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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Regarding my "Sakurai is going female crazy" comment, I didn't mean that as a bad thing. Though you have to admit, Sakurai is implementing playable females in SSB4 a lot more than he did in previous Smash games. I just wanted to coin it into a short term instead of going all technical and long with something like "Sakurai is really trying to implement playable females in this Smash Bros. much more than he did in previous Smash Bros. games."

Plus, I'm definitely all for Sakurai going female crazy if it means increasing the chances of getting the Super Scope 6 lady in as a playable character.

CECIL HARVEY. Play him like done in Dissidia. Neutral Special: Soul Eater. Forward Special: Saint's Fall. Up Special: Paladin Force. Down Special: Dark Flame. Tadee, tada, it's good to go. Highly unlikely, though just as likely as Black Mage if ANY Final Fantasy character were to join in.

I would actually be pretty psyched to see Cecil in Smash Bros. I mean, he's probably the most reasonable choice for a Square Enix rep in Smash Bros., due to his heavy ties with Nintendo (Final Fantasy is easily Square Enix's most popular franchise, FFIV was first playable on the SNES, he's the first FF lead with a heavily fleshed out story and personality rather than being a mostly blank slate like FF leads before him, his game got a full 3D remake on the DS that even changed the game engine, mechanics, and enemy attack patterns, and The After Years made its first game console debut on the Wiiware). Plus, I always liked the character and found him really cool, with his story of redemption and how his paladin form just exudes holiness with the white and blue colour scheme:


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Regarding my "Sakurai is going female crazy" comment, I didn't mean that as a bad thing.

I wasn't saying it was bad, just that it was inaccurate.

If it seems like I was nitpicking, sorry. It's just something a lot of people have been doing that bugs me.

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The San Diego Comic Con was how long ago...?

Well, I was watching a gameplay vid that happened to have Zelda in it (with her kicking butt too), though the Zelda player seemed to NEVER use her new Down Special (but I can't blame him since people have been saying it's pretty sucky).

Here's another Comic Con Wii U video if anybody cares:


It was two weeks ago. I actually got a chance to play SSB4 on the show floor any it was very awesome. I think the Villager is the most fun out of the new characters. Mega Man isn't really my style but it's just awesome to see him back in action. I didn't really like Greninja or WFT's movesets. Little Mac is all about timing the KO meter or whatever. I mainly tried to play as the newcomers. I played as Fox for a four player battle royal and the Landmaster won me a shirt.

Just preordered both versions of this game. I don't even have a Wii U yet!

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People want Ghirahim because he's a great villain, would be easy to do a moveset for, and he IS popular globally. Someone also posted awhile back that he's the most requested Zelda newcomer in Japan. He also has Fi's trophy backing him and she's his counterpart. And since Tiki foreshadowed Robin and Lucina, well...

Also, the pic of the day talks about Xerneas and Victini! Yay for Xerneas! It's cooler than Yveltal in every way imo. ^^

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To clarify with what Ana said, today's pic of the day shows off Xerneas' Geomancy and Victini's Victory Star ability. Victory Star raises the power of the fighter who summoned it, and gives him/her super armor. Geomancy raises the launching power (I'm assuming this means their attacks launch further than normal, making KOs at lower percentages than normal happen or whatever) of all fighters, especially the user.

Edited by Konnor97
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I was a bit on the fence before, but now, I see neither why people want OR expect Ghirahim. All he really has on his side is recency. He's not very important to the series he's in and he's not a highly-requested character. People who particularly like Skyward Sword may like him, but SS isn't among the more popular Zelda games in the first place.

Ghirahim could have a very interesting moveset. He shows a wide range of abilities in Skyward Sword including four types of base fighting style. Unarmed, single sabre, dual wielding and a great sword. If they seriously considered him they could make something very unique.

I would actually be pretty psyched to see Cecil in Smash Bros. I mean, he's probably the most reasonable choice for a Square Enix rep in Smash Bros., due to his heavy ties with Nintendo (Final Fantasy is easily Square Enix's most popular franchise, FFIV was first playable on the SNES, he's the first FF lead with a heavily fleshed out story and personality rather than being a mostly blank slate like FF leads before him, his game got a full 3D remake on the DS that even changed the game engine, mechanics, and enemy attack patterns, and The After Years made its first game console debut on the Wiiware). Plus, I always liked the character and found him really cool, with his story of redemption and how his paladin form just exudes holiness with the white and blue colour scheme:


I think in terms of representation a Chocobo would rep Square more. They are the closest thing Final Fantasy has to a mascot and a lot of Chocobo games have debuted on Nintendo consoles iirc. Of course I'd still be psyched if they decided to put Cecil in the game. Though personally even though they've split up the likes of Zelda and Pokemon Trainer, I'd like to see him have a transforming moveset. Maybe even have a completely different set of specials on the ground and in the air that transform him like in Dissidia.

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What Jotari said. Ghirahim just seems like he was MADE for Smash with how many options he has. He has teleportation, hand to hand combat, a projectile, a rapier-like sword, and a zweihander (basically a two-handed sword.

Not to mention that...

He can turn into a sword himself!

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What Jotari said. Ghirahim just seems like he was MADE for Smash with how many options he has. He has teleportation, hand to hand combat, a projectile, a rapier-like sword, and a zweihander (basically a two-handed sword.

Not to mention that...

He can turn into a sword himself!

He has an attack in his second battle where he disappears and slams down from above with both swords that just screams Down Aerial.

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Ghirahim? Eww. Ganon and Impa are imo what Zelda is missing (considering Zelda newcomer though).

