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FE6 Localization Patch v1.2.1 - Full localization with new features, including Support Conversation reader

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Thanks, Barth. I'll get to it as soon as I can. Made a little more progress toward 0.99 tonight.

Don't want to bring personal stuff into it, but it's been a bit of a rough few weeks so I haven't had much will to work on this at home. There really isn't much left to be done, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All right, guys, feel like you've waited long enough? I know I have... v0.99 is available in the first post! I did a little bit of work on the link arena and will probably do a little more for 1.0, but I've basically given up on it. I'm curious if anyone actually intends to use this feature? If people do I may reconsider my current position.

Here's a changelog and some comments:
-"Elibe" Map screen implemented, essentially completing the full localization of the main game!!! (thanks tabachanker for the hack and bookofholsety for the graphics!)
-"Nintendo Presents" screen polished up a little bit
-Link Arena! ...partly finished, but it has a lot of issues and frankly even after tinkering with it I'm not sure I care so much about getting this part of the game perfect. >_> Getting everything perfectly accurate will be a huge pain in the tookus for a feature that probably less than 1% of people will actually use
-Fixed alignment of R-button weapon help screen (thanks tabachanker!)
-Changed alignment and the abbreviated "Det" to "Detailed" under animations options in the options screen (thanks tabachanker!)
-Fixed the Restart Chapter, Erase Data, and Save options to be consistent with FE7--Yes/No options changed to Start/Quit, Erase/Quit, and Save/Quit. If anyone knows of any other menus like this that aren't consistent with FE7, let me know. There were a bunch of Yes/No options in the hex around these ones but I'm not sure if they need to be changed or are even used in-game
-Fixed the "Units" screen for near perfect consistency with FE7
-Applied a patch to fix the graphic glitches we had before in the tutorial and epilogue (thanks Barth!)
-Changed Dragon Temple to Dragon Sanctuary and all references to it as a temple to sanctuary
-Changed a reference in Guinivere's dialogue to the traps in gaiden chapters being intended as a "warning to those who would tamper with their power" to "keep the unworthy from wielding them." The first was pretty much spot-on, but Jahn's later revelation about it was supposed to be a surprise to Roy

tabachanker: I have just one minor nitpick: it says "a" or "an" for legendary weapons too. This message, for example, should probably just say "Got Durandal."


I don't know if it would be too much to ask to add another condition to the routine you made that omits the "a" or "an" for legendary weapons. For reference, the legendary weapons are Durandal, Armads, Forblaze, Aureola, Maltet, Murgleis, Apocalypse, and Binding Bld. If it's too much, it's not the end of the world or anything. :P

Sooo... What's next? I don't expect major glitches or anything, but I'll let people report any bugs or inconsistencies they have for the next month or two. At this point, nitpicks to the script will probably be ignored (sorry). I want that locked in place. From here, the next step is improving the link arena a little further and reducing the filesize. That's about it, really! Enjoy!

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Hi! I've been lurking around the forums a lot and I just signed up to say that there seems to be something that needs fixing in the tutorial.

Battle forecast background palette for the player side seems to be messed up when the tutorial is instructing you to use Wolt to perform a ranged attack for the first time. (Battle forecast? It's the one with HP/Mt/Hit/Crit, right before attacking someone.) (This doesn't happen when you attack for the very first time with Roy. Again, tutorial.)

If it could be looked into, it'd be great! (Who knows, fixing the cause of this bug might fix something else.) Also, maybe I'm a bit OCD, but maybe all button presses should be something in the form of "A Button" instead of "A button" or "A"... (Oops! Didn't see the last bit...)

(Started from no save (save area automatically created) , VBA-M SVN1229)

Edited by Twiggy
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Hi! I've been lurking around the forums a lot and I just signed up to say that there seems to be something that needs fixing in the tutorial.

Battle forecast background palette for the player side seems to be messed up when the tutorial is instructing you to use Wolt to perform a ranged attack for the first time. (Battle forecast? It's the one with HP/Mt/Hit/Crit, right before attacking someone.) (This doesn't happen when you attack for the very first time with Roy. Again, tutorial.)

