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Your Avatar(s)?

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My Avatar is always some rough approximation of another character. Avatar has too much personality from the storyline to really be a self-insert, so I just go for the mild nostalgia of a familiar face. I've made a Rydia (with green hair and all), Linde, Lucia, and Louise in my various past playthroughs. There will be a Lyndis some day.

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I have made like.... 4 Avatar that i actually used in my "serious" playthrough

Which was Marcus, Lowen, Isadora, and Harken

I never thought up about their personality etc, mostly because they already have a story role

And I don't like them past chapter 11

Also the fact that Marcus married Tiki is amusing

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I never really thought about character or anything, since the female Avatar actually says a lot of things that I really would myself. As for her appearance, I really just based her off of how I'd want to look if I were an FE character myself. Teal blue hair, hazel eyes, ponytail hairstyle (I really like the ponytail option for the default female build too! :D), etc. I gave her my real name, but spelled slightly differently. Kelli, with an I instead of a Y.

I guess you can say she's partly a self-insert.

Edited by Anacybele
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My Avatar was originally formed by my feelings after playing the demo.

Because of how nonsensical everything was and how stupid the characters acted, I, intended her to be the Kiff to Chrom's Zapp Brannigan.

I even named her Kiff because of that.

But seeing how everyone loves her for no reason, that wasn't very easy to imagine.

And then I had to change my interpretation after witnessing her burning and drowning hundreds of thousands of people, like they were nothing but mere rats.

Not to mention that she was using the very same strategy that in the last big game was considered to be cowardly and despicable to the point that people had trouble even believing it.

And she was using it without showing herself even the slightest bit affected by the weight of her actions, instead earning nothing but praise for her genius... and lack of humanity apparently.

The fact that she was throwing dangerous sharp objects (seriously, who does that?) at Chrom's unprotected skin didn't help matter either.

So depending on circumstances, she is two different character:

If I feel like using her as an actual Avatar, she is still the original Kiff.

But if I play her consistently with her actions in-game, she is more like the Black Mage to Chrom's Fighter. (As in 8-Bit Theater of course)

This Kiff is completely without empathy and extremely impulsive. Her supposed strategies are nothing but nonsense.

She is nevertheless highly intelligent, it's just that she considers seeing random plans in action, way more interesting then bothering to come up with a plan that is likely to work.

Edited by BrightBow
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I like to imagine my male Avatar as a male version of one of my friends (good at math and science, bad at interaction with people, exasperated easily) and my female Avatar as a female version of another friend (easygoing, smart, good at "reading" people, more levelheaded around people). It's pretty funny, even if the support conversations and the established Avatar's personality conflict.

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Who is your avatar?

A videogame version of me, of course.

Beyond the characterization given by supports, what is their character out in the barracks, out on the field?

Like mine.

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The male on the second playthrough is the one with less story build. He's just a poor little child with a traumatized childhood. Because of that, he escaped in books. He later marry Lucina, because he admired her strength to face his destiny... (Pink, mid long hair, bandage in the nose)

My first charcter was Tamanoir (Dark hair, twintails, eyepatch...) She is.. excentric and strange. She have a pet bat who always sit on her shoulder, named Paro Paro. It came out of a magic circle invoked by her good friend Henry. She married Chroùm because they saw each other naked (she read somewhere it was an old tradition...). She try to makes Lucina accept Paro Paro, and is sad that she's so freaked out by it (It's partiallt her fault though...)

Medea (Mid Long White Hair, Eyepatch) is the most evil character. When left amnesiac she remembered that she had to destroy everything. She is a great manipulator, and helps Chrom only because she hopes the Plrgian War will cause enough Chaos. When she encounter Valldar, she start doubting if she should continue, but she decide to contine and overthrow him. However, she will start to change her mind, thanks ton Henry, who will become her Husband. She realize qhe doesn't have to take the world domination, and decide to have fun. She'll obviousy refuse to sacrifice her life, because "my life and my friends are far more important than the future of the world. They will have to find another idiot to do their stupid job.".

Tamanoir nad Medea are inspired of characters for another unrelated project of mine, but they are character I like. Besides, tamanoir's speciality is her varietry, so that's all good...

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My main female and male avatars (Seraphina and Micah) are twins, and both are Chrom's tacticians, which means they come up with and approach tactics somewhat differently. Seraphina is an optimist and idealist, while Micah is the pessimist and realist; their tactics and advice to Chrom sometimes tend to clash, but overall they try to work in unity and balance together what strategy they make with a little of both of their insights. Chrom keeps both at his side often and is close with both, since Seraphina is his wife and queen, while Micah is his best friend and brother-in-law. Seraphina is also good friends with Tiki, Micah's wife and her sister-in-law.

My only other avatar is Ana, a semi self-insert avatar with my name that leads the Avatar Army. She's more or less just what the story portrays her to be, a person who woke up with no memory but is saved by Chrom (whom she married as well) and has the ability to command the respect of and lead all of the outrealm avatars she recruits into her own personal army. And stuff.

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The female MUs I've used for my first Normal (support library), Hard (first playthrough), and Lunatic runs, I kinda consider triplets, but I only really consider the NM one as a part of a story since I just did convenience pairs for H/L which meant both of them married Chrom. They have the same exactly appearance and Asset/Flaw and are one of my three favourite female-accessible classes.

Never really thought about personality, but I guess they are kinda hulklike. +Str -Res allow maximum strength for a MU and all of them main axes (NM-Wyvern Lord, HM-Great Knight, LM-Hero) so they're kinda smashy in terms of gameplay.

Thought about my two males even less. Support library male is named STRONK fgs since that's my favourite stat (he shares the +str -res A/F with the femus), and the guy I made because I wanted to S rank Sully is named Chrom for textual lulz (it helps that I ship them anyway, I even gave him blue hair) :B

I don't think the rest of them will be serious either, male or female.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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FeMU is more like the character the game makes, except she'll just wear my Chinese name (or nickname) and marry Chrom on all runs. Unless I do a silly/fun run to marry Stahl!Azure/Inigo and get a Maiden!Lucina. Chrom will only marry Sumia if I play as MaMU.

MaMU is probably going to be based off an anime character...who will marry Olivia... even if I don't particularly go for crossover pairings, lol.

Edited by Shirley
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Some of my avatars are self inserts, some are OC characters, some are characters from other games/movies/books.

With the OCs I always try to come up with some backstory, for example the female Avatar with the squinty eyes was blind in my headcanon.

The game/movie/book characters got sucked from their reality into the FE:A one without any memories, but their character stays the same, which determines who they are going to marry and what class(es) they choose.

Currently I'm playing as Meg from FE:RD, who will of course be a general and marry Swordmaster!Virion!Inigo.

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