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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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clearly Sakurai will confirm Snake and troll the shit out of everybody :B):

I'm sure that alot of people would be happy with that honestly but those expecting a Pokemon for sure would be like

Wuuuuuuuuuut xD

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I'm expecting a Pokemon for the next reveal, so I'll be like "WUT" if it's not a Pokemon (but then I'll go YEEEAAAH! if it's Ike or Ghirahim...XD). lol

I'm hoping for Ghirahim and Zelda in November because Skyward Sword's second anniversary and release of A Link Between Worlds. :D I think Ganondorf is unlockable in Brawl, so he might not be shown.

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I'm kinda thinking with TL and Luigi shown out in the open that Sakurai may just have people be unlockable still but just show everyone.

At this point Smash's drawing point [partly and it always has been] is the characters and he knows that so we may just get everyone front and center when the time is right.

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Yeah, it's possible he'll show everyone, but I doubt he will. So far, he's shown us 1-2 characters a month and if the roster is going to be a little bigger than Brawl's, that's a lot of months to go through before release.

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Speaking of Captain Falcon, I really hope they buff him in this game. He and Roy were my mains in melee, so when he got nerfed in Brawl I was naturally not amused. However I had planned on making Sonic one of my mains in the first place

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I guess I'm on the "betting on Mewtwo reveal for tomorrow" boat as well, as much as I hate Mewtwo and the vocalness of his fanbase. Besides the Pokemon Trainer (whose Kanto starter Pokemon weren't as heavily promoted as Mewtwo during the 6th Gen) and maybe Lucario for his Mega Evolution (though Lucario wasn't as promoted as Mewtwo during the 6th Gen reveals), he's the Pokemon that'd best fit along with X and Y's release. Jigglypuff being revealed for tomorrow is really doubtful since it was hardly promoted during the 6th Gen reveals (unless you count being retconned to a part Fairy type) and none of the brand new 6th Gen Pokemon were heavily promoted enough to be considered as a SSB4 playable character.

And they get rid of the warning, challenger approaching sign on the site a few days before a character reveal? I did not notice that. That's really good to know, though.

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Going off pokemon for a brief moment

With Sonic back, I'd consider anything else I want in Smash 4 a bonus now.

I mean I'd really like to see Roy return [along with Ike and Lucario but not as high on my priorities I think they are staying anyways ], with Isaac and Shulk coming in as newcomers but I doubt I'll get all 4 ^^;

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Pic of the Day:

Don't search Wii Fit Trainer on Tumblr today. Actually, don't do that ever.

Sorry Pokemon fans. Next monday seems like a good time to do it, based on their prior patterns.

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Call the Escher Girls

Actually, I just dropped on my bed to see if that pose was possible (for me, someone who is neither a woman nor particularly flexible). It.. sort of was? Or, I think it was, couldn't exactly see myself doing it so I don't know if "hips/leg lying on the side while still on my back" looks the same. I don't think my chest was parallel with the skyline, though

Regardless: haha Nintendo/Sakurai/whatever individual is responsible for releasing this screenshot, really

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