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The Sumia hate is irking me...

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It IS all lies. Game clearly shows the fact that Miriel is crazy and hallucinating. I don't know why anyone who's actually played the map would think anything otherwise.

Sazuke isn't Hardin. Hardin at least was cool and solid

Sazuke likes bringing up this "Juror who can't convict" thing...and he's wrong like almost all the time (he's only right in rare occasions like when he's stating that Chrom's father was dumb (how... do... you lose to Barbarianville?!)). he's WINSTON PAYNE.

Eh, I think the Sumia hate is almost a direct parallel to the Colette hate that happened in the Symphonia fandom.

Let's see, ostensibly cute girl, who trips a lot... primary love interest of the main character. Kinda squishy, but if used right is insanely powerful.

Yep. She's Colette 2.0.

The hate is virtually the same. Sumia's in Cordelia's way in the same manner that Colette is in Sheena's way, so people hate for that. Sumia's klutzy, people hate for that. Sumia's nice. People hate for that.

That bolded line. You're amazing. :XD:

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I'm going to be honest, I liked Sumia from the minute she was announced. In the trailer, she caught my eye and I've kept on wanting to learn more about her. When the game came out, I indeed did like her, both as a character and a unit more. The Summer Scramble conversation is meant to be taken as a joke, but a LOT of people just love to take jokes seriously...

Most of the hate really just comes from marriages, which is a trivial reason. America does seem to hate the ditzy airheads that seem to be the main girls of the game, but most of it is just in defense of other characters. So I really try to push away from Sumia hate, because it's just a bunch of angry fangirls just wanting their beloved Chrom-sama or people who hate stereotypes in general, even though this game is a walking stereotype.

As popular as Cordelia is, I honestly don't really like her as much as people dislike Sumia. And what's even more sad is that Cordelia fanboys really push hard to defend their waifu whenever she is faced with the slightest criticism, while if I say something bad about, like Sully, nobody's going to rush to her aid and just smirk and nod. It really just comes off as annoying with the blatant "waifuism" that characters like Cordelia has promoted.

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It IS all lies. Game clearly shows the fact that Miriel is crazy and hallucinating. I don't know why anyone who's actually played the map would think anything otherwise.

You know, I'd say the same thing, but we have GameFAQs Sazuke jumping on it like they found the Holy Grail or something. I literally SAW him posting celebrating a victory despite how stupid sounding he was actually believing it. And the fact that the specific video they were celebrating was my edited one with Phoenix Wright music for laughs and DELIBERATELY cut off with a game over for said laughs.

And she doesn't know the difference between a slap and a punch? Just...I wanted to bang my head on my desk at this.


Freaking. MOE.

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Yeah, fans like that annoy me. I mean the ones that get all overreactive and crap when someone criticizes their beloved wifey or hubby or other favorite characters. You don't see me screaming and yelling every time someone says they dislike/hate Frederick. I accept that he's not real popular and most other female players prefer other men (namely Chrom, which actually rather annoys me. But only because I find him bland and I'd like to see female Avatars with other men more often for a change, even if they aren't Frederick). Besides, it just means more Freddy Bear for me. Hehe.

Edited by Anacybele
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You know, I'd say the same thing, but we have GameFAQs Sazuke jumping on it like they found the Holy Grail or something. I literally SAW him posting celebrating a victory despite how stupid sounding he was actually believing it. And the fact that the specific video they were celebrating was my edited one with Phoenix Wright music for laughs and DELIBERATELY cut off with a game over for said laughs.

But... Sazuke is someone we've established as dumb.

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I never hated Sumia. Helps that Sumia!Lucina is best Lucina in my opinion, so I have no reason to hate on SumiaxChrom Supports (especially when F!AvatarxChrom Supports are worse)!

Cynthia is also very very awesome! PEGA-PONY-PRINCESS FOR THE WIN!

Maybe I just like canon pairings in general...

Eh, I think the Sumia hate is almost a direct parallel to the Colette hate that happened in the Symphonia fandom.

Let's see, ostensibly cute girl, who trips a lot... primary love interest of the main character. Kinda squishy, but if used right is insanely powerful.

Yep. She's Colette 2.0.

The hate is virtually the same. Sumia's in Cordelia's way in the same manner that Colette is in Sheena's way, so people hate for that. Sumia's klutzy, people hate for that. Sumia's nice. People hate for that.

As a side note, I love Colette!

And comparing her to Sumia is actually pretty apt when you think about it. I can indeed see the similiarities between them, story and gameplay-wise.

