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FE6 Localization Patch v1.2.1 - Full localization with new features, including Support Conversation reader

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I see. But you do agree that axes with FE7 hitrates would be vital, yes?

This is just a translation, not an update. If you want a minor update with stuff like Axe hit rates, you should check out Arch's WIP patch.

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That's not a change I'll be making with this translation patch update but I am working on a minimalist (well, minimalist compared to some of the remakes and overhauls out there) flexibility/balance hack as well that will include FE7 weapon stats.

Ah, I see. So it's a small hack that can work with other small hacks, like, say, Onmi's earlier promotion for Roy patch?

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I've been hired to a new job for next year so no more worrying about that. Woohoo!

For an unrelated reason (tests at school which means no classes or responsibilities for the foreign teacher) I've been extremely productive the last few days. I may get the next patch with the "completed" Ilia and Sacae routes out by this weekend. The game is getting to the point where it's a pain to test it, so I think I'll just cheat all my characters' stats to the max.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i've had this screenshot sitting on my desktop for months, may as well just post it and the accompanying ramble already, even though it honestly isn't all that important


a while back this thread was going on a bit of a tangent about weapon name length and how "Binding Blade" sadly doesn't quite fit. as a bit of a test i booted up FEditor and edited the name in to a FE7 ROM to see what would happen, and obviously everyone was right: it's an uncomfortably tight squeeze as the text orientation currently stands (for FE7, anyway; i'm assuming the FE6 translation precisely mimics FE7 in this regard). i GUESS if you avert your gaze it's tolerable but it's still likely for the best to avoid it

(for the record it looks just fine on the stat screen)

imo the obvious solution would be to just abbreviate it: go with "Binding Bld." or "Binding Bl." or whatever comes to mind as a more natural take on it. it's a shame it needs to be done, but it's not unprecedented; FE10 ("Slvr Greatlance") and FE11 ("Silv. Sword") are full of this sort of thing, to say nothing of FE13's infamous "Ephraim's Lnce". at the very least, it's marginally better than the old translation's "Sealed Sword" compromise (or at least the part where it's inconsistent with the title and script)

i'll shut up now

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No, I agree, and thanks for going to the trouble as always. I think I'll go with Binding Bld. or Binding Bld (no period).

Another question is the Goddess Icon item, whose name is cut off on some screens. The ideal solution to both of these problems is an alternative thinner version of the font used only for problem items, but as I have no idea how to insert or implement that and I can't expect charity, abbreviations are probably the most realistic solution.

By the way, I should really stop giving ETAs. The next version is REALLY close but I can't guarantee when I'll have time to finish it.

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perhaps a simple solution would be to render it as "Goddess icon", without the capital I in "icon"? that should shave off two pixels in width, which if my estimations are correct should be enough to make it properly fit

of course from there it'd be highly recommended to keep things consistent and render every weapon name without the uppercase letter in the second word therein, barring proper nouns like "Binding Blade" and "Light Brand". conveniently that's what FE7 does, so that could be a point in its favour as far as this project is concerned

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Been a while since I've checked up on this.

How far are you currently with the translation?

the next release will have up to the end of the Illia/Sacae route split finished, as well as most supports redone+inserted IIRC.

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perhaps a simple solution would be to render it as "Goddess icon", without the capital I in "icon"? that should shave off two pixels in width, which if my estimations are correct should be enough to make it properly fit

of course from there it'd be highly recommended to keep things consistent and render every weapon name without the uppercase letter in the second word therein, barring proper nouns like "Binding Blade" and "Light Brand". conveniently that's what FE7 does, so that could be a point in its favour as far as this project is concerned

There's something I didn't even notice. Will definitely do this.

the next release will have up to the end of the Illia/Sacae route split finished, as well as most supports redone+inserted IIRC.

Actually ALL supports are redone and inserted. They just haven't all been tested and some may be a tad rough around the edges.

But yes, up to the end of the Ilia/Sacae split, plus maybe an extra chapter or two. We're getting close to what we can essentially call v1.0 here... But post "1.0", I'd like to polish the writing and formatting of the text a bit and fix some inconsistencies in menus and such, and finally I want to eventually find a solution to Elphin's sound problem and get the size down to 16 MB.

