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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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">shulk’s face is edited from little mac

I've seen many different comparisons regarding this issue. It isn't the case. Shulk just has one of those faces that look so generic it could've been ripped from almost anything (not limited to Smash)

>the clones aren’t with their respective franchises

Maybe Sakurai is dumping all the (semi) clones in one corner. I don't know, I'm not part of the development team

>wario’s model is from the brawl reveal trailer

I actually haven't seen a comparison. Can you link for us, please?

>that’s a screenshot of FFA with no mii fighters slot on it

Customisation in that screenshot was off, so the Mii characters may not have appeared on the CSS. Maybe it got replaced with random? Don't know, I'm not a part of the development team

>Dr. Mario is shooped from an image from deviantart

This actually isn't the case. Or at least not 100% true. The comparison I've seen that best fits the shopped theory is that of an official Mario render, just slightly altered

>bowser jr’s model is shooped from a bit of promotional art

Haven't seen anything about this. Though I do recall seeing a bucketload of comments saying the cursor being over Bowser Jr. automatically debunks some of it

>yoshi is between two mario characters"

This is the only thing I've seen that debunks this. Characters in Brawl (not sure about Melee) have some sort of number on the CSS that determines where they appear on the CCS. As you unlock new characters if they fit between two numbers that characters on the CSS are designated to they'll slot in between this. This is why the starting roster for Brawl has characters not fitting in groups within their franchises, but once you've unlocked everyone every character within a franchise group together in an obvious way. Yoshi is seen as his own franchise (he has an egg icon instead of a mushroom), which means Rosalina and him should be swapped on that roster

Pulled from tumblr. I don't think G&W's hand is going into Wario I think it's just Wario's shoulder blending in perfectly, but still it's fake for reasons stated.

This is true

Apparently along with this select screen, they said Lucas, Chorus Kids, Ice Climbers, Wolf, and Snake are DLC.

Responses are in bold

I'm not sure whether I think this reveal is true or false (ESRB don't play games; they're sent clips from the games that are seen as the most extreme parts of the game, and declare the rating based off them), but I will say one thing: the render for Duck Hunt Dog is bloody amazing

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There's no Ice Climbers.

They could be cut. Sakurai had mentioned early in development that they were having issues with characters like the ICs on the 3DS.

My biggest call out, which I'm surprised on one else has brought up is "Where are the Mii fighters?

The Mii Fighters could be selected separately from the other characters. Most other games that use Miis have something similar. IDK though, I could be wrong.

-Lol on the Duck Hunt Dog, but seriously, that alone makes this list fake on all accounts.

Dismissing a rumoured roster (not sure what to call this, but I'm sure as hell not going to call it a "leak" until it's confirmed) just because you think X or Y character is "too WTF" or "could never be in" is ludicrous. People dismissed Melee and Brawl's leaked rosters (yes, both games had legit leaks) because of things like Roy(who people didn't even recognize at the time), G&W, ROB, and no Mewtwo. There are plenty of reasons to be doubtful of this rumour, but IMO it shouldn't be because of your thoughts on the quality of the roster.

Also, I don't think that this has been posted yet: http://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/2e1ha4/newest_leak_has_incorrect_distortion/

Worth noting that that does not looks like the final roster. The way the bottom rows are arranged makes it look like, if this is legit, that not all the playable characters have been unlocked yet. Why someone would leak an incomplete roster, I don't know, but that's just what it looks like to me.

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Within the confines of Smash Wario's WarioWare and standard Plumber's outfit are examples of alternate costumes because there are model differences like the hat and whatnot. Palette swaps are what every smash character has had since 64 where it's the same base model, but there is a different coloration.

Ness' Mr Saturn Shirt is technically a palette swap since there is no change to the base model of Ness. It's hard to say if Link's Skyloft outfit is a alternate costume, but since he still has his trademark hat and the outfit is still his tunic, it's technically a palette swap. If he lost the hat and the clothes was more exact to his in-game Skyloft outfit, then I'd say he has an alternate costume.

