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FE6 Localization Patch v1.2.1 - Full localization with new features, including Support Conversation reader

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Does anyone have hard proof this thing exists? Or does Defeat Bandits exist in the same forest as Queen Mab and Bigfoot?gazou-fe.gif

And can someone please translate this?

I just downloaded NIGHTMARE and will tinker with it, but no real progress. I'll probably just make a patch where the actual map is present, with just the boss character, and upload for mass testing.

That is literally the worst map in any official FE game after 2001, period.

Sure, it is. But quality wasn't what they were trying todo: recreating a pre made scene was their intent. And, for that, it looks like they done good work. V-type is REALLY bad though, I guess the enemy placement was a gauntlet for you to test out NPCs like Hector, Eliwood, and Zephiel. J-type has SOME effort put into it: ironically, it's the only map that's obscured.

I wonder if the Bigfoot of FE, Defeat Bandits, is really really good, good, ok, stupid, or even existent...

Gringe, A minor suggestion for the #s patch. Why not raise Hector's max axe stat to S and Eliwood's max sword stat to S? I'm sure you know what i'm thinking... Also , the status screen for castle defense, the Trial Map, is glitched. I don't know if it's the #s patch, the translation, or my emulator, but I just wanted to mention it since idk how to upload images of it.

Y'know, gringe, if you're going to do patches or FE4 and 5, it would be a good idea to do them at the same time. Translate FE4 chapters 1-5, then FE5, Then the rest of FE4. Translate while following the story, so everything can flow correctly. That's what I would do, but i'm just suggesting. do what you will.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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bookofholsety is working on a retranslation of FE4 right now and I'm (slowly) helping him revise the script and offering some suggestions. An actual patch for that will probably be a ways off.

I'd like to do FE5 eventually but again a script will come first. I'd like to make the script consistent with FE4's so don't worry too much there. bookofholsety and myself are quite familiar with the story of FE4 so the order we do it shouldn't matter too much. Again, though, don't expect a patch anytime soon.

Right now I'm focusing on solving some more technical FE6 problems and I'm also in the middle of a big life transition (new job, new apartment, new housemate) so things will be a little slow for the foreseeable future.

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I've never played the older FE games, so I'm really looking forward to those translations. (I should probably play the current translations first xD)

That said, I really am enjoying FE6 with your translation. I just wish the developers had added in the support reader @_@

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I just hope eventually you'll get around to fixing Gaiden and FE12, considering that not only are they closely related to FE4 and 5, but are the only other games (in standing canon) that need translation. No rush, just hope eventually it'll happen. And plz make your FE12 patch include DLC by default (as part of the IPS) since Wi-Fi is dead.

R.I.P Nintendo Wi-Fi. You were loved by all, and will be missed.

Edited by Hero of the Fire Emblems
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I just hope eventually you'll get around to fixing Gaiden and FE12, considering that not only are they closely related to FE4 and 5, but are the only other games (in standing canon) that need translation. No rush, just hope eventually it'll happen.


both FE2 and FE12 have complete translation patches and were easily the best FE series patches until gringe started this project

the only thing even remotely incomplete about them is that they don't use one or two FE13 names, and frankly if that's your definition of "incomplete" i have some bad news for you

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FE12 is translated, and well at that. Only issue is that it came out before Awakening, so some of the names don't match what was localized. Which is a pretty minor issue.

Edit: well, they said it first.

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Still, Roro=Legion (as previously stated) bugs the hell out of me. It references the gimmick of the character: he's literally a respawning Legion. And this patch is using official names, so i'd like him to at least get permission to edit those patches. Unless it's Zelda (that timeline is BS) I always want to stick as close to canon as can be.

Loptyr is also said to be an earth dragon of Akaneia in some (OFFICIAL) sources, and Naga blood is a key plot element. Book of Naga is self explanitory.

Edit: Also, Jake (A unit from FE11+12) appears in FE4 and 7

Edited by Hero of the Fire Emblems
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Still, Roro=Legion (as previously stated) bugs the hell out of me. It references the gimmick of the character: he's literally a respawning Legion. And this patch is using official names, so i'd like him to at least get permission to edit those patches. Unless it's Zelda (that timeline is BS) I always want to stick as close to canon as can be.

Loptyr is also said to be an earth dragon of Akaneia in some (OFFICIAL) sources, and Naga blood is a key plot element. Book of Naga is self explanitory.

3 things /=/ closely related. If anything, it's loosely related.

