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What should Sakurai do next?  

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  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

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    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
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People in Japan have now gotten a chance to play the Japanese full version demo of the game this weekend. What they're essentially playing is the final verison.

The smash boards have been getting flooded for requests and changes and they're already giving their general impressions.

Please note that these are general impressions so far from different sources like 2ch, twitter and Smash boards and you may have to take it with a grain of salt.

- Ledge snap has been nerfed. It acts like Melee's.
- Meta knights up b is like Marth's up b. It hits people like once and sorta knocks them away and has an upward direction to it. His tornado still has a lot of hits but you can DI it pretty easy because the hits are actually less frequent, I don't know yet about its priority.
- Pivot cancel is still in
- Pac Man is SLOW. Every single one of his aerials are kicks. His forward aerial is a double kick, his back air is like Mario. The thing that stood our about him is his utter sluggish-ness. His fall speed is like brawl. His run speed is slow. His forward b sends a pellet out in front of him, and then he turns in to classic pacman and boosts towards it. It's kind of like greninja'd shadow sneak thing except you can't time it.
- Lucario is unchanged except his smash attacks feel MUCH faster.
- Peach is unchanged except for her up aerial. It's now a rainbow thing, it has an arched hitbox over the top of her head, she draws it with her hand.
- Zelda has a white costume
- Sonic still dies pitifully if you end up in a spin without a jump
- Ike feels unchanged.
- Peach's turnip pull speed is nerfed. She can still move in to float to do things like crown and nair. Her fsmash goes tennis club, golf club, and frying pan. I believe it's a set order now.

- So far, Robin's magic is looking really good and activates very fast and Palutena's smash attack ranges are insanely good.

- Chrom appears with Robin in Victory Screen.

- Olimar has Alph as a costume
- Robin's hair model doesn't change. Only color changes.
- Fox has a Wolf color scheme (possible the poster is confusing it with the black Fox from Brawl)
Ike Summary

- seems to have been nerfed especially his jab combo

Yeah, on that too,


"- Glasses Pikachu confirmed

- Fierce Diety Link confirmed (Face changes too)

-Fox: Wolf color (may just be Brawl's black Fox)

-Olimar: Alph (full model change)

-Pit: No black color"

Bolding the last one because lol DarkPit.

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Uh...Ike DOES have at least a couple changes. The blue fire, Ragnell shining when he uses Eruption?

But still nothing on his alternate costumes... :(

Also, he was NERFED? Just...why. He was already lowish tier and needed buffs. And I wanted to be able to use him in tournaments. I can't if he's garbage now...

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Uh...Ike DOES have at least a couple changes. The blue fire, Ragnell shining when he uses Eruption?

Those are all visual. They're talking about how he plays.

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Uh...Ike DOES have at least a couple changes. The blue fire, Ragnell shining when he uses Eruption?

But still nothing on his alternate costumes... :(

Also, he was NERFED? Just...why. He was already lowish tier and needed buffs. And I wanted to be able to use him in tournaments. I can't if he's garbage now...

I think he was looking for more significant changes than blue fire.

And remember, mechanics can change things around a lot as far as tiers and competitiveness go. By all accounts Zelda should have been much better in Brawl than Melee, but Brawl mechanics instead made her one of the worst there. I once saw a quote where someone stated something like, "Characters are good in Melee for what they can do, whereas in Brawl it's about what can be done to them." It will all depend on how the metagame works.

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I think he was looking for more significant changes than blue fire.

And remember, mechanics can change things around a lot as far as tiers and competitiveness go. By all accounts Zelda should have been much better in Brawl than Melee, but Brawl mechanics instead made her one of the worst there. I once saw a quote where someone stated something like, "Characters are good in Melee for what they can do, whereas in Brawl it's about what can be done to them." It will all depend on how the metagame works.

Ohhh, I see. Yeah, I never really did know how people figured out which characters had advantages and which were really good and really bad and all. That just wasn't my thing. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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Ike always felt like he was meant to be a free-for-all character anyway. He's not good in 1v1, but it's really easy to rack up KOs with him when you've got 4 people duking it out. I really like that about him, and if it means he's not as good in 1v1, then I don't think that's such a bad thing.

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Ike always felt like he was meant to be a free-for-all character anyway. He's not good in 1v1, but it's really easy to rack up KOs with him when you've got 4 people duking it out. I really like that about him, and if it means he's not as good in 1v1, then I don't think that's such a bad thing.

