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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Is that a screen from Hyrule Warriors? That DOES look a lot like Ridley. You could also call that Dragonlord Ganny lol. He's making like an FE wyvern rider. XD

No lol it's just a fun mock up someone made. That's not even HW Ganondorf.
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No lol it's just a fun mock up someone made. That's not even HW Ganondorf.

Oh okay lol. HW Ganondorf DOES have TP Ganondorf as a DLC alternate though.

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I'm disappointed IC will be gone, but they were stated from the very beginning as a major problem character. Unlike Luma and the Pikmin, Nana has to be identical in poly count to Popo (due to the fact that either of them can be the "main" Ice Climber) and the secondary IC runs a more complicated AI to act independantly, while Luma is pretty passive without any input from Rosalina and the Pikmin have their own thing. You can already see that the Pikmin were slightly problematic already because they were cut from 5 out to 3 out, and I really doubt that was entirely a balancing thing considering they are already set to appear in a set order.

Of course, we don't know for SURE, but we've known for years that Ice Climbers were going through technical issues due to the limitations of the 3DS.

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Ah, 'kay. lol

Yeah, it's understandable why the Ice Climbers had to go, but Wolf and Lucas? Tsk tsk, Sakurai. Them being cut doesn't affect me, but I still never saw any reason for them to go. Maybe time constraints got in the way again...

Edited by Anacybele
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Well Popo does resemble Iceman.


Wha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Ah, 'kay. lol

Yeah, it's understandable why the Ice Climbers had to go, but Wolf and Lucas? Tsk tsk, Sakurai. Them being cut doesn't affect me, but I still never saw any reason for them to go. Maybe time constraints got in the way again...

There's always next time!

Edited by Bimbo
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Yeah, there is always next time, that's true.

But I bet that if the 3DS version was never a thing, this stuff wouldn't be happening. Sakurai and his team must've unfortunately overestimated the console's capabilities.

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Yeah, it's understandable why the Ice Climbers had to go, but Wolf and Lucas? Tsk tsk, Sakurai. Them being cut doesn't affect me, but I still never saw any reason for them to go. Maybe time constraints got in the way again...

Maybe... but I wish Sakurai was able to do it again! Lucas was extremely similar to Ness in Brawl, so I see no problem in doing again! I'd even take an EXACT clone of Ness! I just really want Lucas to come back :(

There's always next time!

I can't wait 6 - 7 more years for another Smash!

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Please let Sakurai change his mind about every character being in both versions. The Ice Climbers can be Wii-U exclusive.

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Maybe... but I wish Sakurai was able to do it again! Lucas was extremely similar to Ness in Brawl, so I see no problem in doing again! I'd even take an EXACT clone of Ness! I just really want Lucas to come back :(

We all know what happened....

All of Lucas' moves are now Ness' custom moveset. hehehehhehe.


I'm sorry.

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It's also a perfect idea for the Ice Climbers to have a subspace emmissionary story to have Mega Man mistake Popo for Ice man as it'll be ugly to see him fight Popo like to the Iceman. XD

Edited by Bimbo
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Sakurai and his team must've unfortunately overestimated the console's capabilities.

On the very first moment of the game's planning, Sakurai and his team should've acknowledged both the Wii U's and 3DS's limitations, so by the very first moment they knew Ice Climbers were unable to make it to roster (given the case and the 3DS being more limited); not that they were "surprised" mid process because they overestimated the console's capabilities.
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But Sakurai tried to include the ICs, didn't he? That doesn't make sense to me.

Having said idea from early development doesn't refrain him from trying to include them or working on trying to solve whatever issue he had on making them playable.
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But Sakurai tried to include the ICs, didn't he? That doesn't make sense to me.

We could write a letter to Nintendo to tell them to put them in the Wii-U version since that is still in development. *Giggle*

Even though it is wishful thinking, it...might be a possibility.

Edited by PuffPuff
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Ridley and Impa are cool. Mewtwo is probably gonna be really cool I would imagine. I don't care that much about Mach Rider but if he has a fun playstyle I'll like him. Dixie could be really great if they differentiate her from Diddy.

Dr. Mario and Dark Pit are what they are. I can't say much about Duck Hunt Dog since I haven't seen gameplay but he sounds like he could be fun. Shulk seems to have a gameplay style that separates him from the other sword characters, so I can't wait to try him out.

I'm okay with Bowser Jr. He seems to have a unique playstyle that I'm interested in trying out. Lucas played a lot like Ness. Wolf played similarly to Fox and Falco. Implementing them would take more work than the clone characters most likely, so that's why the clones are there and these two aren't. Ice Climbers we all know why they're not there. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of both Mother and even Star Fox, but it's easy to see how this happened. On the subject of Mario representation, considering Mario's pretty much the face of Nintendo, I'm pretty sure this lil Bowser Jr. isn't going over any lines.

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Sakurai said both versions will have the same roster. If Wii U is getting exclusive characters, then how is it going to be connectivity between versions and such? Things such as amiibos, etc.?

That he did as I've said many times before.


He can change his mind at any time...

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Having said idea from early development doesn't refrain him from trying to include them or working on trying to solve whatever issue he had on making them playable.

Yeah, that's true, I suppose.

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Still...it's unfair to have the Ice Climbers cut because of one systems capabilities being lower than another. But still...they can at least make them asset trophies. That is...if even that can be done!

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