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Yeah, fans like that annoy me. I mean the ones that get all overreactive and crap when someone criticizes their beloved wifey or hubby or other favorite characters. You don't see me screaming and yelling every time someone says they dislike/hate Frederick. I accept that he's not real popular and most other female players prefer other men (namely Chrom, which actually rather annoys me. But only because I find him bland and I'd like to see female Avatars with other men more often for a change, even if they aren't Frederick). Besides, it just means more Freddy Bear for me. Hehe.

FeMU x Gangrel is the OTP obviously

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Eh, I think the Sumia hate is almost a direct parallel to the Colette hate that happened in the Symphonia fandom.

Let's see, ostensibly cute girl, who trips a lot... primary love interest of the main character. Kinda squishy, but if used right is insanely powerful.

Yep. She's Colette 2.0.

The hate is virtually the same. Sumia's in Cordelia's way in the same manner that Colette is in Sheena's way, so people hate for that. Sumia's klutzy, people hate for that. Sumia's nice. People hate for that.

This is an apt comparison. I now have a better understanding of why I hate Colette with the fury of a thousand white-hot suns. Although in her case (and not in Sumia's), the martyr thing really contributed to the hatred. Sumia just ends up being too poorly fleshed-out to really hate all that much. She basically serves her minor purpose, and then disappears outside of her extremely limited support pool.

Someone like Frederick, on the other hand, is frankly just a waste of space.

Just trolling, Anacy. I like Frederick a lot as a character, although not as much as I like Geoffrey.

Trolling again.

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Ugh, honestly, these hate wars have to stop. Not just for Sumia, but Codelia and Tharja too.

Just to defend myself a little on that department with Tharja...

The amount of PMs I have received regarding her in that video "defending their waifu" have left me... a little more prone to be more critical of her.

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And what's even more sad is that Cordelia fanboys really push hard to defend their waifu whenever she is faced with the slightest criticism, while if I say something bad about, like Sully, nobody's going to rush to her aid and just smirk and nod. It really just comes off as annoying with the blatant "waifuism" that characters like Cordelia has promoted.

What? People defend characters they like, and don't defend characters they don't like!? My god, this is breaking news!

I mean, seriously, I don't see how that's new or "waifuism" or anything. Look at any fandom, regardless of the gender of the characters. People argue, people defend, etc. They do that for characters they like, ignore characters they don't, and attack characters they hate. Don't try to turn this into some "weeaboo" or "otaku" thing. If anything, it's internet culture more than anything else, though it's not like this didn't exist before (see: Batman vs Superman).

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Honestly, people have their preferences. There are characters they dislike, and characters they like.

But my goodness...

"People hate her because she is a dumb useless bitch who cant do anything but pies and sandwiches and her only purpose in the universe is bring Cynthia into the world, thats all shes useful for."

So it was Sazuke.exe who said that?


I believe everyone should just completely disregard his opinion, for reasons known.

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So it was Sazuke.exe who said that?

No, it wasn't.


I know it's tumblr... but it was from someone that was relatively known for posting fanart of a variety of FE girls on Youtube.

I would have expected them to be more tolerant knowing the backstories of each one of those girls.

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Just to defend myself a little on that department with Tharja...

The amount of PMs I have received regarding her in that video "defending their waifu" have left me... a little more prone to be more critical of her.

Gosh... Tharja is a disturbing girl, isn't she? The thing is, with her stalking the Avatar it makes any other potential lovers of hers second best.

So, since I don't like her: You're marrying Ricken!

As for Sumia, I like her, sort of. She's ok.

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Just to defend myself a little on that department with Tharja...

The amount of PMs I have received regarding her in that video "defending their waifu" have left me... a little more prone to be more critical of her.

Yeah, that's completely understandable; everyone is free to have their own opinion, likes, and dislikes. I just wish some people would have a little more courtesy, then we wouldn't have as many inconsiderate trolls running around and making things worse like those PMs you got. Sadly, I've seen so many comments like those on your vids and other peoples vids.....but I'm just a pacifistic idealist, so I guess it just bothers me.... :/

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No, it wasn't.


I know it's tumblr... but it was from someone that was relatively known for posting fanart of a variety of FE girls on Youtube.

I would have expected them to be more tolerant knowing the backstories of each one of those girls.

Oh man... that's pretty harsh... ;__;

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The amount of PMs I have received regarding her in that video "defending their waifu" have left me... a little more prone to be more critical of her.

I'd imagine you would have probably been better off if you left out the text at the end of that video and the description if you put anything similar there.

