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"Here comes a new challenger!" -Third Party Discussion


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Yeah, I'd say Sonic has a good chance to return with that deal Sega did with Nintendo.

I'd like to see Simon Belmont jump into to fray to complete the Captain N Trio too :p

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I don't think any Metal Gear character will be in even though I want one to be. I would imagine it would be Big Boss rather than Solid Snake if there is a rep though, he's been in the spotlight more recently.

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Well, I don't mind Mega Man being in, given his history and support for Nintendo that has lasted decades.

Sakurai already said a few days ago that Namco Bandai doesn't get any special priveleges for a 3rd party just because they're helping produce SSB4. But if they did, I wouldn't mind Pac Man being in and he'd rep Namco the best. I definitely don't want Lloyd in since he's not as iconic everyone makes him out to be, he's not the Marth or Pikachu of the Tales series (that honour belongs to Cless), and there's tons of other 3rd parties that are more iconic and have a richer history with Nintendo (like Bomberman and Pac-Man).

As for Snake and Sonic returning, I should hope not. Even if I did see them as worthy guest characters for Smash Bros. (like I do Mega Man), guest characters should always be a one time deal. All other fighters don't have guest characters as veterans, so I don't see why Smash Bros. should. Even Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing didn't have Banjo Kazooie reoccur as a guest character for Transformed (Miis and avatars aren't established characters, and don't count as reoccurring guest characters), so that likely means Sega feels the same way about having a guest character reoccur in game series.

Anyways, I personally don't want 3rd Parties in, but I'm okay with them if they're characters that have a long and strong history of supporting Nintendo like Bomberman or Pac-Man. Even some of the lesser known characters that reoccur on Nintendo consoles like Simon Belmont or Cecil Harvey I'd be okay with.

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I don't think any Metal Gear character will be in even though I want one to be. I would imagine it would be Big Boss rather than Solid Snake if there is a rep though, he's been in the spotlight more recently.

I think they'll just keep an ambiguous "Snake" like they did with Brawl, if a Metal Gear rep does return. Last time they credited the "Snake" character trophy with MGS4 and MGS3, which featured different people.

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Anyways, I personally don't want 3rd Parties in, but I'm okay with them if they're characters that have a long and strong history of supporting Nintendo like Bomberman or Pac-Man. Even some of the lesser known characters that reoccur on Nintendo consoles like Simon Belmont or Cecil Harvey I'd be okay with.

If Castlevania was going to be in, I'd personally vote for Richter or Alucard. Both were on a Nintendo console at one point. Richter was in Dracula X on the SNES and Alucard was in Castlevania 3. I certainly wouldn't complain if Simon got in, though.

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I think they'll just keep an ambiguous "Snake" like they did with Brawl, if a Metal Gear rep does return. Last time they credited the "Snake" character trophy with MGS4 and MGS3, which featured different people.

It definitely invoked much more of Solid Snake than Big Boss, though- notably the default costume is his MGS2 sneaking suit, the Codec team is Solid Snake's, he's listed as Solid Snake in the character roll call, the grenades he uses, etc. He's somewhat a composite character, but it's very lopsided.
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  • 3 weeks later...

If Sonic returns, I had an interesting idea for him. Those of you who have played the classic sonic titles know how part of the game was building up momentum right? What if, the more momentum you built up before and during and possibly after attacks [keeping in motion is the key] the more damage and knockback you did as Sonic? The indication of his current speed would be shown as either a boost aura [like in Rush, Rush Adventure, Unleashed, Generations] or After Images like in Advance 2

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If Sonic returns, I had an interesting idea for him. Those of you who have played the classic sonic titles know how part of the game was building up momentum right? What if, the more momentum you built up before and during and possibly after attacks [keeping in motion is the key] the more damage and knockback you did as Sonic? The indication of his current speed would be shown as either a boost aura [like in Rush, Rush Adventure, Unleashed, Generations] or After Images like in Advance 2

Sonic suicides to increase 500% in SSB4

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I'm suprised no one has suggested a SMT character since SMT IV is a Nintendo exclusive and a slew of other SMT games are Ninty exclusives. And because of Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem obviously. If where to get a SMT character it be Flynn (main protagonist of SMT IV) or the Demi-Fiend/Hitoshura (main protagonist of Nocturne). Also Travis Touchdown would be nice, after all No More Heroes was originally a Wii exclusive

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