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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Lol at people not comprehending sarcasm, that always makes my day.

Although I do agree, Keldeo is incredibly likely, if not, the most likely, to be a new smash brothers character!

This exactly. I think Keldeo is the most likely NEWCOMER, not most likely of all Pokemon that are yet to be confirmed. I'm going to guess Sakurai's priority list would have Jigglypuff or Mewtwo at the top, followed by Lucario or Keldeo. Lucario has popularity and veteran status on his side, but Keldeo has movie priority and more of the uniqueness factor. They each have something going for them that the other doesn't and that's why I have a feeling that Sakurai might be having trouble deciding on Pokemon reps.

Since you did not get it, twice, what you quoted was sarcasm, over the top sarcasm, my post was about sarcasm, and it had a sarcastic remark. Thank you for making my day, again!

To be serious, i'll cheer for keldeo if he would ever get in. Fat chance though, heeheee. ^^ also uniqueness factor is untrue, since both could present gimmicks that only they can pull off. Water hooves vs aura. And aura has the power rises as damage increase extra, whereas water hooves are still vaguely similar to squirtle his moves.

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You fail to realize that sarcasm is incredibly hard to detect through text, especially for me.

Thank you for making me look like a total dumbass.

And vaguely similar. Not really similar. And aura isn't one of Lucario's moves. Aura Sphere IS, but it's been pointed out numerous times that Lucario is similar to Melee Mewtwo, so unless the two are more differentiated, I don't see both being playable in Smash Bros. 4.

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Lucario has a thing that he gets more powerful the more he takes damage, that's aura, and apart from the ball attack, they're not that similar

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Lucario has a thing that he gets more powerful the more he takes damage, that's aura, and apart from the ball attack, they're not that similar

Pretty much this, I will admit their side smashes are also a tad similar but other then Aura Sphere/Shadow Ball and it, nothing else really sticks out as samey and remember Mewtwo was originally planned for Brawl still with Lucario around. Sonic and subspace taking so much time kinda removed the forbidden 7 though.

Even so though speaking of similar movesets in 64, Mario and Luigi were pretty much identical, but Luigi evolved, Same with Falco and some others in Brawl

Edited by Jedi
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Well whatever, I still think Keldeo has a pretty good chance of being a newcomer. That's that.

And as I've said anyways. I have nothing against it, if the others sneer then ignore. I mean in the end we all have our personal hopes for Smash 4.

I mean just look at me all I wanted apart from Sonic's return is Roy's return as well [i like Ike as well so nothing against him at all] I just liked Roy alot and he is the reason I got into FE, in this very thread I got sneered at for wanting Sonic and Roy back, I'm one half there.

Even if you don't get Keldeo you still have people to fall back on i'm sure, I know what its like to want a character and not get them or be laughed at for wanting them. I've been waiting for Isaac since Brawl got announced, as well as losing Roy in brawl.

And as a message to everyone in here, I'd like less of that personally. If someone wants a character no matter how unlikely you see them do not taunt them with troll faces and posts please

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You fail to realize that sarcasm is incredibly hard to detect through text, especially for me.

Thank you for making me look like a total dumbass.

And vaguely similar. Not really similar. And aura isn't one of Lucario's moves. Aura Sphere IS, but it's been pointed out numerous times that Lucario is similar to Melee Mewtwo, so unless the two are more differentiated, I don't see both being playable in Smash Bros. 4.

Yes, that is why I said vaguely in my post, because there are some vague similarities. And please tell me exactly by quoting my post where I said that aura was a 'Move', if you read it again you will see that I didn't. ;)

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And as I've said anyways. I have nothing against it, if the others sneer then ignore. I mean in the end we all have our personal hopes for Smash 4.

I mean just look at me all I wanted apart from Sonic's return is Roy's return as well [i like Ike as well so nothing against him at all] I just liked Roy alot and he is the reason I got into FE, in this very thread I got sneered at for wanting Sonic and Roy back, I'm one half there.

Even if you don't get Keldeo you still have people to fall back on i'm sure, I know what its like to want a character and not get them or be laughed at for wanting them. I've been waiting for Isaac since Brawl got announced, as well as losing Roy in brawl.

And as a message to everyone in here, I'd like less of that personally. If someone wants a character no matter how unlikely you see them do not taunt them with troll faces and posts please

Okay, that's fair enough. And yeah, I do still have Luigi and Toon Link to play as so far, but Luigi is the only one in the new games that I actually main so far. Bring me Ike, Ghirahim, and Keldeo and I'll be the happiest fangirl ever. ^^

Though I'm not getting my hopes up TOO high for all three. Just one or two of them would satisfy me (though of course, Ike would satisfy me the most).

Edited by Anacybele
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By the time SSB4 comes out, generation V will be in the same position as Generation 3 was in Brawl. So I don't think any of gen 5 has a really good chance. The ones with the best chance would be Genesect and Zoroark. But a Gen 6 rep, (who might not even be officially revealed) has a better chance.

I know not every generation gets a rep. But I don't think the Pokemon Company will allow SSB4 to have all just gen 1 pokemon. so the question is who will it be?

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The ones with the best chance would be Genesect and Zoroark.

I disagree, obviously. Zoroark's movie was back in gen 4, it's not recent anymore. Genesect is in the newest movie, but Mewtwo seems to more so be the main character. This is another reason why I think Keldeo has the best chance of any gen 5 Pokemon. I do think Genesect has the second best though.

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Speaking of roster additions you know what I'd love? If they added Shulk to the roster. (I'm satisfied with having Sonic as he is my main, but the only other roster additions I'd really care about are if they added Shulk and if they brought back Roy.)

Edited by Junpei Iori
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Speaking of roster additions you know what I'd love? If they added Shulk to the roster. (I'm satisfied with having Sonic as he is my main, but the only other roster additions I'd really care about are Shulk and if they brought back Roy.)

Shulk would be amazing, I do hope beyond hope that he gets included.

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If it's gonna be someone from Pokémon... my bet is a returning character, or someone new but from the previous 5 gens. I don't think we'll see someone from Gen VI, or at least not now when the games are just gonna be released and lots of stuff is still "non-revealed", officially at least.

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The "Challenger Approaching" Banner is down.

That usually precedes the unveil of a character confirmation.

Anyone wanna take bets?

I'd like to say Mewtwo or Pokemon Trainer.

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Mewtwo or Keldeo is my guess (unless Keldeo is going to be one of the unlockables, then I say Pokemon Trainer).

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