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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Mewtwo looked pretty much like he was in Melee, but I don't mind that too much. His final smash looked cool as well.

I did't expect to see Lucas returned but i'm happy to see he made it back in.

I do have one question though? Did they ever anounce the deadline for using your codes? I have both games, but I had't registered them yet, so from the look of it I'll be both waiting and paying for the Mewtwo Dlc.

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Mewtwo and Lucas revealed in today's Direct? Plus with more DLC Mii costumes as the cherry on top? Wow, they're being a lot more in-depth with Smash DLC than I thought they would, which is really nice. I suppose if there's another DLC character after those two, it'll probably be Wolf. It's a shame the Ice Climbers still likely aren't coming back even with DLC, due to the "both 3DS/Wii U rosters being exactly the same" rule.

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All I want is Solid Snake to return. But I'd be all for Belmont with each alt being a different Belmont too.

Edited by Guy Starwind
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Anyone got Lucas' Tagline reference?

I know I did. Hurr hurr

Lucas Comes out of Nowhere!

...Isles :3

Also I'm so glad they remembered to use "Mewtwo Strikes Back". It had to happen.

Edited by Owain Dark
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I am happy Lucas is back and the fan ballot is a good idea but people are going to use it for stupid suggestions case in point people trying to get Goku in

Edited by Bankai
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I am happy Lucas is back and the fan ballot is a good idea but people are going to use it for stupid suggestions case in point people trying to get Goku in

The ballot specifically says "video-game characters." And even if people vote for non-game characters (they will), I'm sure there will be more than enough votes for legitimate candidates.
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The ballot specifically says "video-game characters." And even if people vote for non-game characters (they will), I'm sure there will be more than enough votes for legitimate candidates.

Not to mention that the developers have the final say in who gets into the game.

Nothing on the site says the character with the most votes wins either. I think people are being way to paranoid about stupid suggestions getting in. We've trusted Sakurai with the character selection for over 15 years so I really don't think he's going to take the roster to hell with this game.

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Yeah I immediately thought "whelp expect votes for SpongeBob and Goku" lol. I hope people vote for characters like Wolf and not troll-characters.

As for the Amiibo stuff...I really just do not expect to get any. I want to pre-order some of them (like Ness, Robin, and Lucina), but I just got a funny feeling I won't be able to in time. Every single time I've tried before...I was too late. But we'll see...hopefully this time...

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They could be April fooling you know. XD


There's no way that they would dream to do this...as Sakurai said it himself that it would please the fans, but it is too costly that they don't want to do. PLEASE LET THIS TRULY BE REAL! If it is...I'd like to see him talk in English again. ^_^


Watch the first 9:00 minutes of this...

In fact...watch all if it!

I can get mine on the 15th!
More Mii outfits to befit our creations more.
PK Freeze.
PK Love
PK Fire
Rope the Snake!
PSI Magnet
Yay! <3
A live production with one of my favorite Nintendo characters of all time!!! <333
My captures. <3333
Mother 3 is one of my utmost favorite games of all time!!! No surprise here!!!
Yep. This is real! Sakurai's immortality strikes again! :D
He's trying to please us all!!!!! :DDDD
Ness, Pac-Man, Jigglypuff, Greninja, Lucina, Robin, Dark Pit, Palutena Bowser JR, Dr.Mario, Zero Suit Samus, and Ganondorf will soon be mine. Lucas and Mewtwo are gettting amiibos as well! It was confirmed in the direct!
Official release dates for these!
And were getting this custom creating Mario game on this day! But...what month?



Hee hee...


All I want is Solid Snake to return. But I'd be all for Belmont with each alt being a different Belmont too.


It won't happen. Kojima refused to induce any Wii-U gaming help, so no Snake.

Oops, looks like Nintendo accidentally leaked the trailer for the King K. Rool DLC.

But...this is what I laughed most about...

Way to go, DLV.


Searching Walmart and...

The Gold Mario Amiibos are gone! Glad I got mine before they were out of print! ^_^
Edited by PuffPuff
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The ballot specifically says "video-game characters." And even if people vote for non-game characters (they will), I'm sure there will be more than enough votes for legitimate candidates.

You could still technically say Goku is a video game character, despite having originated from anime.

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After much forethought, I have narrowed the list of Video Game characters I'm thinking of entering the Fighter Ballot down to 3, and those 3 are:

Lyn from Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken
Masked Man from Mother 3
Vyse from Skies of Arcadia
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They're allowing us to vote on who we would like to see as the next Smash character. Wow! :D

This means that this smash will be neverending fun. I'd love to see Grey Fox, Princess Daisy, Pauline, Wolf and the Ice Climbers. While Sakurai takes a fucking vacation at the same time while pro-ducting more fighters! Also confirmed by Masahiro Sakurai in the direct after Sawaru the Nintendo president had a discussion with Masahiro Sakurai about giving us the chance to vote on some future DLC fighters.

Edited by PuffPuff
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After much forethought, I have narrowed the list of Video Game characters I'm thinking of entering the Fighter Ballot down to 3, and those 3 are:

Lyn from Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken
Masked Man from Mother 3
Vyse from Skies of Arcadia

Pick Lyn. I want another assist trophy promotion.

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The Mario Making classic NES/SNES/Wii-U versional game will come out in September. Yay! I've always would have loved to make Mario hacks. Who wouldn't?

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After much forethought, I have narrowed the list of Video Game characters I'm thinking of entering the Fighter Ballot down to 3, and those 3 are:

Lyn from Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken
Masked Man from Mother 3
Vyse from Skies of Arcadia

Pick Lyn. I want another assist trophy promotion.

I agree. Pick Lyn! I voted for her.

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