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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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nothing wrong with double posting, you should see my occasional quadruple posts in the character contest threads!

My former mod/admin tenancies on Myffnet a final fantasy forum kind of got me into the habit of never double posting xD. Had to set a good example

Edited by Folgore Red II
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(attempts to give the picture witty captions)

The Villager sure looks off balance and out of it thanks the pot he's got on him. (crickets chirping)

Anyways, I'm liking the Pilotwings level more and more with each screenshot of it.

I'm wondering if we'll actually get a Pilotwings character, though. I'm definitely not against the idea since a Pilotwings character could be really unique in terms of the moveset, plus Pilotwings got shafted really badly in the past three Smash Bros. in terms of representation.

Edited by Randoman
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Anyways, I'm liking the Pilotwings level more and more with each screenshot of it.

I'm wondering if we'll actually get a Pilotwings character, though. I'm definitely not against the idea since a Pilotwings character could be really unique in terms of the moveset, plus Pilotwings got shafted really badly in the past three Smash Bros. in terms of representation.

Not sure if we'll get a Pilotwings character the rumored Mii may use it as a home stage if they are confirmed though

New Picture


Kirby looks like he is in space, could this be a possible hint to a Mario Galaxy stage? [star Fox [New Great Fox Stage] Kirby [the Area you fight Marx] and Metroid also apply]

Edited by Folgore Red II
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That new level's background looks awesome. I'm quite sure it'd be from Super Mario Galaxy, since it's too colourful (especially with all the blue) and unrealistic to be from Starfox or Metroid, it's not cartoony enough to be from Kirby (which would have much bigger stars and purple in the night sky), and the stars and the blue in the night sky strongly resemble Super Mario Galaxy's background. Either that, or it's Final Destination and that's one of the background phases.

Not sure if we'll get a Pilotwings character the rumored Mii may use it as a home stage if they are confirmed though

Ah, that's true. Though I feel if Miis were in, their home stage would be better suited to something like the Sports Resort (since Miis and the Wii Sports series are synonymous with each other), rather than a level from a game series that didn't originate with Miis in it (like Pilotwings).

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Here's Sakurai's description for the PotD:

Pic of the day. Isn't Kirby drawn with a familiar artsy style?

Could this mean that individual stages could have unique graphical effects?

Edited by shinpichu
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Pleasepleaseplease let that be an SMG stage! [/crosses fingers]

I really think it would be cool if it was the Observatory but with like other space based Nintendo things flying through the background as well as some Mario Galaxy stuff :D

I'm still crossing my fingers for a Bowser Castle or Airship stage alongside a Galaxy stage haha

Ah, that's true. Though I feel if Miis were in, their home stage would be better suited to something like the Sports Resort (since Miis and the Wii Sports series are synonymous with each other), rather than a level from a game series that didn't originate with Miis in it (like Pilotwings).

Pilotwings Resort stars Mii's if I recall. But yeah they didn't originate in it

Could this mean that individual stages could have unique graphical effects?

That would be pretty awesome if each stage gave off a different vibe like that.

Edited by Folgore Red II
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Not sure if we'll get a Pilotwings character the rumored Mii may use it as a home stage if they are confirmed though

New Picture


Kirby looks like he is in space, could this be a possible hint to a Mario Galaxy stage? [star Fox [New Great Fox Stage] Kirby [the Area you fight Marx] and Metroid also apply]

I would not mind that as long as the Mii had some pilot wings based attacks.

I think it's a Galaxy stage. The shading on Kirby is something though. I think Galaxy is guaranteed a stage. 3D Mario's always get a stage, and Smash always reflects the previous generation.

Edited by Viewtiful_J
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Oh, PLEASE BE A SUPER MARIO GALAXY STAGE! Those two games deserve to have a stage! :D

I think it's a Galaxy stage. The shading on Kirby is something though. I think Galaxy is guaranteed a stage. 3D Mario's always get a stage, and Smash always reflects the previous generation.

Both of these statements are quite true, it was pretty much a no brainer to get a Galaxy stage haha ^^;

A music track of Mario Galaxy I want to hear in this smash is this


In general Mario themes I want to hear this

And if IS and Sakurai decide to put any Paper Mario stuff in.. Well I'd have alot more music for that xD

Edited by Folgore Red II
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I think the white accents on Kirby confirms it, as well as the stars looking similar to the Galaxy Art. My guess is the stage itself is called gateway galaxy and the background moves around to different locations in the game.

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No stage hazard Ridley yet, hope it stays that way. *fingers crossed*

Also have my fingers crossed for that same thing, do you think that lava stream is just for show or do you think it may go towards the stage?

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Also have my fingers crossed for that same thing, do you think that lava stream is just for show or do you think it may go towards the stage?

There's really not much that happens here in Other M except for a boss battle and major retcons. But they might do something with the lava, the Metroid stages love their lava. Overall I think this is a beautiful stage, and I hope we get less camera restrictions in the next game so we can look around. Edited by Knight
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There's really not much that happens here in Other M except for a boss battle and major retcons. But they might do something with the lava, the Metroid stages love their lava.

Ah alright, good to know.

Also wasn't this stage used in the Dead or Alive game on the 3DS? I seem to recall hearing about that.

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Ah alright, good to know.

Also wasn't this stage used in the Dead or Alive game on the 3DS? I seem to recall hearing about that.

I heard the same thing, but I'm not a fan of Dead or Alive, and don't think I will be anytime soon. Team Ninja helped develop Other M, which is the reason why that stage would be in the game.
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I heard the same thing, but I'm not a fan of Dead or Alive, and don't think I will be anytime soon. Team Ninja helped develop Other M, which is the reason why that stage would be in the game.

Sounds right, I'm a DoA fan somewhat I also really like the Ninja Gaiden series but that isn't here or there.

There any Metroid music you hope makes it in from any game in particular?

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Sounds right, I'm a DoA fan somewhat I also really like the Ninja Gaiden series but that isn't here or there.

There any Metroid music you hope makes it in from any game in particular?

Phenandra Drifts from Metroid Prime, in fact, I'd love the stage itself to appear in HD, looking out over Phenandra was one of the best moments of the game visually, and the music is incredibly atmospheric. Also the Ridley theme from Other M and I think that's it.

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