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Next Zelda for Wii U to have brand new, never-before-seen art style!


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This was posted on Facebook just today!

Next Zelda For Wii U Will Feature A Unique Art Style

The next Zelda is going to pull a Skyward Sword and have a new art style. The article ALSO says that this title MAY get DLC. But Aonuma says that for this to happen, it has to be worth it for the player. And I agree with him here, I couldn't have said it any better myself.

What do you guys think? Personally, I'm already excited! Skyward Sword revived the love I had for Zelda years back (not that I started disliking the series, I just felt other franchises were getting better and I didn't feel like playing much Zelda anymore) and it already seems as if the next title for Wii U just might keep it alive. :D

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The Legend of Zelda: Link's Epic Yarn

Calling it now

But seriously I don't know what to think. I always like the style they end up choosing but I don't get why they keep making incredible looking tech demos of Zelda and not making an actual game that looks like that.

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Link's Epic Yarn lol that would be funny. XD

But Aonuma says it has to be something never seen before, and obviously, we've seen the yarn thing in Kirby and Yoshi already. It is a bit odd that they haven't made a title that looks like the tech demo though.

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Tech Demo 2001: Shows technologically impressive game (at the time)

Unveils: Windwaker

Tech Demo 2011: Shows technologically impressive game

Unveils: Windwaker Remake


Seeing as we got realistic grafix after WW... I really hope it`s realistic. Although I`m fine with anything that Nintendo chooses b/c anything they touch is probably going to be pretty.

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I don't know what to call it, but I like it.



Kind of reminds me of... Plastic? I have no idea.

i really hope they use that style, I really like it

wasn't that the one used at an e3 demo?

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I don't know what to call it, but I like it.



Kind of reminds me of... Plastic? I have no idea.

Deng man I wish you fought Armoghoma like that in Twilight Princess but no you had to run around avoiding a burning laser and be quick enough to snipe her eye to make her fall and then Dominion Rod a statue to bring down the hammer(giant stone fist). After that you had to destroy the eye.

But, I don't care what style it is to be honest. Well I do, don't want it to be too realistic looking.

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Gah I was really hoping they'd use those graphics from the 2011 tech demo, they were awesome... But oh well, I guess. I also really like Link's look in the new Super Smash Bros. Wii U, so maybe that could be it. But then again seeing as we've "seen" it probably not... What else could there possibly be that we haven't seen?

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Hey man, long as this time Link isn't just some dude who cuts grass to make ends meet and the artstyle isn't...Well, what Ike-Mike joked about, I'm down. In fact, know what would be cool? If he was a Hylian knight already in Zelda's service rather than some noob who liked her, or some random-ass farmer. You'd think at some point that the Hero geneology would get some form of respect and at least have one of them be a skilled knight just to start things off.

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It's outdated.

Art is never outdated. See these screenshots?




They still look great today. The only things that hold these games back, graphically speaking, are the limitations of the systems they were made for. Personally, I still prefer TP's visuals over those of WW and SS. It's not about being dark or gritty or realistic, it's about being detailed. Just look at the intricate designs on that Darknut's armor and sword. I really hope the next Zelda game looks like the tech demo.


Speaking of which, it's obvious that the demo is modeled after TP's style. If the Gamecube were this powerful, TP would actually look like this.

Edited by Zera
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Like I said, 16-bit Link is not a result of art style but of system limitation. For all we know the look of A Link Between Worlds may have been what they were originally going for with A Link to the Past.

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Still, experimenting with new things is always a boon. If every Zelda game in the universe used the same art, it'd get repetitive in short time. Part of the reason I don't like games that look "realistic." If a painter paints a painting, they move on to the next one, not paint the same thing twice.

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Still, experimenting with new things is always a boon. If every Zelda game in the universe used the same art, it'd get repetitive in short time. Part of the reason I don't like games that look "realistic." If a painter paints a painting, they move on to the next one, not paint the same thing twice.

Don't paint the same thing twice... So, how about New Super Mario Bros. Wii/2/U? And speaking of painting, I'm aware that NSMBU has a level themed after Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night, and this level has, by March 13, 2013, sold 2.15 million copies of the game.

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Mario isn't a series that can really benefit any more from graphics and such, Zelda has a lot of potential. Plus, with the Wii U's tech, they have a lot more tools to work with, it'd be a waste if they just used them to touch up an old style. Wind Waker Wii U is obviously just being made to satisfy the Zelda craving before the main event.

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Still, experimenting with new things is always a boon.

No, it isn't. I don't want the results of Nintendo's "experiments", I want a video game.

If every Zelda game in the universe used the same art, it'd get repetitive in short time.

Every Zelda game in the universe doesn't use the same art. Ocarina, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword all used different art. They were all "experiments" in art style. Nintendo have been making Zelda games for thirty years. What are they doing, still "experimenting"? Does that mean that they still don't know how to make a Zelda game?

Part of the reason I don't like games that look "realistic." If a painter paints a painting, they move on to the next one, not paint the same thing twice.

That's fine, but painters don't constantly change their art style. Obviously a new Zelda should have different things in it, like new monsters, a different land to explore (please stop putting us in Hyrule, please), new weapons. But that doesn't mean that the art style has to change. In that sense, I'd like to see more lazy games like Majora's Mask where they actually outright copied many of the art assets from Ocarina of Time, but gave us a new world to explore.

Please, let's cut the "experimentation". We know what a good Zelda looks like already.

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Not really related to the artstyle, but it has to do with Zelda Wii U


sounds like it's going to be somewhat like Wind Waker HD. They've got the same teams working on them.

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Yeah, super Zelda team! :D I like that!

I don't think they mean it'll be like TWW, I think Aonuma is saying that they're just seeing what their capabilities are. Nothing is saying we're getting another Toon Link game or anything.

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No, it isn't. I don't want the results of Nintendo's "experiments", I want a video game.
cool story
Every Zelda game in the universe doesn't use the same art. Ocarina, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword all used different art. They were all "experiments" in art style. Nintendo have been making Zelda games for thirty years. What are they doing, still "experimenting"? Does that mean that they still don't know how to make a Zelda game?
That's fine, but painters don't constantly change their art style. Obviously a new Zelda should have different things in it, like new monsters, a different land to explore (please stop putting us in Hyrule, please), new weapons. But that doesn't mean that the art style has to change. In that sense, I'd like to see more lazy games like Majora's Mask where they actually outright copied many of the art assets from Ocarina of Time, but gave us a new world to explore.

Please, let's cut the "experimentation". We know what a good Zelda looks like already.

New art styles are always interesting to me, I wouldn't mind seeing a new one but something about the art styles posted on page 1 bug me. It's mainly Link's face, because it has a real "feeling" but with a cartoonish vibe that doesn't blend well.

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