If it could be looked into, it'd be great! (Who knows, fixing the cause of this bug might fix something else.) Also, maybe I'm a bit OCD, but maybe all button presses should be something in the form of "A Button" instead of "A button" or "A"... (Oops! Didn't see the last bit...)

(Started from no save (save area automatically created) , VBA-M SVN1229)

That also happens in the original rom (not just for wolt, happens randomly), it wasn't created from the new patch fyi.

There's a problem with Bartre and Karel's convo in chapter 23 when you visit him in the village with Bartre (i think you're missing an [A] somewhere)

Also, I'd be happy to see the link arena polished, but if I'm the only one, I can just fix this on my own.

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I haven't actually ever played FE6 with this patch, my last playthrough was with the old patch.

I must say I'm impressed. It was like playing a whole new game. The dialogue is interesting and flows nicely. When I played the old patch some of the dialogue was just a chore to read. Plus it's also nice to see the intro and class roll translated. Most translation patches don't even touch that stuff, but this one went above and beyond to provide a very professional translation. Great job guys!

Oh, and yeah I plan to use the link arena too. It'd be nice if you cleaned it up a little, but it's not really necessary.

Edited by joesteve1914
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tabachanker: I have just one minor nitpick: it says "a" or "an" for legendary weapons too. This message, for example, should probably just say "Got Durandal."


In FE7, it says "Got the Durandal" and it adds "the" for any legendary weapon.

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houston, we have a problem

the former can likely be fixed by rephrasing it as "Following the legendary weapons' light". not so sure whether anything can comfortably fit with the latter; maybe "Sanctuary Gate"?

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Thanks for the clarification about the palette thing. Guess I probably lucked out the first time I did the tutorial with an earlier patch.

This has to be one of the nicest translation patches I've seen, by the way.

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Thanks, Barth! And thanks as always, bookofholsety!

Got those fixes implemented into a minor update.

Klok: I guess that's the way to go, then.

Barth, joesteve: The problem is stuff like this.



The high score screen layout I can do easily enough, but getting stuff like 1位 right in English will probably take a lot of work. If you can do this, Barth, then great! I'll implement it into the main patch. It feels like just too much work for no payout to ask tabachanker to do it. I'll look into it a little more before releasing 1.0.

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tabachanker: I have just one minor nitpick: it says "a" or "an" for legendary weapons too. This message, for example, should probably just say "Got Durandal."

I don't know if it would be too much to ask to add another condition to the routine you made that omits the "a" or "an" for legendary weapons. For reference, the legendary weapons are Durandal, Armads, Forblaze, Aureola, Maltet, Murgleis, Apocalypse, and Binding Bld. If it's too much, it's not the end of the world or anything. :P

In FE7, it says "Got the Durandal" and it adds "the" for any legendary weapon.

Adding "the" for all legendary weapons is possible. I always save a couple of bytes more whenever I do modifications in the code exactly for this!

Now, to determine if a weapon is a legendary one, I found, in the game's internal items data table, a bit that seems to be set only for legendary weapons. That bit is set only for the weapons gringe listed, + 2 other items: Divinestone + Saint's staff. If I were to use this bit to determine the legendary weapons, then those 2 extra weapons would also have the article "The" for their get and broken messages. Is that okay with you Gringe? I'm asking because using this bit would be incredibly easier and faster than having to compare the item with each element of another list.

Edited by tabachanker
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you never obtain the divinestone or the saint's staff in a message, plus they are exclusive weapons anyway.

it would actually even make more sense to append "the" in front of the al sword, gant lance, and tina staff.

Can you eventually break those 2 weapons? If that's the case, then the message "The Saint's Staff broke", for example, can still appear. The al sword, gant lance and tina staff don't have the bit I was talking about set in the game's items table. So if I do the mod as I planned, those 3 weapons will still use the "a" or "an" articles.

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Adding "the" for all legendary weapons is possible. I always save a couple of bytes more whenever I do modifications in the code exactly for this!

