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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

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  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I don't think I've met a single person who is actually against using custom moves.


I even finished unlocking them all today.

376 moves...

If you lived in Houston, you'd meet plenty. Our main TO (Xyro) and a good portion of top players don't like customs.

I'm indifferent though. Just annoying because of logistics.

If logistics were an issue, I'd say that's a legit excuse.

But our club has three Wii Us, so my one 3DS is enough for all of that.

And the club isn't big enough for time to be a constraint.

It's purely from laziness and refusal to adapt.

Some of the excuses are complete BS.

And then they say that I "don't acknowledge their viewpoints."


Same. I mean...really, some characters are just better with them. Plus, Palutena comes with hers like all ready to use anyway. Why not use them?


I'm sad.

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my only problem with customs is that they're hard to get (which has been solved) and whenever people use a custom moveset, they often don't tell you what it is SO WE DON'T HAVE TO FIND OUT MID-MATCH THE HARD WAY.

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I mean if even Evo is going to allow them it makes little sense for much more casual players to think they don't belong or something.

Fruity Insanity, tell your pals that Evo is going to allow customs and see how they respond to that.

And @Knife, why do the people you know dislike customs?

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They treat customs like items and (unfortunately) refuse to adapt to new things. Apparently, allowing customs will ruin the life of the game. Also, they hate Dallas and don't want to follow in their footsteps of allowing customs.

Well, I guess I'm screwed if I enter a custom tournament away from Houston, because I have absolutely no knowledge offline.

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Knife PM me, i'm curious about your locale near houston, as I'm due north, not far north of The Woodlands

Also, as much as I enjoy customs, I'm mixed on them. I don't feel like it's fair to newcomers with new 3DS games, but this more-or-less exploit for WiiU pretty much negates that.

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Question: You know how some of the things you can put things on the characters to increase power, speed, and defense? And some of them automatically equip items like a Mr. Saturn at the start of a match? Is there a way to get rid of that effect, so you don't have a Mr. Saturn automatically with you at the start?

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Question: You know how some of the things you can put things on the characters to increase power, speed, and defense? And some of them automatically equip items like a Mr. Saturn at the start of a match? Is there a way to get rid of that effect, so you don't have a Mr. Saturn automatically with you at the start?

Don't give your character equipment that starts them with a Mr. Saturn. Equipment with such effects is usually weaker to compensate anyway.
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I mean if even Evo is going to allow them it makes little sense for much more casual players to think they don't belong or something.

Fruity Insanity, tell your pals that Evo is going to allow customs and see how they respond to that.

I did.

They don't care.

They basically have the attitude Knife was describing.

Only half-ish of them, btw.

The rest think they're okay.

Mind you, they don't say you can't use them, they just don't want them in competitions.

Because they're apparently "casual."

They do complain about them being "cancer," though...

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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Mind you, they don't say you can't use them, they just don't want them in competitions.

Because they're apparently "casual."

lolwut? Competitions wouldn't be competitions if they were casual. They're called competitions for a reason. So people can get competitive.

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lolwut? Competitions wouldn't be competitions if they were casual. They're called competitions for a reason. So people can get competitive.

That's my point exactly.

Except, again, they don't care.

It sucks.

"If you allow customs, why not just allow items?"


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How are customs casual? I mean, the amount of time you spend getting those is not exactly uhh short. Plus the combos for custom moves on a single character is kinda mad. Would a casual player memorize them all? Or even try all of them out?

^Hell yes.

Good. I kinda hate equips when its not just Smash Run or single player faffing about.

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"If you allow customs, why not just allow items?"


This idea is so stupid. If they honestly think this, I don't even know how I would try to reason with them. I feel sorry for you.

Do they think Final Destination is the only stage that should be played on?

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Mario's fast fireball, heavy cape, super FLUDD customs.

Samus' extra homing missile custom.

Luigi's Iceball.

Ike's Close Combat and Aether Drive.

Palutena. Just Palutena.

List goes on in how customs could help so many characters.

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"If you allow customs, why not just allow items?"


