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Pick Noire's Father for me


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This is my alternate file with a Chrom and Olivia pairing, instead of Chrom and Sumia.


Noire's father is Gaius in my main file, and Olivia's husband is Virion.

Now that Chrom has 寝取られ'd Olivia's husbando in this file, Gaius has been switched to Sumia from Tharja, and Virion has been bumped out, and is in the pool of available fathers, along with Kellam and Libra.

And, I really don't know who to give to Tharja to get her off my back.

So, please give me serious arguments based on Classes and Stat Modifiers that Noire inherits from her father.

I will ignore arguments based on aesthetics, for example "this pairing is cutesy because bla bla bla, therefore you should do it."

My current pairings are represented on the following image:


UaA1T71.jpg Yes, the fanart of Ike is Avatar and the child is Morgan.

If you are wondering why I did this, it is because the images closely resemble my Avatar's and Morgan's appearances.


The pairings in the image are inflexible.

Edited by Ƶerker
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There....aren't many choices left besides Virion and Kellam, I think? But I'm gonna go say Virion because breakers.

Edited by Shirley
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K, so Virion v Kellam v Libra. Noire has Dark Mage - Archer - Knight.

Classes passed down afaik:

Virion - Archer (already has), Wyvern Rider, Mage

Libra - Mage, Dark Mage (already has), Cleric

Kellam - Knight (already has), Cleric, Thief

Skills she doesn't already have:

Virion - Swordbreaker, Slow Burn, Lancebreaker, Deliverer, Tomefaire, Rally Magic, Mag+2, Focus, Str+2, Tantivy

Libra - Tomefaire, Rally Magic, Renewal, Rally Luck, Miracle, Healtouch

Kellam - Renewal, Rally Luck, Miracle, Healtouch, Pass, Lethality, Acrobat, Lucky Seven, Locktouch, Move+1

Skillwise, I'd say Kellam or Virion is the best. As for mods (not counting +1):

Virion - 2 Skill, 2 Speed, -1 Luck, -2 Defense

Kellam - 1 Strength, 1 Skill, -2 Speed, -2 Luck, 3 Defense

Libra - 1 Magic, 1 Skill, -1 Luck, 1 Res

Best for mods I'd say is Libra. As for Noire's, let's say, Dark Mage (since she's better off magical) growths with each father:

Virion - 85 HP, 41 Str, 53 Mag, 48 Skl, 61 Spd, 40 Lck, 40 Def, 38 Res - overall pretty crap, all added together = 406

Kellam - 90 HP, 41 Str, 48 Mag, 48 Skl, 58 Spd, 38 Lck, 50 Def, 40 Res - bad as well, all added together = 413

Libra - 88 HP, 36 Str, 55 Mag, 50 Skl, 58 Spd, 41 Luck, 40 Def, 40 Res - the best probably, all added together = 408, though overall better

So at this rate I'd say Virion is out, and it's between Kellam and Libra. Kellam's better for a mixed Noire, Libra can make her full out magical. You choose.

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Amongst the leftovers, Libra is obviously the worst for obvious reason(class overlap)

That being said, it depends on your class choice

If its Sorcerer, Virion!Noire reach +4 SPD, and Deliverer can make up the rest. Defense does not matter anyway >_>

If its something related to Archer stuff, Kellam gives Pass from Assassin

That being said, it would be simpler if you mind moving your pairing a bit, namely Virion into Brady, and then Gregor into Noire

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That being said, it would be simpler if you mind moving your pairing a bit, namely Virion into Brady, and then Gregor into Noire

Please explain why you believe this is superior to Gregor!Brady and Virion/Kellam!Noire, using Stat Modifiers and available skills.