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All right, items have all had their names changed. I opted for Binding Bld (no period) because of the existing Nmd Trooper and Peg Knight abbreviations without periods. Also changed the silly, overly literal and inconsistent Holy Maiden to Saint's Staff (since, y'know, it's SAINT Elimine's staff). Honestly I think it's a bit generic, but other than changing the name to Elimine's Staff, which I don't think would fit anyway, it's the clearest way to get its meaning across.

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arguably you could straight-up call the staff "Elimine" with no suffixes or alterations or anything; FE8 did the same thing with its S-rank staff and its matching saint, Latona

although there were two obvious differences there: a) said FE8 staff was already called Latona in Japanese, and b) unlike Elimine, Latona may as well not exist. Elimine is pretty unimportant too, but at least there's SOME explanation as to who she is and what she was like between the two Elibe games. Latona, though? i'm pretty sure i failed to notice the single line where they're mentioned as having been an actual person the first time around

or something like that

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In FE6, the St. Elimine Church is talked about very frequently thanks to Saul and Jodel, so any player reading the story will have a general idea of who Elimine is.

It's not too bad an idea to rename it Elimine, but it might be slightly confusing.

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Shadow Dragon had a staff named after Wrys simply named "Wrys", so it's not like there haven't been situations where a name has been also used as a weapon. And there is Latona who gets mentioned when Eirika wonders if Lyon could still be saved from the demon king's possession. FE9 and 10 both have the Ashera staff. Since "Elimine Staff" isn't going to fit in the box, I think Elimine is an acceptable name. I have no objections to Saint's Staff, though.

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Not too bad an idea, Celice, but I do feel an item just called "[name]'s" might be a little awkward. I think I'll just end up going with Saint's Staff, which, while generic, is technically more accurate.

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I did find that Dragon Stones needs to be changed with the space removed and the S isn't uppercased (since that was done in Shadow Dragon) like "Firestone", "Divinestone", "Magestone" (well, I kinda know that FE7 did named Mage Dragons as Demon Dragon before) and by the way, wouldn't that Breath that was used by Idun/Idenn should be changed to "Demon Breath" instead since she is a Demon Dragon/Mage Dragon, not a Shadow Dragon like Medeus?

Edited by King Marth 64
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"Magestone" (well, I kinda know that FE7 did named Mage Dragons as Demon Dragon before)

FE7 explicitly refers to Idun as the "demon dragon", so that takes precedence over anything FE11 has to say. for all intents and purposes, the Archanean mage dragons and Idun's dragon form are completely different things which happen to have the same name in Japanese

and by the way, wouldn't that Breath that was used by Idun/Idenn should be changed to "Demon Breath" instead since she is a Demon Dragon/Mage Dragon, not a Shadow Dragon like Medeus?

it's "dark breath" (闇のブレス) in Japanese, so there's no real compelling reason against leaving it as is. it's not like the divine dragons in FE3 wielded "divine breath", or FE8's draco zombies had "zombie breath"
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Not a gripe against the translation (which I much prefer to the original one), but I just activated the Tate and Juno C Support... and got Lalum and Geese spouting what I believe is their B Support conversation. I'm not using the most recent patch - the updated translation ends just prior to the Sacae/Ilia route split for me - but if you haven't touched Support conversation pointers since then, that's something you may want to look into.

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FE7 explicitly refers to Idun as the "demon dragon", so that takes precedence over anything FE11 has to say. for all intents and purposes, the Archanean mage dragons and Idun's dragon form are completely different things which happen to have the same name in Japanese

Well, yeah, I kinda said that already.

it's "dark breath" (闇のブレス) in Japanese, so there's no real compelling reason against leaving it as is. it's not like the divine dragons in FE3 wielded "divine breath", or FE8's draco zombies had "zombie breath"

Really, I thought Shadow Breath was just for Shadow Dragons in FE3/12 and might have mistaken it in the patch along with Idun/Idenn's class in the previous patch?

Edited by Tamahome
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