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FE6 Localization Patch v1.2.1 - Full localization with new features, including Support Conversation reader

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Gringe, I don't suppose after this, you could make some tutorials, or point us to tutorials others have made that tell people how to edit the script? I'd like to make a patch with my own localizations, but, I don't believe I have the technical knowledge that you do.

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Also, double-check Lance and Allen's B-support convo. For some reason the text "Then it might as well be me, who has been in Pherae the shortest..." gets skipped over. There's probably some command in the convo messing it up.

Got it. I'm revising the supports right now and I've already fixed a number of errors of that sort.

Gringe, I don't suppose after this, you could make some tutorials, or point us to tutorials others have made that tell people how to edit the script? I'd like to make a patch with my own localizations, but, I don't believe I have the technical knowledge that you do.

Well, I just use FEditor honestly, and recently HxD to do some other text hacks. FEditor really doesn't need a tutorial because it's pretty easy to use, and I just follow other people's instructions for the hex editor. If you use FEditor, just make sure you use Onmi's compatibility patch. I think I linked it on page 1 or 2.

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Good news gringe. I think I found out how to make the menu text longer than the original. I'll give it a try soon to see if I can change all the stuff you wanted, and will post the instructions.

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Good news gringe. I think I found out how to make the menu text longer than the original. I'll give it a try soon to see if I can change all the stuff you wanted, and will post the instructions.

Awesome! I'll look forward to it.

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Okay so I managed to change everything but the different level up table.

Throw away? (0x8176BC) to Disca rd?

82C6 82DF 82ED 82E9 82AE 0000 82B8 82D0 82AE 82D0 82B2 8349 to 82A6 82E0 82F0 82D6 82D0 82B8 82ED 82D9 8349 0000 0000 0000

Trash item? (0x817692) to Disca rd?

82C6 82ED 82D0 82F0 82DF 0000 82B8 82B8 82E0 82F1 82DC 82E7 8349 to 82A6 82E0 82F0 82D6 82D0 82B8 82ED 82D9 8349 0000 0000 0000 0000

End (817508) (pointer at 5C7378) to Wait

Change first two bytes of pointer to E479

Write 82 CA 82 D0 82 E0 82 F1 at 8179E4

Quit (8174FE) (pointer at 5C7354) to Suspnd

Change first two bytes of pointer to EE79

82 C4 82 AA 82 F0 82 EA 82 E8 82 D9 at 8179EE

The "Disca rd?" actually works almost perfectly. When I tried to change the level up table, this is what happened:


There's probably a good reason that the original translation only had two letter abbreviations. I might give it a second shot later, but for now I'm thinking it's going to be a lot more work than just repointing the table information. If you want to, you can change "LV" to "Lv" like in the other FE games, but only for the level up screen with no animations, by doing this: Offsets: 816D02, 816E92, 8171F0 change 82C9 to 82AC.

Btw, when you make text edits with FEditor, are you just using the find function, editing, saving, on the most updated version of what you have, and that's it? I might make some of my own personal edits later on, and want to know what I should do to not have other parts of the rom messed up.

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Okay, here's how to do it. Change pointer at 5C7258 to E4798108, and write 82 CA 82 D0 82 E0 82 F1 at 8179E4.

Also, there's an error on the opening of chapter 12. Roy says something along the lines of "This is the capitol", which should be "capital", and also the line gets skipped over so it's probably missing an [A] function.

Edited by bartre
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Maybe autopatching doesn't work with ups files. I would recommend just patching it with NUPS.

I got NUPS, and it says no application available, or something to that effect. I should clarify that it took me a couple hours just to figure out how to download the game. New to this.

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Are you using a Mac, by chance? Macs can't open EXE files. If I could make the patch in IPS format this wouldn't be a problem but IPS doesn't seem to support the current filesize of the ROM (it's 17 MB right now). I feel if it were 32 MB it would probably be possible, but any artificial bloating will have to wait until the patch is done, unless someone can do it for you.

In other news...

-I've gone through and revised supports, fixing up the writing and repairing errors! That didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would. Still, I'd like to make another pass over the entire script.