So far for Smash 4, Villager and Wii Fit Trainer has alternate costumes due to their different genders, Little Mac has his track suit, and ZS Samus has her Zero Mission outfit

That I love! :D

True, and I actually don't think this outfit is as bad as some of the ones in Awakening (namely Tharja's and Tiki's). So yeah, you're right.

Their's were too revealing. -.-

I wouldn't mind duck hunt dog, but seriously, this is fake, for reasons pointed out. Anyone who does have a copy of the new Smash Bros. is going to upload many more photos than this.

Already 16 competists has got the game from the tournament! =D
No spoilers. At least we have some respecting folks.

They could be cut. Sakurai had mentioned early in development that they were having issues with characters like the ICs on the 3DS.

The Mii Fighters could be selected separately from the other characters. Most other games that use Miis have something similar. IDK though, I could be wrong.

Even if they're cut, hackers can still bring them out some with their unused finished coding being in the game! Like having fun with Melee's debug using an Action Replay Max. :D

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Yay, forums are back. I seriously doubt that that roster is real for most of the reasons specified (excluding the characters themselves (DHD)). And goodness the stuff I've seen on /v/ about this is just stupid.

Anyway, kinda sucks that Ghirahim is unconfirmed, but whatever, it was doubtful Zelda would get a non-Ganondorf villain in the first place. I just hope Ganondorf has something resembling his HW design, because I think he looks cool. And geeze I forgot Ghirahim's tongue was that long, if it was that long in the first place.

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Dang it, I was trying to post the update earlier, but it wouldn't save the post.

I'm happy Ghirahim is in the game at all, even if he's not playable. :D Assist trophy is the next best thing, so yeah!

Still, I think this means one of two things. Impa is the Zelda newcomer (ugh), or there's no Zelda newcomer and the Fi trophy was actually foreshadowing Ghirahim's assist trophy status.

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here's the update. The reaction to it is pretty funny.

Yaasss! Ghirahim assist trophy has to be awesome. I bet he blocks a blow or something and then does the tongue thing. Who doesnt love that tongue thing?

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Dang it, I was trying to post the update earlier, but it wouldn't save the post.

I'm happy Ghirahim is in the game at all, even if he's not playable. :D Assist trophy is the next best thing, so yeah!

Still, I think this means one of two things. Impa is the Zelda newcomer (ugh), or there's no Zelda newcomer and the Fi trophy was actually foreshadowing Ghirahim's assist trophy status.

I really doubt they'd use the trophy to foreshadow Ghirahim as an assist trophy. That's extremely anticlimactic. I'd say it's Impa or a revamped Ganondorf, but money on the former. And of course, that's only if there's merit to the trophy theory at all.

Anyway, I'm happy about it. Ghirahim was the next to last character I wanted to see playable, but assist trophy is a-ok.

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You believe what you want to then. :P I'll still believe the trophy theory though. Unless it truly DOES get debunked, of course.

I still don't want Impa for two reasons though. She would feel redundant and unoriginal next to Sheik even with a different moveset (they're both Sheikah ninja warriors when Zelda has all sorts of different races). It's similar to how I felt about the idea of Chrom being in next to Marth and Ike. They're all blue-haired sword wielders.

The other reason is that I feel adding her would be like adding Anna for FE. Both appear in a lot of games in their respective series, but with mostly minor roles. What's more, Impa has never had a consistent design. She looks completely different in each and every one of them. I bet half the Zelda fandom wouldn't recognize some of her designs as her.

Edited by Anacybele
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Forums may be back, but still moving slow as shit.

You believe what you want to then. :P I'll still believe the trophy theory though. Unless it truly DOES get debunked, of course.

Um, I never said I didn't believe the trophy theory; pretty sure my post suggests I do, which makes sense, since I do. It's just not 100%.

I just don't know why the trophy theory would lead to three playable characters (assuming Ridley makes it)...and an assist trophy.

I still don't want Impa for two reasons though. She would feel redundant and unoriginal next to Sheik even with a different moveset (they're both Sheikah ninja warriors when Zelda has all sorts of different races). It's similar to how I felt about the idea of Chrom being in next to Marth and Ike. They're all blue-haired sword wielders.