I mean it's not like there aren't good answers to this question, rather than "that's irredeemably dumb, no point arguing"

items are inherently random, and grant stupidly huge advantages. randomly.

items are not anti-competitive because they're "different" than what characters naturally have, it's because they're random (and because they're much larger levels of power imbalance, I guess)

customs are no less balanced than anything that's already played in competitive (HOO! HAH!), and they're definitely not random

("but turnips and G&W" yeah sorry those are already random)

if I were to have a discussion about customs with them I'd probably start by asking them why they think items are banned

and then compare what about items makes them bad to what customs are and how they're not alike at all

But if you've already given said equipment, is there a way to get it off?

I forget, if you play with items turned off, do you still get items from equipment?

my experience is basically limited to a run through classic with a home-run bat and then it not appearing at the end (vs master core) when items aren't a thing

Edited by Euklyd
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How are customs casual? I mean, the amount of time you spend getting those is not exactly uhh short. Plus the combos for custom moves on a single character is kinda mad. Would a casual player memorize them all? Or even try all of them out?

"I legitimately am curious as to why you think custom moves are bad. Other than 'they're broken and are cancer.'"

"They just are. They're custom moves."

This idea is so stupid. If they honestly think this, I don't even know how I would try to reason with them. I feel sorry for you.

Do they think Final Destination is the only stage that should be played on?

I don't know where to start either.

FD, Battlefield, Town and City, Smashville, etc. No items.

The usual.

Mario's fast fireball, heavy cape, super FLUDD customs.

Samus' extra homing missile custom.

Luigi's Iceball.

Ike's Close Combat and Aether Drive.

Palutena. Just Palutena.

List goes on in how customs could help so many characters.

"They're broken."

I mean it's not like there aren't good answers to this question, rather than "that's irredeemably dumb, no point arguing"

items are inherently random, and grant stupidly huge advantages. randomly.

items are not anti-competitive because they're "different" than what characters naturally have, it's because they're random (and because they're much larger levels of power imbalance, I guess)

customs are no less balanced than anything that's already played in competitive (HOO! HAH!), and they're definitely not random

("but turnips and G&W" yeah sorry those are already random)

if I were to have a discussion about customs with them I'd probably start by asking them why they think items are banned

and then compare what about items makes them bad to what customs are and how they're not alike at all

I dunno.

I'm sure they'll be convinced eventually.

It's just a matter of when...

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So you think men are inferior to women? That is just wrong and sexist. And this is coming from a woman.

Look at Shulk.

Chrom wouldn't have worked as a Marth alt. The body builds are too different.

Marth has a tiara for christs sake.
Lucina would be Marth if their stories switched!

Even so, I'm rather impressed you've managed to pay so much for amiibos. I looked for like 10 minutes and managed to find sources that were easily a good 15 to 25 dollars cheaper than what you paid.

~Elaborate Link

I'm so upset by amiibo that I can hardly stand it.


I'll probably never get Pit, Meta Knight, the FE characters that aren't Marth (have Marth), Dark Pit, Ness, or Lucario.

At least I can get Charizard and Sheik.

Also, does anyone else think that Xenoblade NEEDS more remixes? Maybe shake up Mechonis Field or something. Even without remixes, I want Zanza, Eryth Sea, Mechonis Field, Tragic Decision, The Night Before the Decisive Battle, and more.

I also would want Timbre of the City and Toberu Mono from The Last Story but I digress.

You've played through Xenoblade...too?! It is now one of my 20 utmost favorite games of all time!
All I have to say is...that it easily rivals

Mother 3 and

Valkyrie Profile 2 storywise and is alot better than Xenogears.

It is one of the best games of this generation and like the

Mother(Earthbound) and

Valkyrie Profile series

, especially Mother 3,

Xeno should not be missed playing. It throws imagination wherever you go. Quests. I've even paid $90.00 for this game and no regrets.

Plus LPing it is alot of fun. :3
These reviews don't lie.

We do need this track for Xenoblade's stage.

Nintendo wouldn't touch any character they don't have permission to with a ten foot barge pole.

This would be why that we didn't get anything related to Metal Gear universe along with Snake's return.

Sure, 8 customs for 49 characters (or 50 when we get Mewtwo) is a lot... 400 more moves to know...

But that's adding to a base of - what - 3 tilts, 3 smashes, 4 throws, 5 aerials, 5 specials, and a jab for EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER.