It is when tournaments are typically 1v1. >.>

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It is when tournaments are typically 1v1. >.>

Well, yeah, and that's disappointing, but think about it from Sakurai's end; the game needs to be balanced for more than 1v1. It needs to be balanced for all combinations of players, characters, items, stages, etc. Inevitably, some characters will be better with more players and others will be better in 1v1. It would be great if every character could be viable in 1v1 tournaments, but frankly, that's probably impossible.
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Well, yeah, and that's disappointing, but think about it from Sakurai's end; the game needs to be balanced for more than 1v1. It needs to be balanced for all combinations of players, characters, items, stages, etc. Inevitably, some characters will be better with more players and others will be better in 1v1. It would be great if every character could be viable in 1v1 tournaments, but frankly, that's probably impossible.

Yeah, you're probably right. I never did think of it that way... And Luigi could be 1v1 material this time, so who knows.

Is it just me though, or are newcomers always the best characters? They're saying Robin and Palutena all look fantastic and Lucina looks like the old Marth, who was always high tier... And in Brawl, people like Meta Knight and Olimar were high tier. But most of the vets are mid to low. Just...I find this totally weird.

Of course, not all newcomers are good, but yeah.

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah, you're probably right. I never did think of it that way... And Luigi could be 1v1 material this time, so who knows.

Is it just me though, or are newcomers always the best characters? They're saying Robin and Palutena all look fantastic and Lucina looks like the old Marth, who was always high tier... And in Brawl, people like Meta Knight, Ice Climbers, and Olimar were high tier. But most of the vets are mid to low. Just...I find this totally weird.

Of course, not all newcomers are good, but yeah.

Well, Fox wasn't a newcomer in Melee and Ice Climbers weren't a newcomer in Brawl, so...Marth and Falco were also pretty high in Brawl, although Brawl's F tier is all veterans.
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AKB48 joins the battle!

More leakage.
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Wolf deconfirmed
Fox has an alternate skin
That looks exactly like wolf
He's gray fur
Purple eye device and grayish clothing
It's the only skin that changes foxes fur
This is only a color, NOT a costume

This is from the guy on Smashboards who is currently playing the demo version of the full game.

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I'm loving how Luigi looks up there lol. He's bringing his death stare to Smash! XD

With Megaman and Mario looking mellow. XD

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Wolf deconfirmed

Fox has an alternate skin

That looks exactly like wolf

He's gray fur

Purple eye device and grayish clothing

It's the only skin that changes foxes fur

This is only a color, NOT a costume

FUCK. Guess its time to learn some new characters.

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I think someone started posting all of that guy's info here and then stopped. So I'll post more and keep this updated with everything as it comes.

-Ledge snap SEVERELY nerfed. I feels like Melee ledge grab.

-Meta knights up b is like Marth's up b. It hits people like once and sorta knocks them away and has an upward direction to it.

-His tornado still has a lot of hits but you can DI it pretty easy because the hits are actually less frequent, I don't know yet about its priority.

-Pivot cancel is still in

-Pac Man is SLOW. Every single one of his aerials are kicks. His forward aerial is a double kick, his back air is like Mario. The thing that stood our about him is his utter sluggish-ness. His fall speed is like brawl. His run speed is slow. His forward b sends a pellet out in front of him, and then he turns in to classic pacman and boosts towards it. It's kind of like greninja'd shadow sneak thing except you can't time it.

-lucario is unchanged except his smash attacks feel MUCH faster.

-peach is unchanged except for her up aerial. It's now a rainbow thing, it has an arched hitbox over the top of her head, she draws it with her hand.

-Zelda has a white costume

-Sonic still dies pitifully if you end up in a spin without a jump

- Ike feels unchanged. I was never an Ike main so I don't know the specifics but his attacks were all the same general thing, nothing new I noticed.

- pacman. He feels slow, but his attacks felt like they had a good hitbox, because he's really fat and his legs stretch when he kicks. He just felt really interesting to play, but I ended up using his aerials the most because of their hit boxes.

- Peach's turnip pull speed is nerfed. She can still move in to float to do things like crown and nair. Her fsmash goes tennis club, golf club, and frying pan. I believe it's a set order now.

- Shulk and robin are playable.

- sonics forward b snaps to the ground, it is really fast now.

- his uair is like a scissor kick, has a way better hitbox than the twist kick thing.

ledge stalling may be impossible now? If you drop from the ledge and jump back up, you literally will just NOT grab it. It's like the ledge gains invulnerability to your grab for a certain time after you let go. DO NOT TAKE THIS OUT OF CONTEXT. I am not 100% sure I need to try it again on my 2nd go around but in my last match I basically lived on the ledge trying this out.

