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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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The reasons I don't like talking about the roster as a whole, specifically who doesn't and whose chances are better than others' and blah, at least compared to just "how cool would it be if ___ was in," are that

-despite his "list of criteria," Sakurai pretty much does what he wants (not saying this is a bad thing, as it gave us some neat characters, but Ice Climbers? Pit? Fit Trainer? ROB? I'm pretty sure he just gets at least two slots per game with extremely dubious modern relevance at best where he just goes "fuck the police here's who I want in," just because he thinks they'd be cool, and it's basically still his game at the end of the day so that's fine)

-therefore, any of the conditions we try to apply to assessing a character's candidacy are situational at best, negligible in the scheme of things at worst (plenty of franchises which have characters that would be great in smash (punch out grumble grumble), and had high-profile releases not long after or even before the smash games have ended up released, whose inclusions would, one would think, yield benefits to either smash, their game, or both via hype factor, have been left out. It's likely that more reasons go into this, and into the selection of the ones that do get in, than we're capable of knowing without being on the dev team, and some probably aren't fully understood by anybody but Sakurai himself.)


-people take it personal when somebody says "___ has NO chance"

I'm as guilty as anyone, because it can come off like it's calling ideas that somebody holds close irrelevant, and people lash out at that shit

It just comes off to me as cynical at best, and a biased fool's game at worst. I don't think it's really conducive to getting hype

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Not to mention Sakurai has been known to completely change his mind, so these days, even if he says "no, this won't be in" that still doesn't mean it won't happen. lol

I mean, Villager is proof enough of this. lol

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Not to mention Sakurai has been known to completely change his mind, so these days, even if he says "no, this won't be in" that still doesn't mean it won't happen. lol

I mean, Villager is proof enough of this. lol

The Villager defies ALL odds. XD

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Picture of the day on the 3DS


Well, now we've seen every character so far revealed on both Wii U and 3DS. I guess this puts to rest anyone who still thought there might be roster differences.

-despite his "list of criteria," Sakurai pretty much does what he wants (not saying this is a bad thing, as it gave us some neat characters, but Ice Climbers? Pit? Fit Trainer? ROB? I'm pretty sure he just gets at least two slots per game with extremely dubious modern relevance at best where he just goes "fuck the police here's who I want in," just because he thinks they'd be cool, and it's basically still his game at the end of the day so that's fine)

Sakurai's 4 criteria:

- The character's inclusion must make people want to buy the game.

- The character must be unique

- The character must fit into the style of Super Smash Bros.

- They must contribute to the game balance.

Explain to me how any of those mean "Sakurai only adds characters who are 'relevant.'"

And Miss Fit is actually very 'relevant' (god I hate that word). Most Smash fans just didn't think of her as such because her games are aimed at a more casual audience.

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And Ike fits all four of those perfectly. He'll make western fans buy the game because the west loves him. He's got a unique playstyle, he fits the style of the game, and he can contribute to game balance.

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But then again, all the brawl could-be-cuts fit that criteria too...

All Fire Emblem Lords fit that criteria, really. Judging entirely by that we might as well say Micaiah has an edge over Ike since she fits all those points but has potential for a more unique moveset.

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Ike is quite relevant to the series as a whole though. First 3D Lord, only Lord to be a main character in 2 games, Priam, and DLC character. He's also called 'the strongest warrior of all time' in Awakening from what I've seen. So if IS has to choose, I think they'll opt for Ike to stay.

And yes, the Mii is an evil abomination which never should be playable.

uhh... Marth? Every game got at least one DLC character in Awakening. The Priam thing I guess helps, but it really isn't that big a deal.

And Ike fits all four of those perfectly. He'll make western fans buy the game because the west loves him. He's got a unique playstyle, he fits the style of the game, and he can contribute to game balance.

I think the four criteria are arguments for a character's initial inclusion, not if to stop them from getting cut. Because if they meet the four criteria when they are included, there is no reason they would not fit it again.

-despite his "list of criteria," Sakurai pretty much does what he wants (not saying this is a bad thing, as it gave us some neat characters, but Ice Climbers? Pit? Fit Trainer? ROB? I'm pretty sure he just gets at least two slots per game with extremely dubious modern relevance at best where he just goes "fuck the police here's who I want in," just because he thinks they'd be cool, and it's basically still his game at the end of the day so that's fine)

How do any of those characters not fit the criteria?

Pit especially fits that criteria really well.