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I am generally using overall viewpoints

At her base Brady already has Luna, Galeforce, Dual Guard+, and being a male, Agressor

The implication here is simple, Brady has the single best default skill pools in the game, because he has anything that anyone ever wanted to become an amazing Galeforce unit. That being said he does not need any class(he already has Paladin and Sage to do both Physical and Magical stuff) outside the extras

So lets review the father one by one, from the remaining set up

Gregor - Your default choice, and obviously the best because Gregor has no class overlap, and allow Brady to become a great Assassin/Berserker. That.... not much that i can say about this, mostly because Gregor is arguably the best father in the game for anyone.

Virion - A Glass Cannon at its best. This Brady is ideal for going Sage, since he already has crap defense and the defense loss does not affect him much. With Virion's archer class sets, Brady can try to take up Bow Knight and snipe stuff with his enchanced Agressor + Luna attacks to make up for his 38 STR as BK. Cavalier reach 44 Speed. Pairing up with Assassin allow Brady to reach 75 Speed with all buff on, which is needed if you want him to be able to double 70 SPD in Apotheosis with him.

Kellam - Kellam is the most pigeonholed of the bunch, this one try to make up the - SPD with Assassin. 45 SPD reach 75 mark with +3 SPD, namely Dark Flier. Kellam!Brady gained access to Assassin, which, in the same way as Bow Knight Virion!Brady allow Brady to snipe stuff with Brave Bow backed by Agressor + Luna, and a massive proc chance of 51% with Assassin's massive SKL.

Libra!Brady - Im going to make this faster and said I don't like Libra as a father. Too much class overlap by his own, and Magical classes simply sucked in term of skills(beetwen Sorcerer, Mage, and Priest the only cool skills are like.... Rallies and maybe Tomefaire/Breaker, sometime Anathema) which means he relied on the children who does not have his skills. It just happened that most of the time, they did 1 - 2 have them. Brady is one of those who get 2 of them. Libra provides Brady with Sorcerer, which gives him Anathema. 43 Speed as a Sage is a bit iffy. Libra is still a glass cannon, and he has simmilar defensive parameter with Virion(the -2 defense did not actually make that much of a difference).

That being said, Libra is only good if you are planning to make an Anathema carrying bot. Otherwise, Sage Brady want to go Virion.


To outline the whole thing, Sorcerer generally want Vantage/Armthrift. Archery generally want Galeforce. Your set up has no Galeforce stock

Virion - The mods are amazing, the class are.... shaky. This is fine if you want to prioritize in Mods, since you can run a fine Sorcerer set up with Luna, DG+/Deliverer, Tomefaire/Deliverer, Limit Break, Pavise.

Kellam - Archer classes with Pass. And thats it.. Can go on Archer routes thanks to having Pass. Sorcerer having 41 speed is pretty damn sad >_>

Libra - Absurd class overlap. The problem with this pairing is the class overlap. Damage wise, Sorcerer Libra!Noire has exactly 1 more Mag in comparison and take only a bit less damage than Virion!Noire in every kind of attacks(physical and magical)

Gregor - Has Vantage and Armthrift to make an actually good Sorcerer. Mods are a ballance 3/3, and can even run Vantage Sage as another option. Gregor's advantages over the rest of Noire's father are obvious. The skill that Gregor give to Noire >>>>> every other father. The speed mods are pretty solid at 2, giving 42 Speed for Sorcerer.

That being said, in my point of view, I suggets moving Gregor on Noire because Noire is relatively lacking with her other fathers, while Brady can do tons of cool stuff with other fathers thanks to his broken default class sets. The context are "X Brady AND Gregor Noire is better than Gregor!Brady and x Noire", not "Gregor!Brady is better than X Brady"

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Well, no matter how I slice it, you're going to have to do a little bit of shuffling here, if you want to get a decent Noire. Gonna chime in and say that I think that Gregor!Noire is probably the best of the lot, but if you want to keep Gregor!Brady, you can do some other things.

