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A Red Fox Quiz


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I hope you've studied.

1. What does a Red Fox eat?

a) Plants such as grass and sedges as well as fruit

b) Tree bark

c) Primarily small, mouse-like rodents and some birds

d) SF members

2. When does a Red Fox feed?

a) When the sun is highest in the sky

b) Early morning hours before sunrise and late evening

c) Only at twilight and dusk

d) Every time a SF member posts a quiz

3. Where did the ancestors of the Red Fox originate?

a) North America, primarily Mexico

b) Africa

c) Eurasia

d) The Tower of Guidance

4. Apart from its size, what distinguishes the Red Fox from other Foxes?

a) Adaptability

b) Speed

c) Color

d) Fire

5. What special sense does a Red Fox have?

a) Echo Location

b) Binocular vision

c) Lateral Line

d) Galdr

6. When and how often do Red Foxes reproduce?

a) Twice a year in spring and fall

b) Once a year in spring

c) Once a year in fall

d) Never because all the Red Foxes were killed off by Begnion Beorc.

7. Where do Red Foxes live?

a) Near the peaks on mountains

b) The lowest points of valleys

c) Densely vegetated areas

d) The forests between Blemma and Myron

8. How do Red Foxes communicate?

a) Body Language

b) Vocal sounds

c) Touch

d) Troll posts

9. What is a Red Fox's most commonly heard contact call?

a) "waaaaaah"

b) "woo woo woo"

c) "wow wow wow"

d) "Galeforce, bitch"

10. Which types of Foxes dominate Red Foxes?

a) Arctic Foxes

b) Blanford's Foxes

c) Corsac Foxes

d) You crazy? The Red Fox dominates all!

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10. Which types of Foxes dominate Red Foxes?

a) Arctic Foxes

b) Blanford's Foxes

c) Corsac Foxes

d) You crazy? The Red Fox dominates all!

e) Tangerine Foxes

Courtesy of MU. MAI-UNITTO.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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3 correct.

1. B

2. B

3. B

4. B

5. B

6. B

7. B

8. B

9. B

10. B

Totally beating Zeem.

3 correct.

The first one is the only one I know the answer to for sure.

Can't give credit unless you answer!

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I hope you've studied.

1. What does a Red Fox eat?

a) Plants such as grass and sedges as well as fruit

b) Tree bark

c) Primarily small, mouse-like rodents and some birds

d) SF members

2. When does a Red Fox feed?

a) When the sun is highest in the sky

b) Early morning hours before sunrise and late evening

c) Only at twilight and dusk

d) Every time a SF member posts a quiz

3. Where did the ancestors of the Red Fox originate?

a) North America, primarily Mexico

b) Africa

c) Eurasia

d) The Tower of Guidance

4. Apart from its size, what distinguishes the Red Fox from other Foxes?

a) Adaptability

b) Speed

c) Color

d) Fire

5. What special sense does a Red Fox have?

a) Echo Location

b) Binocular vision

c) Lateral Line

d) Galdr

6. When and how often do Red Foxes reproduce?

a) Twice a year in spring and fall

b) Once a year in spring

c) Once a year in fall

d) Never because all the Red Foxes were killed off by Begnion Beorc.

7. Where do Red Foxes live?

a) Near the peaks on mountains

b) The lowest points of valleys

c) Densely vegetated areas

d) The forests between Blemma and Myron

8. How do Red Foxes communicate?

a) Body Language

b) Vocal sounds

c) Touch

d) Troll posts

9. What is a Red Fox's most commonly heard contact call?

a) "waaaaaah"

b) "woo woo woo"

c) "wow wow wow"

d) "Galeforce, bitch"

10. Which types of Foxes dominate Red Foxes?

a) Arctic Foxes

b) Blanford's Foxes

c) Corsac Foxes

d) You crazy? The Red Fox dominates all!

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I hope you've studied.

1. What does a Red Fox eat?

a) Plants such as grass and sedges as well as fruit

b) Tree bark

c) Primarily small, mouse-like rodents and some birds

d) SF members

2. When does a Red Fox feed?

a) When the sun is highest in the sky

b) Early morning hours before sunrise and late evening

c) Only at twilight and dusk

d) Every time a SF member posts a quiz

3. Where did the ancestors of the Red Fox originate?

a) North America, primarily Mexico

b) Africa

c) Eurasia

d) The Tower of Guidance

4. Apart from its size, what distinguishes the Red Fox from other Foxes?

a) Adaptability

b) Speed

c) Color

d) Fire

5. What special sense does a Red Fox have?

a) Echo Location

b) Binocular vision

c) Lateral Line

d) Galdr

6. When and how often do Red Foxes reproduce?

a) Twice a year in spring and fall

b) Once a year in spring

c) Once a year in fall

d) Never because all the Red Foxes were killed off by Begnion Beorc.