Which is 21 for every character.

Which is 1050.

So adding 400 is adding than 50% of that.

It's a sizable number, okay, but still...

That's not the fault of the game. It's the fault of the player.

"Smash is what it is because it's predictable."

"Customs are like items."

I could go on and on...


I even went so far as to unlock all the customs, too...

Well, minus 16, but I'm working on those. Either way, 360/376 is good progress...

...And why that we don't get the IC in and that the frames often skip sometimes. D:

Don't give your character equipment that starts them with a Mr. Saturn. Equipment with such effects is usually weaker to compensate anyway.

But Saturn's are universal intelligent.

(Play Mother 3)


They destroy your shields easily.
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"They're broken."


[spoiler=I wrote up a not-quite rant but it doesn't really matter much so]do they ban diddy kong? or littie mac? he can KO someone in one hit!

actually, for that matter, luma is also pretty powerful - rosalina is basically two fighters in one, nobody else has anything like that! she should definitely be banned

and don't even get me started on olimar! he's got a potential FOUR fighters in one, with all those pikmin that follow him about!



the top tiers don't even get the good stuff, customs-wise

rosalina does, I guess, but other people get better tools to deal with her bullshit or s/t idr

I mean literally all the characters in Ein's list are not exactly top-tier threats currently

like seriously I thought you're in college

these guys sound like they're 12

"they just are"

I feel for you, man, that sounds frustrating af

...And why that we don't get the IC in and that the frames often skip sometimes. D:

that...actually has nothing to do with the data involved in the game, and everything to do with the processing power of the system

afaik before a match the game only loads up the data for the characters involved, and the customs they are currently using, so it's not even like more customs has any effect

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...And any Xeno player would know why that Shulk's amiibos go out of stock in seconds. (Bold)



"Shulk is love, Shulk is life"

"Dunban, the well knowledged retainer of Nolan(Chuck)"

"Melia is the essence of life and prosperity"

"Reyn the hardcore boom shakalaka"

"Fiora is love. Fiora is the Colony 9 lands of freedom and peace."

"Riki is hungry. There is nothing that can beat him. Riki is wisdom."

"Sharla is the call of the wild. The expert on medicine and nature and has a real bro, Juju. Sharla is the nature princess of Gaer Plains."

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But if you've already given said equipment, is there a way to get it off?

If it's a regular custom character, just go in and edit them. If it's an amiibo, I don't think so.

"I legitimately am curious as to why you think custom moves are bad. Other than 'they're broken and are cancer.'"

"They just are. They're custom moves."

In other words, they have no reason other than, "Because I said so."

I have an idea: go through everything and ask why it's banned. Why are items banned? Why are illegal stages illegal? Etc.

Items and certain stages are banned for very good reasons (randomness, enables camping, etc.). If these people can cite those reasons, but can't cite reasons why custom moves are apparently "broken," point out that inconsistency.

It's funny that one of the reasons you said they don't like customs is because they're not used in official tournaments, because even aside from the fact that they are very likely coming to Wii U tournaments, that's a very uninformed statement. 3DS tournaments always allowed them, and no TO I've ever heard of is against them in Wii U for any reason other than logistics.

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(Some of them) do complain about Diddy, Little Mac, and Rosaluma, lol.

Another thing I heard was "They spent so much time balancing the characters, and custom moves ruin that.

I didn't have much to say.

And I'd try to explain more in-depth to them, but I realy don't want to get into an argument with other club members...

By which I mean, I've tried talking for the past two days, but I haven't had as much positive feedback as negative.

It's really not that big of a deal. It's just kind of disappointing is all. And surprising.

I didn't expect such a significant number of the club (of 20-25 ish people) to be against it... like... At least a third of them...

And I can kind of understand where they're coming from. It's just that where they're coming from is... wrong...

Oh well. I think I'll play the waiting game and see how they adapt to the 490 sets I put on the Wii U, lol.

(I have no life. ;n;)

I like the club as a whole. And this whole thing isn't all that serious, so I'm not too worried.

Hopefully, as the public adopts customs, they'll realize that they really aren't broken and are usable. And that's good enough for me.

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