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Off the top of my head, I can think of three additional lords who fits that criteria and aren't another swords-user: Robin (Kris is a possibility, but their official arts has them in both in sword-locked classes), Hector and Ephraim.

And in terms of heavyweight swordsmen, Link's not exactly light. He's faster than Ike, yes, but by only so much.

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But Ike is actually classed as heavyweight while Link isn't. And Ragnell functions more like a club than any of the other swords in the game. The whole stage shakes when Ike swings it and it hits the ground! He's a sword user, but a pretty different one.

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Lets put it this way. Link is a heavy character for having all those weapons, plus a burly shield and moderately heavy sword to slow him down. Ike is just heavier with that large, long, two handed Ragnell. Thats it

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Lets put it this way. Link is a heavy character for having all those weapons, plus a burly shield and moderately heavy sword to slow him down. Ike is just heavier with that large, long, two handed Ragnell. Thats it

Ike is also physically stronger than Link, I believe, and muscle can put weight on you too.

And if it's Link's weapons that weigh him down, why isn't Toon Link a middleweight? He uses the same stuff. I think Link's shield and his own build is only what weighs regular Link down a bit.

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Ike is also physically stronger than Link, I believe, and muscle can put weight on you too.

And if it's Link's weapons that weigh him down, why isn't Toon Link a middleweight? He uses the same stuff.

And that's really only because they used RD!Ike into of PoR!Ike. Otherwise, they'd be about the same.

Probably because Toon Link's items are scaled down to his size?

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Ike is also physically stronger than Link, I believe, and muscle can put weight on you too.

And if it's Link's weapons that weigh him down, why isn't Toon Link a middleweight? He uses the same stuff. I think Link's shield, and his own build is only what weighs regular Link down a bit.

Same weapons, different sizes. That, or they wanted to maintain his play style as a smaller but nimbler Link (like Young Link in melee)


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Yeah, that's true. I always did think Brawl Ike was more a combination of both PoR and RD Ike rather than just PoR Ike.

I really hope Sakurai uses RD Ike's model this time though, because it's more recent and imo it's cooler. :D

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The weights in the game are more to fit gameplay more than anything. Ike is heavyweight because his fighting game archetype (powerhouse) only works when he's heavy. Although big characters generally have the appropriate amount of weight, since everyone comes from different games with different styles, they are allowed the freedom to do whatever they want.

For example, despite being the same height in the games, Wolf and Fox have a great disparity in weight in Brawl.

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If you honestly think Magnus has more priority then Palutena in Kid Icarus character choice.. Lol just lol.

Yes Lucario has the aura gimmick, no doubt it makes him stick out you are right. How on earth that effects Ike's chances is beyond me however, Sakurai doesn't just say OH THIS CHARACTER HAS THIS, WE DON'T NEED THIS "TOTALLY UNCONNECTED CHARACTER"

A unique playstyle is just as good as having a unique gimmick sorry to disappoint YOU now, the way you implied it seems to make me think you'd be against Shulk and Isaac even though they have their various abilities along with their blades as well.

Future Sights/Monado abilities for Shulk and Isaac's Psynergy based Earth Magic

Picture of the day on the 3DS


I never said anything about Magnus having a shot at being in. I said Ike's "Big burly swordsman" idea isn't limited to just Ike, other nintendo characters have that same build, whereas Lucario is a one of a kind. One of a kind way of fighting means he's more unique, which is the only thing I pointed out to Anacybele. A more unique setup scores more points on Sakurais list, which is why I think Lucario has a better shot at getting in SSB4. in conclusion, I didn't mean to give of the impression that I dislike the slow and sluggish sword fighter, I was just saying that there are a lot of nintendo characters that can pull that of, whereas that can't be said for lucario.

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I never said anything about Magnus having a shot at being in. I said Ike's "Big burly swordsman" idea isn't limited to just Ike, other nintendo characters have that same build, whereas Lucario is a one of a kind. One of a kind way of fighting means he's more unique, which is the only thing I pointed out to Anacybele. A more unique setup scores more points on Sakurais list, which is why I think Lucario has a better shot at getting in SSB4. in conclusion, I didn't mean to give of the impression that I dislike the slow and sluggish sword fighter, I was just saying that there are a lot of nintendo characters that can pull that of, whereas that can't be said for lucario.

And I'm sorry I snapped at you for that and misread you. ^^;

I know Lucario has his uniqueness going for him but Sakurai's way of picking the pokemon in smash is different then his usual characters unless its Pikachu or Jigglypuff, so we can't be exactly sure. I'd like to see him return all things considered i'm just not sure if he will though.

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