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Some of Those Supports...


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In my opinion, a couple of the supports in the English version are quite lackluster. I got to the end of Lon'qu and Olivia's supports, "I broke the vase! Marry me...", yeah, no. There were a couple more that must have gotten lost in translation or something because I almost had trouble sitting through a few. Don't get me wrong, I know the NOA team had to fit the new conversations into the old Japanese ones, and they did a fantastic job of doing that, but sometimes, just THAT. Are there any supports that are also hilariously (or painfully) bad? If you could re-write them, how would you go about it?

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Go compare the two and you'll instantly see the huge difference in tone and character development, and it's not for the better.

I feel bad how people kind of mocked his post. It was well-thought out and analyzed a lot of good points regarding Henry and Olivia's relationship in the English version and Japanese version.

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Sumia's overemphasis on pies

Although I will be honest and the only problem about that support is the S Rank convo. The chapter 11 is solid, the C is GREAT the B is solid, the A is amazing.

Its miles better than that one support that is made of 100% pure shit thats for sure, but accordin to the fanbase they rather have shit over Sumia's support so I dunno man

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Sumia's overemphasis on pies

Although I will be honest and the only problem about that support is the S Rank convo. The chapter 11 is solid, the C is GREAT the B is solid, the A is amazing.

Its miles better than that one support that is made of 100% pure shit thats for sure, but accordin to the fanbase they rather have shit over Sumia's support so I dunno man

The Japanese one wasn't much better, TBQH. Sure it wasn't pies, but a lunch is hardly better or different.

Chrom/Sumia S sucks at all times.

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I actually like their relationship, I only have problem with the fact that the context of their S support change from they actually having a.... well, relationship(B and A is actually setting the nice path), and instead was more of a "you bake pie, me like pie, me marry you."

The fact that Sumia's last line are about hiring a steward to bake pies are nothing but a massive insult to the otherwise one of the best romantic convo(not as bad as Frederick A - S with Cordy)

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Nearly every romantic support with Nowi. Just...Creepy. Cordelia as well, most of them are "Oh you're not Chrom but I'll settle for you." Just...*sigh*

This actually made me dislike Cordelia.

Sumia and Chrom's S support is funny, but dumb.

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Stahl and Cordelia's S support doesn't involves Chrom, neither does Kellam and Cordelia's or Lon'qu and Cordelia's. Those are all fine and the only time someone talks about Chrom it's the male and Cordelia says she loves them rather than Chrom. But IDK, it seems people like to exaggerate this part of Cordelia's personality.

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Nearly every romantic support with Nowi. Just...Creepy. Cordelia as well, most of them are "Oh you're not Chrom but I'll settle for you." Just...*sigh*

The one with the avatar doesn't involve chrom i believe, i haven't read the supports in a while.

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Stahl and Cordelia's S support doesn't involves Chrom, neither does Kellam and Cordelia's or Lon'qu and Cordelia's. Those are all fine and the only time someone talks about Chrom it's the male and Cordelia says she loves them rather than Chrom. But IDK, it seems people like to exaggerate this part of Cordelia's personality.

Actually, Lon'qu and Stahl both mention it, albeit briefly in the S support. It's Kellam and Gregor's that doesn't. And the Avatar.

Now to actually contribute.

Obligatory Chrom x Sumia mention, but I feel that most of the dislike for it is because it was hyped up so much, only to turn out to be lackluster at best. I've found myself preferring each of Chrom's options more than the so-called "canon" pairing, and that's not due to my natural bias either, I actually went at each pairing unbiased this time, I swear.

I haven't been near the support log in a bit, but I'll pull out some more the second I get a chance.

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Did you seriously prefer that shitty Chrom x Fe MU support over Chrom x Sumia

I mean fuck, Chrom x all of the candidate(bar Olivia flashback) is actually really good, but FE-MU x Chrom just take the low quality in a whole new level

That being said, my problem with Cordelia is not so much the fact that she get over Chrom or not, but more because that thing is shoehorned for no reason, ruins her otherwise best support(in my opinion).

Not to mention the way people judge her pairing goes from "they have a solid relationship" into "hey she get over Chrom and she say so" or "she did not even mention Chrom, best convo ever!m"

Which is bullshit

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I would take ChromxFeMU good only if the support is capped at A, not S.

I recalled in support conversation between Lucina and Morgan why they parent not tie the knot despite the bond and for me their support conversation up to A is the perfect reason :smug:

But since it takes you to S, yes it is really shitty.

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Actually, Lon'qu and Stahl both mention it, albeit briefly in the S support. It's Kellam and Gregor's that doesn't. And the Avatar.

Now to actually contribute.

Obligatory Chrom x Sumia mention, but I feel that most of the dislike for it is because it was hyped up so much, only to turn out to be lackluster at best. I've found myself preferring each of Chrom's options more than the so-called "canon" pairing, and that's not due to my natural bias either, I actually went at each pairing unbiased this time, I swear.

I haven't been near the support log in a bit, but I'll pull out some more the second I get a chance.

Chrom and FeMU wasn't much be---

Did you seriously prefer that shitty Chrom x Fe MU support over Chrom x Sumia

I mean fuck, Chrom x all of the candidate(bar Olivia flashback) is actually really good, but FE-MU x Chrom just take the low quality in a whole new level

Beat me to it.

Animu cliche to the extreme.

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I felt sorry for Fred too. It's one of her "eh I'll settle for you" supports.

I REALLY hate it when Severa mentions Cordelia pining over Chrom. Why, woman, why? You're married for crying out loud!

Plus, here is one of her level up quotes:

"I'd do all this and more to be with him!" Even when she is married.

Sorry, Cordy. You're going to be paired with Ricken.

Edited by TheWarpedWizard
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That was laziness from IS. Changing the levelup quote because a minor character is married is asking way too much from Intelligent Systems. They're the same guys that made Lunatic+.

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@ Zeem- really? I feel bad for Cordelia. Why does she like Chrom so much? He's not even cool. Gregor for Smash 4 instead of Chrom

I feel bad for them both. Some blue-haired geek is ruining their marriage.

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