An alternative that you could do besides going Virion!Brady and Gregor!Noire is shuffle Ricken to Noire and have Kellam father Laurent. Compared to each other, Kellam loses out on 2 magic and 2 speed, but gets 2 strength and 4 defense(!) in return, in addition to having a very slight win for Skill. Likewise, as for the skills, Kellam pretty much has Ricken beat, since Laurent inherits all three of Knight, Priest and Thief from him, while Ricken only gives Cavalier and Archer. (Even so, he might as well just give Cavalier.) Both Knight and Cavalier give access to the Great Knight tree for Luna and Dual Guard, but Knight gives Pavise versus Paladin's Aegis, which might help more, since magic classes tend to have lower defense than Res and Pavise targets mostly physical stuff. Laurent also gets Axefaire by default, meaning that he can also put in some work as a War Monk if he needs to. If he goes Sage, he can probably get away with having slightly lower speed, due to the higher cap in that class.

Giving Ricken to Noire gives her the Pavise/Aegis combo as well as Tomefaire, letting her hit things a bit harder and being pretty hard to kill herself. The mods are also pretty decent, with 2 speed, 6 magic, and positive defenses.

Yet another alternative you could do would be to give Kellam to Nowi and give Donnel to Tharja, but I wouldn't recommend it quite as much mostly because there are better fathers you could use for Nowi besides Kellam(Gaius, Vaike, Donnel) but also because it hurts Noire's speed a bit too, which you don't want to do if she's being a Sorcerer. But if you want to, Nah gets good defensive mods, (7 def, 3 res) Pavise and Renewal while Noire gets Armsthrift/Sol and Galeforce access, along with Valkyrie if you care about that.

Or if you're okay with doing some major reshuffling, you could do Virion!Owain or Libra!Owain -> Henry!Cynthia -> Gaius!Noire. Virion gives Owain some good offensive stats by his standards (3 magic, 2 skill, 3 speed) as well as access to Lifetaker and Deliverer for movement. Libra lets Owain run Vantage as a Dark Mage as well as decent magical mods. (4 magic, 1 skill/speed) Henry!Cynthia becomes crazy good support since she can still do Dark Flier for magic support, but also Assassin for physical stuff as well, great mods to do anything she wants to do (2 magic, 5 skill and 4 speed) as well as access to Valkyrie and Dark Mage if you want it.

The obligatory comedy option would be to shuffle Vaike to Tharja and give Libra to Sully. (Don't do this, by the way, unless you really want to.) Noire still turns out okay since she gets access to Mercenary for Armsthrift and Sol and works with Assassin since she gets Bowfaire naturally, while you could make Kjelle an actually pretty decent Sorcerer with Pavise/Aegis along with Luna and Vantage and maybe Miracle or Tomefaire too to make her even more unkillable. The mods for each kid also turn out okay, with Noire getting good mixed stats on both sides of the spectrum while Kjelle still gets good skill/speed but no negative stats on the offensive or defensive sides of the spectrum so she can still do most of what she usually does.

Edited by HeoandReo
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Well, all three give class overlap.

All three also give Tomefaire, which helps if you're going for a Sorceror!Noire build. I would go with Virion for the higher offensive mods (+4 Mag / +4 Spe).

If you're going for a Bow using Noire build, Kellam would be the best due to giving Assassin as a class (which has better stats than Bow Knight and Sniper).

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Defense does not matter anyway >_>

Uhh, what?

Defense is one of the most important stats in the game BY FAR, with Speed and Magic/Strength. Which is better, dying or doing less damage?

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Uhh, what?

Defense is one of the most important stats in the game BY FAR, with Speed and Magic/Strength. Which is better, dying or doing less damage?

96 vs 54 = 42. 3 Round, 5 with Pav/Gis

96 vs 79 = 37. 3 Round, 6 with Pav/Gis

Thanks stats inflation for this phenomenon

When i said its unimportant, I mean not in a "defense r teh useless" but more in a "Does not make any significant difference" context

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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The hell are you saying sorry for? xD

It's your game.


(I hope I wrote that right, otherwise that's gonna come out really weird.)

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I agree with the others that some shuffling would be ideal. But of the fathers you have left, I would vote for Kellam purely for Assassin and its amazing caps and pair up bonuses. (bonus: black hair)

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