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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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The rage when this play will be legendary.

It won't even be close to "legendary" considering anyone with half a brain can figure out its fake

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What are these "technical difficulties" they're describing? Yes, I'm humoring them.


1. They're setting up their troll video.


2. It will say "experiencing technical difficulties" forever and that's the "joke".

Edit: OK, wasn't expecting that.

For those of you who didn't watch, it was a blatantly fake video of Shadow the Hedgehog's head pasted on Mega Man's body (and Chrom's for a little bit).

Also, there was a thing with the Chorus Men and Paper Mario. Don't know where they got that footage from.

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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Can't you see how poorly photoshopped Shadow's head is?

I can't tell if this is a troll or if you legitimately didn't realize that the post you quoted was from yesterday and well before the troll video was shown.
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The quote that I referenced in my previous post came from a post that was made AFTER the video was posted here.

Edit: The fake Shadow video was posted at 5:14 am (UK time) and Ana's post was at 5:28 AM (UK time).

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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It's fake because it's a SHADOW trailer. Sakurai doesn't give third parties more than one rep. :P

And yeah, that's some poor Photoshop work. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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The quote that I referenced in my previous post came from a post that was made AFTER the video was posted here.

Edit: The fake Shadow video was posted at 5:14 am (UK time) and Ana's post was at 5:28 AM (UK time).

The video didn't actually appear until ~10 PM (UK time). Before then it was a countdown timer.

Edited by Konnor97
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It's fake because it's a SHADOW trailer. Sakurai doesn't give third parties more than one rep. :P

Did he ever actually say that he wouldn't?

I don't believe myself that third party franchises will get more than one character, but I also think that we shouldn't define strict rules based on random observations.

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Did he ever actually say that he wouldn't?

I don't believe myself that third party franchises will get more than one character, but I also think that we shouldn't define strict rules based on random observations.

I'm pretty sure it's one of Sakurai's rules. Sonic, Snake, Pacman, Megaman, they're all the only reps from their franchises. Plenty of evidence there.

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I'm pretty sure it's one of Sakurai's rules. Sonic, Snake, Pacman, Megaman, they're all the only reps from their franchises. Plenty of evidence there.

That doesn't say he'll only allow one rep from any third-party franchise, though, just that he didn't feel any others were worthy additions yet and/or it would make for too many third-party characters. While we can certainly expect not to see more characters from the same third-party series as another, we shouldn't see it as some "rule." Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Well, whatever then, I guess. :P I still don't think we'll get more than one rep for the same third party franchise, at least in this iteration of Smash.

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Tails or Knuckles, I could see, since Sonic IS a veteran, which rarely happens with third-party characters. In addition, if Capcom goes Bankrupt and Nintendo buys Mega Man, he's a first-party character, and someone like, say, Zero could come in. Pac-Man definitely won't have another character, but I think that he could stay around. I hope he does, because Pac-Man is just the best.

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Tails or Knuckles, I could see, since Sonic IS a veteran, which rarely happens with third-party characters. In addition, if Capcom goes Bankrupt and Nintendo buys Mega Man, he's a first-party character, and someone like, say, Zero could come in. Pac-Man definitely won't have another character, but I think that he could stay around. I hope he does, because Pac-Man is just the best.

I doubt any of them could get in SSB games as 3rd parties. Sakurai only lets in the most iconic 3rd party characters in all of gaming, which typically means main characters of groundbreaking franchises like Sonic, Mega Man, and Pac-Man. Snake was kind of a fluke, as far as I can tell, though his series is obviously very popular and long-running. People like Tails, while definitely very popular and important within their series, are nowhere near as important as Sonic and Pac-Man to gaming as a whole. It's not a stated rule of SSB, or anything, and Sakurai has a long history of doing whatever he feels like (I do love his unpredictability) but when people like Rayman aren't getting in I doubt we'd get Zero or Knuckles.

If any of the series were owned by Nintendo this would obviously be different, but they're not going to be in the foreseeable future, so I don't think we'll be seeing any more of the Sonic or Mega Man characters outside of assist trophies/stage-cameos.

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snake would not have happened if it weren't for sakurai's longtime personal friend asking him personally for it

said friend was the creator of mgs anyway

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snake would not have happened if it weren't for sakurai's longtime personal friend asking him personally for it

said friend was the creator of mgs anyway

Yeah, that's why I called it a fluke, although it would be unwise to completely rule out something like that from happening again in any future installments.

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Yeah, that really sucks. I always wanted Nintendo to get Capcom to make more Four Sword Zelda games. But I guess they can have another company do it since someone else did OoT 3D. ^^

And besides that, someone can just buy out Capcom like Atlus got bought. I still don't think any third parties are getting more than one rep in this Smash game though.

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Yeah, that really sucks. I always wanted Nintendo to get Capcom to make more Four Sword Zelda games. But I guess they can have another company do it since someone else did OoT 3D. ^^

And besides that, someone can just buy out Capcom like Atlus got bought. I still don't think any third parties are getting more than one rep in this Smash game though.

Falgship, which was part of Capcom, only made the first Four Swords (and made The Minish Cap but that's only a Four Swords game to the extent that it has the Four sword and Vaati). Nintendo themselves made Four Swords Adventures and the team they pawned Ocarina of Time 3D onto made the free expanded Four Swords port so if Nintendo want to make another Four Swords game Capcom doesn't have to be involved in the slightest. I'd love if they did make a Four Swords game. They previous ones didn't live up to the potential they could have since wireless connections wasn't big back in the day. With how easy it is to connect system together today and online wifi a well made Four Swords game could be really, really good.

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And besides that, someone can just buy out Capcom like Atlus got bought. I still don't think any third parties are getting more than one rep in this Smash game though.

I think what Ninian meant was that, if Nintendo buys Capcom (I don't think it's going to happen, but you never know), Mega Man and all the other Capcom franchises will be second parties instead of third parties so that additional Mega Man characters will be possible in future Smash games.

Then again, if someone like Sony or Microsoft makes the purchase, we'll never see Mega Man in Smash again (hopefully they would work out some deal so that all evidence of his franchise wouldn't have to be removed from the SSB4 games at the last second and force long delays).

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I think what Ninian meant was that, if Nintendo buys Capcom (I don't think it's going to happen, but you never know), Mega Man and all the other Capcom franchises will be second parties instead of third parties so that additional Mega Man characters will be possible in future Smash games.

Screw additional Mega Man characters, I'd rather have someone like Leon S. Kennedy, playable instead.

Best thing to happen if Nintendo bought Capcom would be the sudden presence of Ace Attorney in Smash.

Which would be something I do want more than anything (with the exception of a playable K.Rool).

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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