Also, seeing Xerneas as a support pokemon makes sense seeing he represents Life and a conservative behaviour while I think it's fair for Yveltal to be shown using Oblivion Wing and spreading wreckage along the stage.

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Quintessence posted...

Ghirahim? Eww. Ganon and Impa are imo what Zelda is missing (considering Zelda newcomer though).

This. I sincerity doubt Ghirahim will ever get in. Not only is a newcomer for Zelda unlikely, Impa, Midna, Fi, or even Groose are more likely.

He's a one off (HW doesn't count, otherwise Agitha is magically not an NPC you can never meet the entirety of TP). He has as much chance as Zant in Brawl or even less than Vaati or Toon 'Dorf. I know Fi, Midna, and Groose are one offs, but they have popularity. Although Groose BETTER be in Hyrule Warriors or ima break something.

Shulk, a DK character, and a RH Rep are the only likely ones left. I think Cranky would make a great character. Better than K. Rool or Dixie.

(Personally, my dream roster is Shulk, Cranky Kong, Rhythm Girl, Sami, Chibi-Robo, and Prince Fluff, but the miracle ought never happen)

Edited by Maester Indigo
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As much as I love Midna, don't forget she's already deconfirmed since she's an Assist Trophy along with Tingle and Skull Kid.

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Girahim would be interesting to play as I think. Cecil would be pretty cool, I can see them doing Terra as well but I guess Cecil has had more fame on Nintendo consoles. Hell they could just straight up pull off Warrior of Light just to surprise everyone, and hey there's another retro. I don't think there's much possibility of an Enix rep in this installment, maybe a Bravely Default/Second/Third/whatever character when Smash 5 rolls around.

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So...not too much backlash on that. Good. So...after the Robin reveal, the last two characters I want are Isaac and Bandana Dee. (Ridley would just be icing on the cake) What are their chances, Serenes?

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Impa? Eww. Too similar to Sheik. And don't say she can be different, because you guys said the same about Lucina compared to Marth and Ike. I don't want another clone and I can see Sakurai making Impa one.

I don't see at all how Ghirahim has less chance than the characters you mentioned, especially since Fi has already been confirmed to be a regular trophy and Midna an assist. Groose is popular, but Ghirahim is just as popular, if not MORE popular. Just about every Zelda fan I meet says he's "fabulous" or something to that effect.

And I see the points about him being easy to give a moveset to and Fi's trophy possibly foreshadowing him were completely ignored.

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I would have liked Impa to replace Sheik too. Sheik has no relevance in the series anymore whatsoever, and I think the only reason he's playable in Hyrule Warriors (though as a woman ugh) is because he's in Smash.

Oh yeah, and Skyward Sword's popularity/sales mean nothing to Sakurai. He didn't care about Ike's games selling poorly, so why should he care about Skyward Sword not quite living up to its predcessors' sales? He's already added Skyloft as a stage, Skyloft Link as a costume for Link, and Fi as a trophy. And a couple Skyward Sword items. So yeah.

Edited by Anacybele
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I think it has been proven many times that "relevance" doesn't really matter as much as people may think when it comes to Smash.

Which is why I don't see Ghirahim really happening.

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At the end of the day a character who is fun to play as and fits the style of the game is and should be the most important thing when it comes to deciding a roster. Relevance, representation and popularity are just ancillary things. And this particular case I think Ghirahim would make a fun and interesting character to play as.

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I agree with Jotari. I don't think relevance is the most important thing. But when a character is relevant to their series, they're also pretty notable and recognizable. So relevance DOES have a little bit of importance.

Kids these days would probably go "who's this Sheik guy?" when it comes to Sheik, however, since Ocarina of Time came out in the 90s. Yes, there's the 3DS game, but those who didn't even play that will likely only recognize Link, Ganondorf, Zelda, and Toon Link.

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I don't want to imply relevance or popularity don't have some part to play. It's just not as important as being a fun character. What bothers me the most about Sheik, aside from not actually being a proper character from a game that is now sixteen years old, is that they draw next to nothing from what we actually seen Sheik do in Ocarina of Time. The only thing the bothered to take from the game was Sheik's Vanish recovery. They haven't represented the Harp like Hyrule Warriors is doing and didn't make use of the Deku Nuts occasionally used to disappear. They even could have done what they did with Zelda and give Sheik some other abilities Link displayed in Ocarina of Time but instead what we have is a 100% original moveset on a character we've never actually seen fight before (well up until Hyrule Warriors however). That's why I'd prefer a character who has much more relevance to the series overall and has made major recent appearances to inherit the moveset that makes Sheik fun to play.

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Yeah, I'm totally with you on that. Some of Sheik's moveset would have to be entirely original since he didn't have much to draw from to begin with, but yeah.

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I agree with Jotari. I don't think relevance is the most important thing. But when a character is relevant to their series, they're also pretty notable and recognizable. So relevance DOES have a little bit of importance.

Kids these days would probably go "who's this Sheik guy?" when it comes to Sheik, however, since Ocarina of Time came out in the 90s. Yes, there's the 3DS game, but those who didn't even play that will likely only recognize Link, Ganondorf, Zelda, and Toon Link.

Not looking for an argument here, but kids who haven't played SS either might not know who Ghirahim is either. I mean, I didn't know who he was until reading about it.

Though OoT is pretty old, the 3DS remake was well-liked by both reviews and just typical gamers. Though SS did seem to fair well, I've heard multiple people say it wasn't that great of a Zelda game (compared to others). But i haven't played it, just going by what I've heard.

EDIT: But I do welcome both Ghirahim and Impa, as I REALLY want a Zelda newcomer.

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Yeah, but I'd be willing to bet that more kids have played Skyward Sword than Ocarina of Time since it's more recent. You're still correct though.

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