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Lunatic LTC playthrough


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1. Renown allowed up to and including Celica's Gale.
2. No Spotpass units.

3. Spotpass items are allowed.

4. Bonus Box is allowed.
5. No DLC chapters.
6. Grinding is allowed, but I probably won't grind.
7. Paralogues are allowed, but I probably won't visit them.

I decided to add in rules 3 and 4 because it's likely that a player will be able to access Wifi at least once, by going to Starbucks or McDonalds. If someone has a 3DS, they should live in a place where they can access these things.

It's obviously a lot harder than hard mode, because the enemy units are so strong. I don't think Energy Drop Sumia is going to perform as well either--I might have to reconsider the usefulness of flying, and maybe even replace Sumia with Sully. I'll probably give my second Second Seal--no pun intended--to Panne so she can try replacing Cordelia.

It's also troubling to think how much weaker the Avatar and Morgan are going to be in this run.

I'll probably be doing +Spd Avatar on this run, as well; the Def bonus doesn't seem to be worth it.

I'll also have to train Lucina with Veteran a lot more than I normally would, which is going to be really tough since Morgan himself needs the vast majority of experience and help from Olivia (unlike Morgan, Lucina has to choose between Veteran and Galeforce). Morgan is going to be a lot harder to train on Lunatic mode, as well, since the enemies are so much stronger, but it may be possible with some forges and such. I may have to abuse the enemy phase on some boss rush chapters in order to get experience for both of them.

Any ideas on strategy?

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Not as much experience as you think.

I think Lucina only needs 31 str to be able to kill Grima in 8 attacks (one hit per Brave Axe hit). If I rig a strength increase in every level that should be possible. A Brave Axe Morgan should be able to kill Grima in a turn with Olivia's help.

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Any particular reason for +Spd? Not sure if it makes any difference since in principle you could just rig growths, but I think +Mag might lessen the rigging you need, since you'll be gaining at least 28 levels in the Pegasus branch, which has naturally high Spd growth. In C3, I believe a +Mag Avatar requires about one-tenth the resets for the four-turn clear than does an Avatar with any other setup.

Hmm...I guess without Rally Spectrum, Lucina is probably better at Grima-killing than Chrom is simply due to (likely) needing fewer resets. The issue is that training both Lucina and Morgan makes it harder to get them to A support.

What are you thinking about wrt reclassing Morgan? XeKr brought up the possibility of a Griffon in my topic, but E-ranked axes might be a problem. I like to save the Arms Scroll for Flavia to allow her to tank the top half of C24 with the Helswath and Basilio Dual Attacking with a Killer Bow to finish off Wyverns; it's possible that the Arms Scroll might go better on Morgan, though.

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Well, the base speed increase allows me to double more enemies early on, which increases my average damage overall. That's pretty much it.

What's the boss in C3 like?

I think I can get Lucina a lot of levels in 14 and 15 combined, so that's not too much of an issue.

I was able to get D axes before 23 in my HM run so I'm pretty sure I can do the same in Lunatic (or at least I hope).

Where do you get an Arms Scroll?

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I'm not so sure about that. If Morgan's the only one who needs a weapon rank increase and he can get it by 23 shows up (2 wexp per battle I think) it should be manageable on LM if it was on HM. And I can't get Helswath anyway; the only weapons I got on my HM run were the Valflame and Balmung.

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Helswath was the only weapon I bothered with in my run, and C24 was the only reason I wanted it at all. My plan was to have Flavia/Basilio tank the entire top portion of the map. Without them, I suspect my clear would have taken a great deal longer since durability is a problem; the enemies are all rather beefy and all have Hit+20 by that point in the game, so dodge-tanking with a Dark Flier would probably require more resets than you have the patience for.

I don't see the Valflame being useful on anyone besides Validar, but you can just forge Celica's Gale for him, no?

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I'll probably be going the left side like I did on HM; I recall that one being preferable, but it might be different since this map will most likely be a 4 turn.

What is preferable: +Magic, +Spd or +Def Avatar? Once I get that down I'll start the playthrough.

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The decision hinges on C5. The lowest turncounts I'm aware of under your ruleset for Prologue through C4 won't change whether you go with +Spd, Mag, or Def. The C5 Wyverns have 11 Spd (the stats don't vary in LM)...I suppose it may be possible to scrape by in that chapter with either +Str (to boost Bronze Lance damage since you'll have WTD, or alternatively Bronze Axe if you go with Wyvern) or +Mag if you rig enough Spd.

You need 1-2 range on the Avatar to do C6 quickly; for this reason, the Second Seal will probably be used after C4 to build up weapon rank in C5. Either that or you'll postpone reclassing until sometime after C6 to preserve access to tomes as a Tactician.

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C5 Avatar will be a Pegasus Knight most likely; that was when I class changed her on my HM playthrough (but I might choose to keep her as a Tactician for one more chapter).

I believe I will be able to get Short Spears for Sumia in Chapter 6 to do that one quickly?

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I'd say +Spd. Damage and durability can always be rigged by Dual Strikes/Guards. +Spd starts doubling 2 levels faster. It may even be possible to use a +Str/Mag pair up early on and still double (need just 8 levels for 16 Spd).

Unless there's a specific benchmark that requires +Mag.

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I'm not patient enough to abuse more than one or two Dual Strikes/Guards. I won't need more than that though, I hope.

Anyway, there's 3 Energy Drops in the game right? All of them can go to Lucina, which makes things a lot easier. Lucina may be able to take on Grima (not including Energy Drops) by Endgame.

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I only see two Energy Drops being practical: Chapter 8 and Renown. There's one in Chapter 18, but it's probably preferable to shoot for the Bullion (M) instead.

Why? Because of the location of the chest? Also, Sumia kinda fails at combat in LM. I think you would be better off using Avatar for your Galeforce needs only, maybe picking up Cordelia if you can get her enough levels (at least she isnt OHKO'd when she joins) and having Deliverers with good stats do most of the combat in routs. Maybe train some rally dudes to help out too. LTC'ing this will be kinda difficult because of the 1 turn bosskills not netting you crucial exp.

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Location was part of my rationale, but I was also thinking that the Energy Drop would also have been a waste on Lucina since it would have boosted her damage on Grima by only a point per hit. Although if Chiki uses it on a physical Morgan, then yeah, I suppose the Energy Drop may lessen the amount of rigging needed, and possibly wind up cutting forge expenses by more than the worth of the Bullion (M).

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Will you be nabbing the Renown items as soon as you need them?

(for example, I cannot see the Second Seal being useful during Chapter 1)

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