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Which FF game should I play?


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You basically have to exploit it to get satisfactory results. Having to get hit to get hp, when my back row bow user's goal is to not get hit results in me having to go into battles just so I can hit myself, so I can get enough hp to stand a chance against some boss. Tedious shit like that is not fun. It's fine for leveling weapons and spells, but it ruins the other stats that use the system.

I guess. I don't remember having to deal with this problem much even with guys standing in the back. I always had fun directing gains into areas that I desired. It felt more like the characters were getting stronger than just having incremental gains from battles to me.

Speaking of tedious, they somehow managed to make dialogue conversations tedious too. Having to constantly check through with your key words is stupid. I wouldn't mind the battle system by itself, but add this stupid crap in too and it results in me not wanting to finish the game.

I guess it was rough, but it was to me an interesting way of implementing a dialogue system that allowed for more input from the player. Keep in mind this was 1988 when this came around, it was kind of the prototype for models that we see today in many RPGs that allow for branching discussions.

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I guess. I don't remember having to deal with this problem much even with guys standing in the back. I always had fun directing gains into areas that I desired. It felt more like the characters were getting stronger than just having incremental gains from battles to me.

Again, great idea on paper, and it's pretty cool for weapons and spell power leveling, but don't implement every single stat (primarily hp and mp, and the ways to increase them) into that shit.

I guess it was rough, but it was to me an interesting way of implementing a dialogue system that allowed for more input from the player. Keep in mind this was 1988 when this came around, it was kind of the prototype for models that we see today in many RPGs that allow for branching discussions.

I'm sure they could have found a way to improve or streamline the system 20 years later in the upteenth remake. I don't want to pay 2008-standard money for 1988 bullshit, after all. It'd be like if Shadow Dragon kept Dark Dragon's outdated and frustating convoy system.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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Again, great idea on paper, and it's pretty cool for weapons and spell power leveling, but don't implement every single stat (primarily hp and mp, and the ways to increase them) into that shit.

But I liiiiiiiiiiiked it

I'm sure they could have found a way to improve or streamline the system 20 years later in the upteenth remake. I don't want to pay 2008-standard money for 1988 bullshit, after all. It'd be like if Shadow Dragon kept Dark Dragon's outdated and frustating convoy system.

But it's a poooooooooort
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The topic is thisaway, boys :P:

The weapon system looks really grindy. Like, more grinding than what I'm willing to put in. Oh, speaking of grinding. . .IIRC, the enemies in 8 level with you. I'm not sure if this is a good thing for those that attempt FF efficiency.

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It's pretty grindy later on. I mean, if you're trying to max out the weapon. The only part of the game that I would say is truly grindy is if you were try to max out Ultima's damage. But that's a very specific spell with truly specific requirements.

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FF3 (DS) was a bit boring for me. It's kind of grindy due to the way the job system works. The graphics were pretty nice, though.

FF5 (GBA) is totally awesome; no storyline whatsoever, but the gameplay is totally fluid, and there's some interesting postgame stuff I never finished.

FFT is also a lot of fun, though not as tactical as the title implies. The writing's pretty good, too. Don't get the PSP remake; the script will quite honestly make your eyes bleed.

So, should I buy the original PS1 classic or the remake? I'm split between this. How much the difference actually?

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Don't blame us, blame yourselves or god!

Animals have no god!

I'm protecting Agrias! Geroooooonimo!

Defeat Dycedarg's Elder Brother

You heretics don't fear God! I'll fix you!


Your words are harsh!


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Don't blame us, blame yourselves or god!

Animals have no god!

I'm protecting Agrias! Geroooooonimo!

Defeat Dycedarg's Elder Brother

You heretics don't fear God! I'll fix you!


Your words are harsh!


That really exceedingly hilarious line I've ever read. Should be the best thing ever said in FF series.
But I choose this over that
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I beat FF4 on the Virtual Console. It was too short but very good.

I'm not sure if the FF4 on DS has more stuff than the one on Virtual Console (I want to say yes, but I've played neither).

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I'd say DS is the easiest version because of the Draw Attacks augment.

Beating Zeromus is also really unreliable in the original with Big Bang damage, but in the DS version you can easily manage to beat him in like 5 minutes with Berserk/Hastemarch.

That's not even saying anything about how broken the Phoenix augment is... You need to try really hard to lose those endgame battles.

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VI is my personal favorite out of all of them, but seeing as you've played it already...

I enjoyed IX greatly! It wasn't received all too well by a lot of people (For some reason?) but it's a really endearing and charming game. I actually stopped in disk 3 sometime in grade school and was never able to finish it. I think I'll replay it...

I think X's also pretty underrated. You know, in general, I think a lot of the newer FFs receive quite a lot of backlash o:

As long as you go in and play them with an open mind, they're all pretty enjoyable in their own right. I don't understand why people have to constantly gripe how it's so different from their favorite FF. As far as I know, there's no staple equation to what makes a Final Fantasy game Final Fantasy xD;

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VI is my personal favorite out of all of them, but seeing as you've played it already...

I enjoyed IX greatly! It wasn't received all too well by a lot of people (For some reason?) but it's a really endearing and charming game. I actually stopped in disk 3 sometime in grade school and was never able to finish it. I think I'll replay it...

I think X's also pretty underrated. You know, in general, I think a lot of the newer FFs receive quite a lot of backlash o:

As long as you go in and play them with an open mind, they're all pretty enjoyable in their own right. I don't understand why people have to constantly gripe how it's so different from their favorite FF. As far as I know, there's no staple equation to what makes a Final Fantasy game Final Fantasy xD;

Sadly, some people nowadays don't have very open minds to try new or other stuff. I mean, I'll be the first to admit that when I think Final Fantasy, I want to play an old school fantasy rpg; it's sorta why I guess FF13 (very futuristic-y) didn't draw me in as much like FF9 and FF10 did (and perhaps why I've been stalling on playing FF8). Still, as someone who likes certain entries in the series, I feel that I should give each of them an equal try, despite whatever pre-conceived notions I might have. Its why I'm looking forward to eventually playing FF15 (when I have the money), even if its more of a modernish Final Fantasy than what I prefer.

Backlash is sometimes unavoidable, but people should remember to be courteous to others since I would imagine each game has it's fanbase.

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FF9 wasn't entirely 'classic' either - for example it introduced the really obnoxious system of learning skills via equipment that also migrated to FFTA1&2, much to my chagrin. And when FF2, the second game in the series, is acknowledged as standing out with its twist for its 'levelling' - just what is 'classic' anyway?

I think 'classic FF' refers to some sort of similarity to another series - namely Dragon Quest. I could never enjoy any of these games (though I hear that the eighth one is excellent but I've never found it in shops sadly).

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