Now, to determine if a weapon is a legendary one, I found, in the game's internal items data table, a bit that seems to be set only for legendary weapons. That bit is set only for the weapons gringe listed, + 2 other items: Divinestone + Saint's staff. If I were to use this bit to determine the legendary weapons, then those 2 extra weapons would also have the article "The" for their get and broken messages. Is that okay with you Gringe? I'm asking because using this bit would be incredibly easier and faster than having to compare the item with each element of another list.

Sounds good to me!

dondon: I can see where you're coming from, but I'm not sure "Got the Al's sword" actually sounds much better. Maybe I should just change the item names to remove the apostrophe s (Got an Al sword)

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Can you eventually break those 2 weapons? If that's the case, then the message "The Saint's Staff broke", for example, can still appear. The al sword, gant lance and tina staff don't have the bit I was talking about set in the game's items table. So if I do the mod as I planned, those 3 weapons will still use the "a" or "an" articles.

both can break, so yeah, it'll be best to define them as "the" weapons anyway

dondon: I can see where you're coming from, but I'm not sure "Got the Al's sword" actually sounds much better. Maybe I should just change the item names to remove the apostrophe s (Got an Al sword)

eh, i honestly think it'd be a misstep to lose the apostrophe for these three; the old translation had them like that, and i always thought it looked pretty dumb and sort of diluted the "other people used to own these" aspect of them

while a bit awkward, i don't think the three weapons would ultimately fare too badly prefixed with a/an. originally i was going to suggest implementing an alternate message scenario which does not include a/an/the at all just for these three (eg "Got Al's sword"), but on second thought i'm not sure it'd be worth the extra effort just for three minor items

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Yeah, not sure it's worth putting forth the effort.

Another "solution" I just thought of to make it a little less awkward... In the dialogue before you obtain Al's sword, Gant's lance, and Tina's staff, the villagers make no mention of the name of the wielder. Perhaps the dialogue could be altered to include their name, and the weapon name could be genericized to, for example, Hero's sword, Knight's lance, and Noble's staff.

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Here's the patch to add the article "The" for the legendary weapons. As I said in a previous post, this includes all weapons in gringe's list + the saint's staff and the divinestone. My tests were all positive, but I had to cheat a little since I don't have any save game where I own (or I'm about to get) a legendary weapon. I promoted the iron sword to legendary status in my test ROM and tested the messages with that weapon. It would be wise to test the patch with the real legendary weapons before releasing it.

The UPS patch was made from v.0.99a.

UPS patch 0.99a.zip

Edited by tabachanker
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Tested by obtaining Durandal and breaking the Binding Bld and Saint's Staff. Works great!

Added another minor update to the first post. Here's a changelist:

-Legendary weapons will now have "the" in their respective messages rather than "a" (thanks tabachanker!)

-Al's sword, Gant's lance, and Tina's staff changed to Hero's sword, Knight's lance, and Noble's staff respectively, and the dialogue before you receive the weapons now mentions the characters by name. This was done primarily to accommodate the "Got a _____." message syntax which looked strange with a character's name at the front of the item name.

-When using the Restore staff, the menu said "Status". It now says "Cond" for consistency with FE7.

-Changed the chapter 12x boss' name from Guelero to Guerrero. I'd been meaning to do this for a while but kept forgetting.

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Oh hey Gringe, thought I'd let you know in case you didn't already... In FE7, when you get an item, the popup actually says "Obtained" instead of "Got". As an example "Obtained the Durandal" instead of "Got the Durandal". Dunno if you'd be able to change "Got" to "Obtained", but I thought I'd mention it anyway for the sake of the most accurate translation.

Plus, "obtained" sounds better grammatically than "got".

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i think you maybe want to reconsider the choice of "hero's sword" for "al's sword" because it has a meaning overlap with brave swords throughout the series. flavor-wise, i think they're fine choices.

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dondon: I actually considered that, but the official translations, to my knowledge, all go with "Brave Sword" so I figured, eh, screw it. Originally I wanted it to be "Champion's sword" but I don't think that will fit, and there aren't any other fitting synonyms for "hero" I can think of.

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