-I tested Tate and Juno's support conversation and it worked fine. I'm guessing the person who reported that problem was using an outdated version from before I inserted supports. Having revised them, I'm now considering supports fully functional.

-v0.93, which will have menu commands updated courtesy bartre and a revised script will be out when I finish the tutorial. Should be doable by this weekend. After that, basically all that's left is the hard (cosmetic) stuff.

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okay it's time i got back on the graphics horse, starting with:


this text splash from the true ending credits. i'd like to think i've smoothed it out as much as i can, but it still looks a bit dodgy at anything higher than 2x resolution. pretty much the entire thing was born of necessity: the in-game fonts were too large to fit in the allotted space, so i just threw something together with a different font which, imo, at least sort of matches the class roll header font? i slightly deviated from gringe's provided wording to better fit the space as well (i admit i'm not too happy with going with "our heroes" but idk "these heroes" struck me as a bit bland)


offset 344304

next up: the rest of the epilogue blocks, then i should look into the preparations menu header again

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The font looks pretty good, but yeah, maybe a bit compressed. I didn't realize it would be so cramped when I wrote that.

In that case, I'll come up with something shorter. I guess there's a few ways we could take it. We could just do something that isn't exactly an accurate translation but fits fine, like

The famed heroes

who saved Elibe

...And honestly nothing else is coming to mind right now. But I'm fine with the above if other people are. I would like to include something about the Eight Legends, but it doesn't seem possible in English without going a bit too long.

By the way, while the title screen looks good, and while we'd have to put it someplace else in the ROM to accomplish this (though I recall cam or someone mentioning some pages back they'd be willing to help if we got to the end... and we have), I think maybe it should be a little bit wider. The Japanese text uses only four characters while the English uses about 15 if you include spaces, so the title looks a little squished.

I mean, look how big the Sacred Stones subtitle is in comparison to the Japanese version. I think it's fair to say they did that for a reason.


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i'll do some experimentation to see whether it currently offers any slack for horizontal expansion without requiring something more drastic. i'm not expecting to get all that much out of it, but hey, four or six more pixels horizontally may be all i need to make it look slightly better (that's pretty much all the extra space i got out of the last edit)

edit: okay the test results are in


i've got eight more pixels to work with

this... is going to be interesting, but who am i to turn down a challenge?

Edited by bookofholsety
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For what it's worth, I personally would be fine with something like the Japanese Rekka no Ken title screen instead of the scroll-looking thingie it's got now, if a big change is considered acceptable.


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good news: it's going a lot smoother than i anticipated. i managed to dig up a bit more space for the text area by slightly compressing the very edges of the scrolled-up side parts, which were taking up a disappointing amount of the allotted space for something so useless. i'm not all that far along in formatting the text but it's looking pretty promising at least compared to its former state:


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Oh yeah, that looks great!

EDIT: Put up v0.93. Also updated the numbers patch to improve Jahn's stats and Lot and Wade a little more.

At this point, the only things left to do are aesthetic repairs and thorough testing!

Edited by gringe
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mission accomplished


this one has one particular advantage over the old one: the scroll's colours aren't messed up anymore because i wasn't a complete idiot with throwing togther the file this time around. it wasn't really major or noticeable the first time, but at least it's gone now (bless GBAGE's grayscale mode)


offset A1A800, as usual. its filesize is larger than the first one, but i can confirm it poses no problems to the next graphic along (although i really should learn how to compress this stuff properly in a way acceptable to GBAGE standards)

Edited by bookofholsety
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mission accomplished


this one has one particular advantage over the old one: the scroll's colours aren't messed up anymore because i wasn't a complete idiot with throwing togther the file this time around. it wasn't really major or noticeable the first time, but at least it's gone now (bless GBAGE's grayscale mode)


offset A1A800, as usual. its filesize is larger than the first one, but i can confirm it poses no problems to the next graphic along (although i really should learn how to compress this stuff properly in a way acceptable to GBAGE standards)

I actually like the more vibrant colors on the scroll on this one better. Do you grayscale in usenti or something?


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