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Interceptor vs. dondon151


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I want to be voiced by Cameron Diaz.


I'm not sure exactly, but I do know I sheep their opinions and suck up to them so that they'll let me in their social circle.

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Only if I can be voiced by Jay Cutler.

Why would you want to have anything to do with anything related to the fucking chicago bears?

Jamarcus Russell, now that's someone you should be voiced by.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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I honestly pity the wagon runner. It doesn't look very good when you have hours of your day to waste on following someone around to argue with them at any given chance.

Or everyone can just spend their day doing something else!

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Why would you want to have anything to do with anything related to the fucking chicago bears?

Jamarcus Russell, now that's someone you should be voiced by.

Maybe because I live in Chicago? Don't know that may be it.

Jamarcus Russell that would be terrible.

I'm not sure exactly, but I do know I sheep their opinions and suck up to them so that they'll let me in their social circle.

Interceptor is obv the top of the food chain!

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I honestly think the majority of you are a bunch of immature hypocrites. You all whine that you dislike the way he presents himself or dislike his views that aren't considered to be very popular, but so what? You all present yourselves just as poorly as Olwen does if not even more poorly at that. You all have viiews that others dislike or are viewed unpopular generally by a majoriry. Everybody does. Olwen is not perfect, and neither are any of you.

Yes, Olwen isn't the best at wording things, but he doesn't do it on purpose and is trying to work on it and even improving. Some other members even noticed his improvements and mentioned them in threads. And even if he doesn't word things the best way, big deal. It's a lot better to be too opinionated than it is to spend your online time acting like a bunch of catty middle school girls.

You're all a bunch of hypocrites for calling him out on his flaws when you have your own, and you're not very good people for ganging up against him when he never personally does anything to you.

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I honestly think the majority of you are a bunch of immature hypocrites. You all whine that you dislike the way he presents himself or dislike his views that aren't considered to be very popular, but so what? You all present yourselves just as poorly as Olwen does if not even more poorly at that. You all have viiews that others dislike or are viewed unpopular generally by a majoriry. Everybody does. Olwen is not perfect, and neither are any of you.

Yes, Olwen isn't the best at wording things, but he doesn't do it on purpose and is trying to work on it and even improving. Some other members even noticed his improvements and mentioned them in threads. And even if he doesn't word things the best way, big deal. It's a lot better to be too opinionated than it is to spend your online time acting like a bunch of catty middle school girls.

You're all a bunch of hypocrites for calling him out on his flaws when you have your own, and you're not very good people for ganging up against him when he never personally does anything to you.

I never had anything against Olwen. Sure, I'm not a fan of how he brought up his views and snarked at some people in the past, but generally, we see eye to eye on things. Hell, I think it would be awesome if we drafted against each other, and I feel he'd like to try one out.

I think you're taking this a bit too literally, though.

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I never had anything against Olwen. Sure, I'm not a fan of how he brought up his views and snarked at some people in the past, but generally, we see eye to eye on things. Hell, I think it would be awesome if we drafted against each other, and I feel he'd like to try one out.

I think you're taking this a bit too literally, though.

That wasn't directed at you, actually. I saw you try to talk to him about drafting in his comments, so I know you're not one of the people behaving like that.

I'm directing that mainly at Bearclaw and Constable.

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So serious in FffF.

I'm not for either arguments but I do know some of Olwen's past threads/posts were rather ridiculous. However, I do not agree with some of his bashers either. So I stand neutral on this now.

Edited by Teddy Bear
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Oh jesus Sumia, you're not going to get all mopey dopey on us, are you? If I wanted that stuff, I'd go watch Young Frankenstein.

Maybe because I live in Chicago? Don't know that may be it.

Maybe because I live in Chicago?
I live in Chicago

I'm so sorry.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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Yes, I am going to be "serious" and I'm also going to "mopey dopey"

This is serious. This is basically cyber bullying and also harassment on your end Constable.

It's ridiculous Olwen can't even enjoy being on this forum much anymore because of this childish bullshit.

He doesn't even want to fight with you and has never done anything personally against you.

I have no idea what your problem is, but it isn't cute or funny.

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I'm so sorry.

Thanks. I really don't see why though.

Oh god, you're not actually going to force me to watch Blazing Saddles, are you?

Maybe you could like lay off a bit?

That movie is terrible.

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Agreed, what kind of low-budget shit movie makes it so easily known that they're obviously in a movie set.

I though that was the point.

Airplane >>> Blazing Saddles anyway.

Edited by bearclaw13
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See? This is exactly why Olwen doesn't even bother trying to talk to you about settling differences.

All you're capable of is stupid remarks, word twisting, and childish behavior. That's it.

I'm sorry, but I really hope you end up banned one of these days.

I don't get why some of you even encourage this guy.

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Oh god, you're not actually going to force me to watch Blazing Saddles, are you?

Oh jesus Sumia, you're not going to get all mopey dopey on us, are you? If I wanted that stuff, I'd go watch Young Frankenstein.

you're fucking killing me

But really, Sumia has valid points.

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Or you guys can just ignore him/them? If one or two people are making your time on the forums unenjoyable, just ignore them. I personally don't know how the "ignore" function works, but I mean just skipping over their posts. Don't take any offence to this, because I'm not taking any sides to this crap, but you can see Reggie makes trollish posts. However, if you see them posting irrelevantly/like a troll to the topic in the Awakening board, then you should utilize the report button. Then again, you will just say that the mods don't do anything but I disagree... and I don't have any bias to them LOL. But really, responding to trolls is basically the same as feeding the trolls.

Honestly, if you also want the truth and seriousness in FffF, then I will say this too: Olwen/Chiki's posts (at least in the past, I can't say anything about now) were some that made me withdraw away from the Awakening board. Of course, it's not just him but the people who responded to him too. It ruined MY experience on THAT section of the forum.

You responding to them and Olwen/Chiki responding to them is basically just feeding the trolls. As I keep saying, just ignore them and just let them post whatever the fuck they want. Who cares about what some people say on the goddamn internet?

Whoa i just posted a shitload in FffF. I'm ashamed.

Edited by Teddy Bear
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See? This is exactly why Olwen doesn't even bother trying to talk to you about settling differences.

All you're capable of is stupid remarks, word twisting, and childish behavior. That's it.

I'm sorry, but I really hope you end up banned one of these days.

I don't get why some of you even encourage this guy.

There's a reason this sub-forum is called Far from the Forest...

You're not alone. Sadly I avoid rule breaking so it probably isn't going to happen. (if you're talking to me)

Who are you talking to anyway? Me or Reggie?

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