few hours before the direct. At that close proximity, vagueness don't cut it.

Like I said, it's just my skepticism. I'm not saying it totally impossible for him to be on the inside, but given the Rosalina thing I just mentioned and the vague Pokémon "leak", I still express my doubts firmly. If Chorus Men are confirmed, I will believe his credibility.

Edited by Naui
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Sakurai on balancing:

>4 people balanced Brawl by giving the characters grades

>New games has 12 people working solely on balancing

>Sakurai did all of the balancing alone in Melee

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Now you're being a bit too ridiculous. There is still quite a lot to be sceptical over, you and a few others are denying the evidence against him as 'Oh, Sakurai could change his mind about the DLC!' Which isn't actually a valid rebuttal, at least not if you don't consider Wii Fit being a lucky guess. The only outlandish guess right now was Wii Fit Trainer, otherwise quite a lot of people would've had 5+/11 newcomers predicted. His current prediction rate is simply above average.

Here's Sakurai's statement on DLC:

"At the current time we have no plans," Sakurai told me. "I consider my job at this point, and my main responsibility, to make the Wii U and 3DS versions the best and the fullest experience possible. That said, once finished, it's the type of thing we could take into consideration, but for now, you could consider DLC as not being in the cards."

Not a stretch at all to see that he might go for DLC at some point in development.

Also, what's with the 5+ out of 11? Mega Man, Villager, Mii Fighter, Pac-Man, Little Mac, WFT, and Palutena are confirmed, and he predicted all of them. That's 7. I added the plus because I admit Greninja doesn't add to his cred.

Also, keep working that Infinite monkey theorem for all it's worth. Still doesn't change that getting WFT right was a HUGE point in his favour.

As for the Roy thing, that's a different story. He would have been a Veteran to Brawl, not a Newcomer. And he was planned but ultimately scrapped.

I said Melee, not Brawl.

Edited by shinpichu
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Neal Ronaghan:

A competitive Smash player is trying to challenge Sakurai to see if he can win and help balance the game. Sakurai asked "have you ever made a game?"

Hahahaha holy shiiit

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Here's Sakurai's statement on DLC:

Not a stretch at all to see that he might go for DLC at some point in development.

Also, what's with the 5+ out of 11? Mega Man, Villager, Mii Fighter, Pac-Man, Little Mac, WFT, and Palutena are confirmed, and he predicted all of them. That's 7. I added the plus because I admit Greninja doesn't add to his cred.

Also, keep working that Infinite monkey theorem for all it's worth. Still doesn't change that getting WFT right was a HUGE point in his favour.

Except, the game isn't completed and even after shipping out 3DS, they still have to tune the Wii U version, so thinking about character DLC despite being a possibility, is still an off-choice. Maybe it'd help your point if you got times Nintendo has said they won't release DLC and then ended up doing it - if ever.

The 5/11 is clearly in reference to most peoples predictions. He is listing fan favourites for the game, of course when those fan favourites are announced, his numbers will go up. Just like many other peoples predictions. In fact, all of them a part from Wii Fit Trainer had people predicting them for Brawl.

No one said getting Wii Fit Trainer wasn't a huge point in his favour, but you're clearly ignoring any point against him as 'Oh, it's a possibility that Sakurai/Nintendo will change their mind' or 'Oh, he never said he predicted everyone!' or any other excuse possible. Yes, it's a possibility Nintendo are planning DLC characters later, but as of yet the evidence suggests against this.

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Regarding Greninja:

All of the characters to consider were on our internal roster from the beginning of development. We had a slot for a new Pokemon reserved, but did not way for X and Y. We decided to use Greninja well before X/Y came out, based on early reference drawings.

Just like I expected. Placeholder slot.

Gematsu is real.

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Fine. I'll concede the DLC point is iffy and doesn't help him. But most of the other issues against the Gematsu leaker are minor ones.

Regarding Greninja:

Just like I expected. Placeholder slot.

Gematsu is real.

And now I can say 8/11 instead of 7+/11. I guess this confirms the leaker is getting some of his info from old/outdated planning docs.

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Regarding Greninja:

Just like I expected. Placeholder slot.

Gematsu is real.


Doesn't that take from Gematsu's credence, since Greninja had been decided well in advance? The idea that it was stated as "X/Y Pokemon" was supposedly because they hadn't confirmed which one it would be, but they had.

Also, the way it says "a slot" suggests Greninja is the only new Pokemon.

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