Aonuma (I think it was him. Whoever directs Zelda) stated that Sheik fights like a ninja while Impa fights like a samurai. There's a clear difference in their styles. I honestly think she'd more likely be similar to Marth or Ike than to Sheik.

The other reason is that I feel adding her would be like adding Anna for FE. Both appear in a lot of games in their respective series, but with mostly minor roles. What's more, Impa has never had a consistent design. She looks completely different in each and every one of them. I bet half the Zelda fandom wouldn't recognize some of her designs as her.

Impa's roles are seemingly small, but typically pretty important, especially in Skyward Sword. And I highly doubt the design thing would be a problem, Sakurai would likely use her Skyward Sword appearance.
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I just don't know why the trophy theory would lead to three playable characters (assuming Ridley makes it)...and an assist trophy.

Maybe Sakurai decided that seeing as Mario has five reps (not counting Wario and Yoshi since they have their own icons) now, equaling Zelda's number, giving Zelda another rep would be overdoing it.

Aonuma (I think it was him. Whoever directs Zelda) stated that Sheik fights like a ninja while Impa fights like a samurai. There's a clear difference in their styles. I honestly think she'd more likely be similar to Marth or Ike than to Sheik.

Source? Proof? Also, that doesn't even make sense. Ike and Marth are ENTIRELY different from one another aside from both using a sword and having blue hair. Besides, there's still my point that Impa and Sheik are both Sheikahs when Zelda has all kinds of different races.

Impa's roles are seemingly small, but typically pretty important, especially in Skyward Sword. And I highly doubt the design thing would be a problem, Sakurai would likely use her Skyward Sword appearance.

And Skyward Sword is pretty much the only game where she had a major role. She does teach you an important song in Ocarina of Time. But that's the only other notable thing she's done.

It's not that I don't like Impa. In fact, I would've rather had Sheik cut in favor of Impa. Impa's cool in Skyward Sword. I just don't feel they should BOTH be in and Sheik was kept, so... Vaati is the only Zelda rep left that I would want to see playable and is actually a reasonable decision (second most recurring villain after Ganondorf and would stand out among the other characters).

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People are really looking too much into the whole trophy foreshadowing thing. Heck, even in the case we get a Zelda and Metroid newcomer, it doesn't mean it was because of the trophy thing.

Even then, if we get a Zelda newcomer the only characters I can see happening are Impa or Tetra.

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Maybe Sakurai decided that seeing as Mario has five reps (not counting Wario and Yoshi since they have their own icons) now, equaling Zelda's number, giving Zelda another rep would be overdoing it.

Then why would there have been a trophy in the first place?

Source? Proof? Also, that doesn't even make sense. Ike and Marth are ENTIRELY different from one another aside from both using a sword and having blue hair. Besides, there's still my point that Impa and Sheik are both Sheikahs when Zelda has all kinds of different races.



It was actually Iwata but yeah.

Swords, yeah. I said Marth or Ike, not and.

It's just too bad no characters of other races are recurring in Zelda.

And Skyward Sword is pretty much the only game where she had a major role. She does teach you an important song in Ocarina of Time. But that's the only other notable thing she's done.

She was one of the seven sages in OoT. It's been over a decade since I played the game so I don't remember her exactly, but her role was bigger than teaching Link a song. And it's not like there's no precedent for adding a character that only teaches Link songs.

It's not that I don't like Impa. In fact, I would've rather had Sheik cut in favor of Impa. Impa's cool in Skyward Sword. I just don't feel they should BOTH be in and Sheik was kept, so... Vaati is the only Zelda rep left that I would want to see playable and is actually a reasonable decision (second most recurring villain after Ganondorf and would stand out among the other characters).

Frankly, I don't much care if Impa gets in. She's just the one I see as most likely. Her being the first playable character revealed for Hyrule Warriors after Link makes it look to me like they've been trying to hype her up.
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But that's the only other notable thing she's done.