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everything even remotely connected to the Jugdral story in FE12 is already up to date with official terminology in the patch, since it was all pretty much established in FE11. incidentally, the full extent of that is "earth dragons", "Naga" and "divine dragons", so it's nothing particularly major at all

again, though, i reiterate: matching official terminology does not speak alone for the quality of a patch. i strongly disagree with Vincent's assertions that FE13's legacy character names are "not canon", but i'm under no illusions that FE12 would suddenly turn into something orgasmically amazing if he did change his mind and update it. the FE12 and FE2 patches are of excellent quality as they stand already, and let me tell you, name choices one way or another are not the reason why

Edited by bookofholsety
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I beg to differ with Naga. S/he pretty much ties the series and it's world together, appearing or being mentioned in every game, exception of the alternate reality GBA titles. Still, s/he does make usually minor appearances, but they still are important ones. And still, it would be nice to have every game in standing canon to be given an "official" translation by gringe. The Awakening item/weapon names are important imao. Not that it has to be done "OMG NOWNOWNOW!", I'm a patient person when it comes to waiting.

Vincent is the Vergil guy right? And so what if he thinks they're non canon; just making a few minute changes to the patch would be something a large portion of the fanbase would download, regardless of canon status.

Edited by Hero of the Fire Emblems
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Let's focus on the patch at hand instead of talking about what might be. I don't personally plan to edit FE2 or 12, and even FE4 and 5 are too far off for serious discussion at this point. I'm still actively working on FE6 so let's just try to fix the issues there.

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I don't speak Japanese, but since Google Translate has a thing for drawing Kanji, I was able to figure out that screenshot. As it turns out, it's exactly what it says it is: Map Select. The first line is "Critical Valley", then "Island of Heavy Rain", "Defense Line in the Snow", and "Graizel Execution Court". It also says "Graizel Execution Court" in the top right, since that's the map that's selected. Nothing earth-shattering, unfortunately. Just four maps we already knew about and no trace of "Defeat Bandits".

EDIT: Missed the very top right, but it just says "Z button: Menu".

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I don't speak Japanese, but since Google Translate has a thing for drawing Kanji, I was able to figure out that screenshot. As it turns out, it's exactly what it says it is: Map Select. The first line is "Critical Valley", then "Island of Heavy Rain", "Defense Line in the Snow", and "Graizel Execution Court". It also says "Graizel Execution Court" in the top right, since that's the map that's selected. Nothing earth-shattering, unfortunately. Just four maps we already knew about and no trace of "Defeat Bandits".

EDIT: Missed the very top right, but it just says "Z button: Menu".

Er... yeah. That's the trial map selection screen :T

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Strange, considering there is no 'Z' button on the Gameboy Advance. Perhaps it was meant for use with a Gameboy Player? But... why?

It doesn't really make any sense. Is there any chance that image is fake? :/

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Strange, considering there is no 'Z' button on the Gameboy Advance. Perhaps it was meant for use with a Gameboy Player? But... why?

It doesn't really make any sense. Is there any chance that image is fake? :/

it's a photo right off a Game Boy Player; the Z button on the GameCube controller is part of the Player's function

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Are you using the newest version? I distinctly remember fixing that exact issue.

EDIT: Just checked. It's fine in the latest version.

Edited by gringe
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while we're on the subject of bug reports, there's a quick few i'll mention before i forget. none of them are particularly major but still


the first screen of the data erase menu (hold L + right + select when booting the game) is still pretty heavily broken. should be a pretty simple correction, but if you want to go for the 100% FE7 versimillitude in this respect, here's what FE7 and 8 say on their erase screens

Text of ID 0x0054
All your saved data will be erased.[.]
Shall I continue?[.][No][X]

Text of ID 0x0055
[OpenLeft]Once your data is erased, it cannot[.]
be restored. Shall I continue?[No][X]

Text of ID 0x0056
[OpenLeft]The data's been erased.[.][A][X]


the third trial map's enemies all have the name "Bandit", when they're actually Ilian knights. good luck figuring out which bandit text string is actually theirs, though because isn't there like a few million of them in the damn ROM :P

on a final less related note, treading dangerously back into the territory of names, you've called the dragonstones used by enemy manaketes Flamestones, but FE11 actually called them Firestones. minor and all but still i feel compelled to point this out

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the third trial map's enemies all have the name "Bandit", when they're actually Ilian knights. good luck figuring out which bandit text string is actually theirs, though because isn't there like a few million of them in the damn ROM :P

Step 1: look at the chapter unit editor for the respective chapter

Step 2: find the unit in question, note the character ID (Like 3E or someshit)

Step 3: go into character editor to that character ID, find the name pointer

Step 4: go to that name pointer in feditor adv, fix


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Bear in mind that I'm still using v0.92, but I don't recall this being addressed. If it has, my apologises

This is also really minor, but I thought I'd mention it for consistency sake


All the other descriptions for the headings here have periods at the end of them, whilst "Shop" doesn't



The text bubble before this (B support) had Lance saying something, but it skipped the text. Similar to the Bors/Wendy conversation I reported a month or so ago

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