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I'd imagine you would have probably been better off if you left out the text at the end of that video and the description if you put anything similar there.

This was last year, when people were flooding me with PMs about a character they were attached to even though they haven't had the game.

I couldn't help but call them out on their stupidity.

Yes, the defend waifu PMs were there BEFORE that video.

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Someone like Frederick, on the other hand, is frankly just a waste of space.

Just trolling, Anacy. I like Frederick a lot as a character, although not as much as I like Geoffrey.

Trolling again.

I actually didn't notice this for awhile. xP

I would've just ignored it if you really meant that you didn't like Freddy though, cause as I said, I'm not an immature fangirl that screams at everyone that dislikes him. I wouldn't even scream if someone said Geoffrey was way cooler, because that's their opinion and all. I wouldn't like hearing such a thing, but still.

Edited by Anacybele
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Just trolling, Anacy. I like Frederick a lot as a character, although not as much as I like Geoffrey.

Trolling again.

Hey man, Geoffery is one tasty dish, gets a 10/10.

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I like Sumia, I just wish they gave her more support options to expand her character. I mean she's not my favorite character but come on, the hate for her is way too strong.

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It is the lack of tolerance toward opinion difference that bother me.

Yeah really. Hate something, and people will flame you for it. Love something, and people will also flame you for it.

Still expecting a fanfic titled "The Horribly Bloody Death of Sumia" to be made any day now.

LOL I'm surprised I haven't seen more of those, with all the shipping wars.

I'd be lying if I said I don't hate Sumia, but I also don't like when people say that all Sumia haters hate her just because her and Chrom are pushed as a pairing in the game.

And that's FAR from the truth for me.

Her talent with animals could've easily been showcased in a support instead, not the main damn story. And she doesn't know the difference between a slap and a punch? Just...I wanted to bang my head on my desk at this. I also found her to be rather whiny, but I know others disagree with me on this. But still, it's my opinion.

Agreed, with some edits lengthwise!

I don't care about Sumia being shipped being Chrom (although Sumia's limited support pool is..weird), but I dislike her as a character. Extreme clumsiness and ditziness are pretty ridiculous traits to have as a professional soldier and IS makes them extreme. There's a fair difference between being 'feminine' and me finding it implausible that this person skewers people with a lance on a daily basis. I think Cherche is a better example of a character who is still 'feminine' without being ridiculous.

As a side note, I don't like Olivia or Cynthia either.

I completely agree with all this. Although mini ironic story that happened a few weeks ago: I was over at one of my friend's house, and she was playing Awakening and in the middle of a battle. She consulted my strategic opinion, I told her to watch out since she had Sumia on the field in what I thought was a precarious situation which happens far too often. And my friend was like 'You're just a hater, she's a great unit, I'll prove it!' Sumia attacks, criticals with 'I'LL END THIS NOW!', then doesn't manage to kill the enemy unit, enemy unit criticals and kills her. Yes, that's a lack of planning on my friend's part, but I just thought it was funny how it played out.

Ugh, honestly, these hate wars have to stop. Not just for Sumia, but Codelia and Tharja too. For goodness sake people, its a damn video game! Its supposed to be fun! Its fine to like or dislike things, but the amount of vitriol I've seen over time for either supports or characters themselves is getting ridiculous. Can't we just all get along? ....maybe just a little?

Completely agreed!

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Sumia is my baby, haters get out. >:(

Real talk though, I understand OPINIONS and all, it's just a bit disheartening when people are so vocal and venomous with their hatred of a character. I have characters I dislike too, but I always feel like, why bother announcing such negative statements it to the world? I'd rather contribute something positive instead. v('-')v

Some of the hate does seem to stem from the OMG NO CHROM IS MINE brand of crazy, but it's not just that either. Sumia is a really flawed character: she's clumsy, she has like no confidence in herself, and she messes up a lot. And I think a lot of people dislike that because to them that equals a weak person. But, well, I like her for that, because she knows she has these flaws and does her best anyway. She gets depressed by her failures, but in the end it just makes her even more determined to improve and I think that's an admirable trait.

I do dislike the way the Chrom and Sumia pair was pushed in the game though, because I think it ended up being a detriment to Sumia's character. The lack of marriage options for her meant less supports where her character could be fleshed out, and she's just reduced to the ~*~love interest~*~ character whose entire purpose revolves around Chrom. She doesn't even get to start her pegasus ranch despite how much she loves animals in her ending with Chrom, what the hell.

(I'm rambling at this point, so I'll stop, haha.)

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