Go play Zelda again. And i mean all of them. Impa has been a relative constant in the series since the beginning. Shes always been a side character, but ever since OoT, shes been more and more important. Impa has only NOT appeared in like, two games not named Majora's Mask. (Those being Wind Waker, and TP) When Skyward Sword put Impa in the forefront as a character (and basically Zelda's answer to a sidekick), that opened up a whole world of character possibilities. Putting her in Hyrule Warriors means a lot of things. (namely that she is going to be reoccurring in some way)

Im not saying Impa is a shoe-in for Smash, im just saying as one of those OG Zelda fans: Stop talking like you know what you are talking about.


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People are really looking too much into the whole trophy foreshadowing thing. Heck, even in the case we get a Zelda and Metroid newcomer, it doesn't mean it was because of the trophy thing.

Even then, if we get a Zelda newcomer the only characters I can see happening are Impa or Tetra.

Better to speculate off something official than to latch onto the most recent "leak."

And of course it wouldn't be "because" of the trophy quiz (the roster was decided long before), but if we do get, say, Impa and Ridley, would you really think it was just a coincidence? At that point I'll start claiming that anyone who thinks the trophy quiz theory and Palutena/Robin/Impa/Ridley are merely coincidence is just in denial and won't admit to having been wrong.

I mean, I'm not 100% that it's real, but you aren't the first person to claim that it still didn't mean anything even if it ends up at 4/4.

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Better to speculate off something official than to latch onto the most recent "leak."

And of course it wouldn't be "because" of the trophy quiz (the roster was decided long before), but if we do get, say, Impa and Ridley, would you really think it was just a coincidence? At that point I'll start claiming that anyone who thinks the trophy quiz theory and Palutena/Robin/Impa/Ridley are merely coincidence is just in denial and won't admit to having been wrong.

I mean, I'm not 100% that it's real, but you aren't the first person to claim that it still didn't mean anything even if it ends up at 4/4.

I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. I guess I never found the trophy theory to be all that interesting, which is why I never really discuss it. Personally I prefer debating the leaks since they're more fun to speculate about.

Personally I thought the recent leak was indeed fake at first, but then all the evidence from the Tomodachi Life stage in Famitsu came out and I'm now undecided on it. There does seem to be some veracity to it, but way too many small things that don't make sense (mainly the odd placement of characters in the selection screen).

Oh well, that leak won't last long anyway. Sakurai just needs to confirm a character, see if the model matches, and it's over.

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Impa appears at the very beginning of the Oracle games. She's the big lady who helps you out. In a linked game, she's actually there to retrieve the Oracle of Ages/Seasons to bring her to safety on Zelda's behalf. In regards to Twilight Princess, she doesn't appear at all. Impa DOES appear in Wind Waker though... as a cameo on the beautiful stained glass windows in the Master Sword's chamber with the rest of the sages.

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Impa was Zelda's guardian/advisor.

In Original Link's adventures, she was some wise old hermit. Just like in the later installments she is the guardian of the Shadow Temple and Nintendo decided to keep that design of her.

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I always forget just how many games Impa's actually been in. Today's update is really late

I thought this too. I wonder if something will be revealed?

EDIT: Never mind I just saw the update

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Today's update is regarding music.

The main site has been updated to include the Music in the 3DS version, though only three are there. There's also a HUGE list of composers for the game from all sorts of video games including some big names again like Yoko Shimomura and Motoi Sakuraba. Majority of them are Namco related though.

There's also ACE (TOMOri Kudo/CHiCO) who composed Xenoblade's score amongst them.

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Impa has only NOT appeared in like, two games not named Majora's Mask. (Those being Wind Waker, and TP)

...I don't remember Impa being in The Minish Cap, or Link's Awakening, or A Link to the Past.

What's more, Impa has never had a consistent design. She looks completely different in each and every one of them. I bet half the Zelda fandom wouldn't recognize some of her designs as her.

Yes, Oracle Impa for Smash! <3


The main site has been updated to include the Music in the 3DS version, though only three are there. There's also a HUGE list of composers for the game from all sorts of video games including some big names again like Yoko Shimomura and Matoi Sakuraba. Majority of them are Namco related though.

Yuzo Koshiro is on that list. Sweet! <3

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