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Who is the best son for MaMU?


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To be completely honest, I just want my Avatar to have an awesome prodigal son, since frankly FeMorgan annoys the crap outta me.
Not taking Galeforce into account when reaching a decision, as I'm working on a streetpass team this runthrough and Galeforce is kinda pointless for streetpass.

I'm running a +Spd/-Luk Avatar, and wanted to get some opinions on which chick to pair my Avatar with for maximum awesomeness on his kids lol

Opinions anyone?
Oh, and I am definitely reserving a spot for Lethality in his skills, if that's relevant info to anyone.

Edited by Stravask
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Inig- *sniped by haters*

Inigo's actually my choice though: MU really should give Inigo a boost in base stats, allowing him to start a lot better especially considering his Paralogue being so hard. Every child for MU is good though, it just depends on how much they need MU. (Cynthia desperately needs MU, but Severa, for example, is fine without him)

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Cynthia and Brady actually tops on the list of "does not give a damn about MU" because they have practically everything a good unit want to have from their base + alvailable father(Cynthia wise, she get Deliverer/Paladin from Fred, Paladin/Aether from Chrom, Assassin access from Henry and Gaius, Sol and Vantage from Gaius).

Severa and Inigo at least want Luna, Class, or Vantage(Severa)

Its like:

Does not give a damn:


Only has 1 - 2 stuff that they missed:



Has several choices, but they can only get one:




Somewhat Lacking no matter what, but still amazing:



Unremarkable and Flawed:


Not a very enjoyable character:


Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Since you said you're working on a StreetPass team this time around, you may find this useful: http://pastebin.com/f7JKjNVw

It's my Lethality team and the list of fathers' skills as well as seeing which skills children always have (from their mother) may come in handy - though it is lacking certain children. I used my avatar to give my non-Morgan kid access to many skills because I'm using 9 children, and I think you should do the same when planning your son.

Edited by BlueFire
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From an optimization standpoint, Yarne, Laurent and Gerome probably top the list of which son wants Avatar the most. Yarne's class set is pretty bad except for Barbarian, so he'll want Avatar for Vantage/Armsthrift/Sol along with other fun things like Dual Guard and faires. Laurent can get by just on Vantage, but Avatar is the only parent other than Gregor who gives him Vantage/Armsthrift for Sorcerer shenanigans. Gerome is usually okay as a supporter with Dual Guard, but Avatar's the only way he can get Dual Guard and Axefaire to do support, and gets all sorts of other fun toys, like Vantage/Sol, Pavise/Aegis and all that other stuff.

Owain's also a pretty good bet too since he can nab both Luna and Dark Mage from him,(both things he wants, and he gets Armsthrift, too) and it's really easy to engineer since Lissa's with you from the game's beginning. Play your cards right and you can probably S by like Chapter 6 or 7 or something.

Edited by HeoandReo
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Okay, While I appreciate the posts, I kindly ask that everyone actually read the original posts, since I count like.. two.. that are relevant lol

I'm asking the best son unit produced by MaMU for spotpass.

As such, please stop suggesting daughters, or Male Morgan, or creating the best support role character (since your spotpass team does not pair up and often does not fight next to each other).

Please, I'd appreciate some opinions on the matter, but relevant ones.

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I think best son for streetpass hands down goes to Inigo for Rightful KingLethality + Counter. Dreadfighter equipped with Celica's Gale will have very high chance of lethality proc.

If you're into it, Pass will make him catch allot of unprepared players.

Laurent with Mire seems nice, but more often than not, doesn't kill anyone (or even hit accurately).

Edit: Btw Aether/Luna daughters are good, but since yours is maMu, then Luna + Wrath + Vantage will be good for sudden death. Give them Sol Katti.

Edited by SirSalute
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Son, MaMU, Streetpass (Please don't confuse Spotpass and Streetpass, they're different things)?

According to the OP, you're aiming at a Lethality Rush? Not going FeMU/Chrom!Inigo to get an extra RK/Lethality combo is kinda gimpish if you ask me, but that's not my call.

Inigo wants/needs Chrom. (Rightful King)

Owain and Yarne doesn't need MU for Streetpass with that focus, so you gimp yourself picking one of them.

Laurent, Gerome, and Brady are what's left: They don't get Lethality from their mothers.

There's plenty of fathers who pass Myrm or Thief, so it's amongst those 3.

To narrow it further:

MU's Mods are

Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

-1 -1 2 4 -1 0 0

Best thing to do with that is either Stack SPD or SKL, and frankly after testing it out, More SKL is superior in Streetpass, as you can't avoid getting doubled when you've got Pair Ups and Rallies against you:

Of the mothers left, you can eliminate Cherche- her modifiers are just not compatible.

So you're down to two:

Mods on +SPD/-LCK!MU!Laurent:

-2 3 4 6 0 -1 1

And on Brady?

-3 2 4 5 3 -2 3

Stats say Laurent is your best choice.

That said, none of them are really all that great. That 4 in SKL amounts to 1% Lethality, which really isn't a whole lot. And the lower SKL/SPD mods are not helpful.

If you're lethality rushing (while it's arguably one of the scariest teams out there, it's still not reliable at all), you need to maximize RK/Lethality.

Edited by Airship Canon
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Son, MaMU, Streetpass (Please don't confuse Spotpass and Streetpass, they're different things)?

According to the OP, you're aiming at a Lethality Rush? Not going FeMU/Chrom!Inigo to get an extra RK/Lethality combo is kinda gimpish if you ask me, but that's not my call.

Inigo wants/needs Chrom. (Rightful King)

Owain and Yarne doesn't need MU for Streetpass with that focus, so you gimp yourself picking one of them.

Laurent, Gerome, and Brady are what's left: They don't get Lethality from their mothers.

There's plenty of fathers who pass Myrm or Thief, so it's amongst those 3.

To narrow it further:

MU's Mods are

Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res

-1 -1 2 4 -1 0 0

Best thing to do with that is either Stack SPD or SKL, and frankly after testing it out, More SKL is superior in Streetpass, as you can't avoid getting doubled when you've got Pair Ups and Rallies against you:

Of the mothers left, you can eliminate Cherche- her modifiers are just not compatible.

So you're down to two:

Mods on +SPD/-LCK!MU!Laurent:

-2 3 4 6 0 -1 1

And on Brady?

-3 2 4 5 3 -2 3

Stats say Laurent is your best choice.

That said, none of them are really all that great. That 4 in SKL amounts to 1% Lethality, which really isn't a whole lot. And the lower SKL/SPD mods are not helpful.

If you're lethality rushing (while it's arguably one of the scariest teams out there, it's still not reliable at all), you need to maximize RK/Lethality.

The thing OP asked is funny when it's like when there's only a single answer to his question. Seems like OP already knew what he wants.

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