7. Where do Red Foxes live?

a) Near the peaks on mountains

b) The lowest points of valleys

c) Densely vegetated areas

d) The forests between Blemma and Myron

8. How do Red Foxes communicate?

a) Body Language

b) Vocal sounds

c) Touch

d) Troll posts

9. What is a Red Fox's most commonly heard contact call?

a) "waaaaaah"

b) "woo woo woo"

c) "wow wow wow"

d) "Galeforce, bitch"

10. Which types of Foxes dominate Red Foxes?

a) Arctic Foxes

b) Blanford's Foxes

c) Corsac Foxes

d) You crazy? The Red Fox dominates all!

2 correct.

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This one is too easy!

1. What does a Red Fox eat?

e) Tangerines

2. When does a Red Fox feed?

d) Every time a SF member posts a quiz

3. Where did the ancestors of the Red Fox originate?

e) Serenes Forest

4. Apart from its size, what distinguishes the Red Fox from other Foxes?

e) Red

5. What special sense does a Red Fox have?

e) Tang

6. When and how often do Red Foxes reproduce?

d) Never because all the Red Foxes were killed off by Begnion Tang.

7. Where do Red Foxes live?

d) The forests between Blemma and Myron

8. How do Red Foxes communicate?

d) Troll posts

9. What is a Red Fox's most commonly heard contact call?

d) "Tangforce, bitch"

10. Which types of Foxes dominate Red Foxes?

e) Tang Foxes


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This one is too easy!

1. What does a Red Fox eat?

e) Tangerines

2. When does a Red Fox feed?

d) Every time a SF member posts a quiz

3. Where did the ancestors of the Red Fox originate?

e) Serenes Forest

4. Apart from its size, what distinguishes the Red Fox from other Foxes?

e) Red

5. What special sense does a Red Fox have?

e) Tang

6. When and how often do Red Foxes reproduce?

d) Never because all the Red Foxes were killed off by Begnion Tang.

7. Where do Red Foxes live?

d) The forests between Blemma and Myron

8. How do Red Foxes communicate?

d) Troll posts

9. What is a Red Fox's most commonly heard contact call?

d) "Tangforce, bitch"

10. Which types of Foxes dominate Red Foxes?

e) Tang Foxes


All wrong.

On a side note, what's up with your #4 answer? "Color" was a legitimate option!

Still waiting for someone to research and find all the correct answers.

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1. What does a Red Fox eat?

a) Plants such as grass and sedges as well as fruit

b) Tree bark

c) Primarily small, mouse-like rodents and some birds

d) SF members

2. When does a Red Fox feed?

a) When the sun is highest in the sky

b) Early morning hours before sunrise and late evening

c) Only at twilight and dusk

d) Every time a SF member posts a quiz

3. Where did the ancestors of the Red Fox originate?

a) North America, primarily Mexico

b) Africa

c) Eurasia

d) The Tower of Guidance

4. Apart from its size, what distinguishes the Red Fox from other Foxes?

a) Adaptability

b) Speed

c) Color

d) Fire

5. What special sense does a Red Fox have?

a) Echo Location

b) Binocular vision

c) Lateral Line

d) Galdr

6. When and how often do Red Foxes reproduce?

a) Twice a year in spring and fall

b) Once a year in spring

c) Once a year in fall

d) Never because all the Red Foxes were killed off by Begnion Beorc.

7. Where do Red Foxes live?

a) Near the peaks on mountains

b) The lowest points of valleys

c) Densely vegetated areas

d) The forests between Blemma and Myron

8. How do Red Foxes communicate?

a) Body Language

b) Vocal sounds

c) Touch

d) Troll posts

9. What is a Red Fox's most commonly heard contact call?

a) "waaaaaah"

b) "woo woo woo"

c) "wow wow wow"

d) "Galeforce, bitch"

10. Which types of Foxes dominate Red Foxes?

a) Arctic Foxes

b) Blanford's Foxes

c) Corsac Foxes

d) You crazy? The Red Fox dominates all!

What's my prize?
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Holy Jesus, right after I said

Still waiting for someone to research and find all the correct answers.


I didn't expect anyone to actually do it, so props to you.


There were two semi-trick questions. Everything you chose is correct, but two of the questions actually have two answers.

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Holy Jesus, right after I said


I didn't expect anyone to actually do it, so props to you.


There were two semi-trick questions. Everything you chose is correct, but two of the questions actually have two answers.

I know eight is one of them.
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