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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Having seen the leak videos, they do look like they'd be something that'd be hard to whip up with a Brawl mod. Though one of the things that struck me as odd is how in one video, it jumps from the end of a match straight into that Home Run Smash thing.

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I found it odd that Lucina moved reallllly fast and that the running up smash that the bowser did was also seen in the 3ds tourny, meaning it could have been ripped...

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Having seen the leak videos, they do look like they'd be something that'd be hard to whip up with a Brawl mod. Though one of the things that struck me as odd is how in one video, it jumps from the end of a match straight into that Home Run Smash thing.

It's a bunch of footages compiled into one. They don't have the game itself.

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Are you guys excited, disappointed, or confused about all this information?

"All of the above."

The cuts suck, Duck Hunt Dog sucks, but it's cool that Shulk is in the game. (Ridley too IIRC)

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I'm a mix of excited and disappointed. Excited that we've got cool stuff that looks to be very real, but disappointed that Sakurai didn't get to show it to us first. The poor guy has to be going crazy over this if he's found out about it. :(

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It's a bunch of footages compiled into one. They don't have the game itself.

Yeah, but it's still weird how it cuts from one mode to the next. The 3DS doesn't even look like it changes position like you'd expect it to. Plus it's right at the end of the video.

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I'm a mix of excited and disappointed. Excited that we've got cool stuff that looks to be very real, but disappointed that Sakurai didn't get to show it to us first. The poor guy has to be going crazy over this if he's found out about it. :(

Knowing Sakurai, he'd improvise and play along with it.

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Shulk, Duck Hunt Dog, Bowser Jr., Dark Pit, and Doctor Mario IIRC.

Shulk: awesome, possible main

Duck Hunt Dog: what the actual fuck

now I kinda hope it isn't real just because of that

Bowser Jr: too much Mario, I would have rather had bowser jr and not Rosalina

Dark Pit: Definite main along with regular Pit

Doctor Mario: why

In the videos you could see bowser jr and shulk play (and ganon), and in the image duck hunt dog, G&W, doctor mario, wario and dark pit in addition to the ones in the video.

Ganondorf: goooooood

G&W: eh

Wario: finally

I'm amazed

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Someone on Smashboards put together a roster with the additional character mentioned. So yeah, everything fits nicely into place.

(This is a mockup BTW. No one is trying to pass this off as real.)

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Are you guys excited, disappointed, or confused about all this information?

The characters that I wanted are all in. The rest of them are icing on the cake for me. Although I still don't like Dark Pit but that's about it.

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Doctor Mario: why

B***h that's my Melee main

Don't talk s*** about my mains when I'm around

(Oh, and apparently according to the leaker Ridley, Dixie, Impa, Mach Rider, and Mewtwo are also in the game)

Edited by shinpichu
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B***h that's my Melee main

Don't talk s*** about my mains when I'm around

(Oh, and apparently according to the leaker Ridley, Dixie, Impa, Mach Rider, and Mewtwo are also in the game)

Americanpichu I love Doc Mario but he really should be an alt costume since we already have I think 8 other Mario characters

Ridley: eh

Dixie: Funky would have been leagues better

Mach Rider: I'm not even sure what that is

Mewtwo: Cooooooool

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Still think Vaati would've been a better choice than Impa. >_>

But glad that Dixie is most assuredly in!

Also, I saved that With Anyone button with Ike on it just in case those screens are removed. Hee hee. :P

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...I'm still reeally doubting the "leak" because no Ice Climbers... I can't think of a reason for them to be gone. I also like how every "leak" so far has been shown pictures with next to no quality. The sane goes for the video too.

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Bowser Jr. pisses me off the most because that means they prioritized him as a completely new character over bringing back Ice Climbers, Wolf, and Lucas. And since his alts are apparently the 7 Koopa kids, that is even more time dedicated to a character who is not very relevant, not popular, not retro, and part of an already well-repped series. What the actual fuck, Sakurai?

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Are people TRYING to tick fans off? I got a little hyped and then when I noticed the typo, I was disappointed. This is not funny.

Is why that half of us will be away in a matter of moments.

Are you guys excited, disappointed, or confused about all this information?

Confused and upset.

This was going too far and not waiting for the official creators to show it off. -.-

I'm a mix of excited and disappointed. Excited that we've got cool stuff that looks to be very real, but disappointed that Sakurai didn't get to show it to us first. The poor guy has to be going crazy over this if he's found out about it. :(

This isn't the first. People have done this before with Pokemon X/Y's release. But...I'm sick of people nosing around with their work and not being patient for the creators to show it off. Your ruining their sales, dumbass leakers.

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Some of the new characters are interesting choices. I still don't know if I care much about the duck hunt characer, but i'm fine with the rest.

Bowser Jr is my favourite of the bunch so far. The Koopa clown car looks like it can be used for unique things. I also heard something about koopalings alts or something like that.

Dark Pit is probably in the same spot as Lucina. A glorified alternative costume who has a few things to make him different from the original. Dark Pit would't be my pick for a smash character, but I don't mind much since I don't think he actively took away a spot.

Dr.Mario is the veteran I expected least to return since he was very very similar to Mario in Melee. Still not caring much since he's probably in the Lucina boat as well.

Shulk is good....I think. I got Xenoblade, but for some reason I never got far. His moveset will be a surprise for me.

I wonder if limitations in the 3ds are to blame for the ice climbers not being there. Its a shame they where quite unique so I would't mind seeing them back. Still rooting for them.

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