I could no re-grab the ledge directly after letting go and jumping back in to obvious grab range.

Someones question: Big question. Are the blast zones still set very far out?

Yes. Characters even go bubble status on battlefield without dying.

- palutena's smash reach is incredible. Her up smash is the giant pillar laser beam thing. Her side smash moves a bit forward and her wings slap in front of her.

- robin is FANTASTIC. Magic is not slow, when he has his spell book his attack speed is really good. If you use a smash attack in the air IT USES HIS MAGIC SMASHES. If you use a normal aerial it uses his other weapon.

Let me reaffirm this. Robin feels AMAZING.

-Lucina is not playable.

-chrom appears in robins victory pose.

-they are really right on pictures and video. I almost got kicked out for trying.

-villagers up b is the most overpowered recovery I've ever seen.

-whoever is worried about combos, there are combos.


-Shulk has amazing spacing options because his Monado reaches so damn far

-The game still has a sense of floatiness to it that is present in brawl. It's definitely not like Melee where you drop like bricks.

shield rolling is extremely fast and there's a neat little sparkle star effect when you do it and acting out of shield is as well. I think of it like a mini-wave dash. No wave dashing or l-cancelling. Just rolling baby.

-pacmans forward a is a combo like Marth except with punches

-his down aerial is like lucarios except he kicks like 2-3 times.

-Peach's forward B has BARELY any startup time anymore (the butt slam) It felt REALLY FAST.

-Marth double fair is not possible.

-Shulks second jump is a somersault. Feels funny. All his smash attacks have a strange millisecond-ish load-up time before they come out. The Monado powering up or whatever.

- the ledge is DEFINITELY tougher to grab and there is no snap. Unfortunately both Marth and Shulk flip for their 2nd jump so I could not test ledge re-grabbing within a short window of time because it waits for their flip animation to finish before actually grabbing.

- ZSS comes in dark blue, really light blue (lighter than her normal costume) green, black, and red.

-Peach's butt bomb is hugely buffed. It has barely any startup time anymore.

-link has a costume with like red markings under his eyes. It looks nothing like link... But his eyes are whitened and has red markings and he's dark colored clothing. There's also a white and blue link.

-toon link has the four swords colors + old style link color, the black with red eyes.

-there is no Melee dash dancing. It's incredibly hard to do with the circle pad but it's essentially the same thing as brawls. IE not super useful or practical.

-I retested ledge mechanics.

I WAS RIGHT. I used megaman this time and reaffirmed my experiences with Ike.

There is a short and small window of time after dropping from the ledge that the ledge becomes "immune" to your grab.

This has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TRUMP MECHANIC. It was completely individually on the character. It is not very apparent on characters with flips for 2ndary jumps, as the ledge grab action waits for the flip to finish and the window for "ledge immunity" seems to end before the flip animation does. Megaman and Ike do not have flips, and it was impossible for me to the ledge after jumping/falling off it for a period of time.

-There is no island toon link costume.

Zelda's new phantom move.

It doesn't hit a character right up in her grill. The phantom spawns maybe a character away, so if your opponent is right up on you, the phantom will just spawn in front of them and whiff.

-Pikachu has a hat with sunglasses on the front costume, and a fighter headband (red and black colored I think).

-megaman has a green/orange costume, and white/red costume, a blue and white costume

Wolf deconfirmed

Fox has an alternate skin

That looks exactly like wolf

He's gray fur

Purple eye device and grayish clothing

It's the only skin that changes foxes fur

This is only a color, NOT a costume

- Bowser has a "No Bones" Costume (Dry Bowser I believe?)

- Fierce diety link IS in As a costume

- Pacmans costumes change his gloves and shoes

-Zelda has no alternate costumes. Only colors

- Pits side b fist has a bad lag if you whiff, big KO power if you hit at higher %s

-No Metal Sonic. Shades of Blue/One White skin

-Marth has an Orange Skin

Video on Gerudo Valley:

Video of Character Select Screen:

Charizard can be purple, yellow, red, grey

Megaman has yellow And black

Stage Select Screen: http://i.4cdn.org/v/1409979104296.png

When palutena rolls she turns invisible like she's teleporting

Kirby has a "naked Metaknight" alternate

Diddy can only have one banana at a time

Peach's Daisy skin returns

(Last Updated: 10:42 PST / 1:42 EST)

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