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I'll Grab and You Hammer Him Downward off the Stage - Ice Climber Character Discussion Thread


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So what new characters from the Ice Climber series retro Nintendo games are you hoping to see?

Condor and Polar Bear for the win!!

I'm personally hoping for Takamaru and Lip. I would say Little Mac, but I've never played any Punch Out games and I'm somewhat doubtful that characters can go from Assist trophies to playable characters. Though if there's a character that's most likely for that, it's definitely Little Mac.

Come to think of it, I'd be okay with practically any retro character, since they're all rather awesome and cool in their own way: Urban Champion, Duck Hunt Dog, Tamagon, Sukapon, Excite Biker, Mach Rider...

Except for Mike Jones. I don't like him since so many people want him in solely so they can say "Oh look Japanese guys. Look at this guy, remember him? That's right! You don't since you never got StarTropics!! How's it feel to have a Marth and Roy pulled on YOU? Hahahahaha..." I'm so glad I quit GameFAQs' forums.

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I love the Ice Climbers, I hope they fix any problems and let them stay.

Anyway, I'd like it if Little Mac, Takamaru, and Duck Hunt Dog got in. Little Mac is more relevant now since he was an AT in Brawl plus got a new game on the Wii, and Takamaru's series got an attraction in Nintendo Land so people are remembering him. And the DHD? Well, I love DH. I have no other reason for that one.

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I hope they remove their silly grab infinites. They could retain combos from a grab due to their nature, I don't mind that.

Edited by Peekayell
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Takamaru would be so fun with the sword, shoyukens and fireballs he uses in game.

Mach Rider would be fun too. Even though I know they can come up with a moveset for him, I'm not too sure what it would be. Maybe a bit like Captain Falcon with the gun. =/

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I'll personally keep playing the Ice Climbers if they remove their grabbing tricks. I just hope that the Forward Smash Throw and the Meteor Smash Throw are still kept.

You seem to like retros, you should make this a retro general thread. Since you're probably one of the only people I've met in Smash communities who REALLLLLY likes that genre of character specifically.

This is the general retro thread (I even stated so in the first post). I just thought it would be funny to make the thread title look like an Ice Climber specific thread.

What can I say? Retro characters are obscure and need more love. I also like how bringing playable retro characters into Smash Bros. breathes so much life into them. I mean, any recent or popular character in Smash Bros. is too easy to imagine and transition into Smash Bros. For obscure characters, they get heavy redesigns and revitalized so much from their old form, it's quite a sight to behold.

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