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The Sumia hate is irking me...

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Yeah, that's completely understandable; everyone is free to have their own opinion, likes, and dislikes. I just wish some people would have a little more courtesy, then we wouldn't have as many inconsiderate trolls running around and making things worse like those PMs you got. Sadly, I've seen so many comments like those on your vids and other peoples vids.....but I'm just a pacifistic idealist, so I guess it just bothers me.... :/

It bothers me too! I wish people could just get along and not disrespect the fact that other people are, actually, different and therefore have different opinions. And that just because said person doesn't share YOUR opinion doesn't make them an inferior person. It's fucking awful how people treat each other over the internet, and it's practically everywhere.

Looking at you, Organization13 fangirls. Damn.

Sumia is my baby, haters get out. >:(

Real talk though, I understand OPINIONS and all, it's just a bit disheartening when people are so vocal and venomous with their hatred of a character. I have characters I dislike too, but I always feel like, why bother announcing such negative statements it to the world? I'd rather contribute something positive instead. v('-')v

Some of the hate does seem to stem from the OMG NO CHROM IS MINE brand of crazy, but it's not just that either. Sumia is a really flawed character: she's clumsy, she has like no confidence in herself, and she messes up a lot. And I think a lot of people dislike that because to them that equals a weak person. But, well, I like her for that, because she knows she has these flaws and does her best anyway. She gets depressed by her failures, but in the end it just makes her even more determined to improve and I think that's an admirable trait.

I do dislike the way the Chrom and Sumia pair was pushed in the game though, because I think it ended up being a detriment to Sumia's character. The lack of marriage options for her meant less supports where her character could be fleshed out, and she's just reduced to the ~*~love interest~*~ character whose entire purpose revolves around Chrom. She doesn't even get to start her pegasus ranch despite how much she loves animals in her ending with Chrom, what the hell.

(I'm rambling at this point, so I'll stop, haha.)

Ah-greed. Serene's Forest needs a like button for this post. : ]

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I have characters I dislike too, but I always feel like, why bother announcing such negative statements it to the world? I'd rather contribute something positive instead. v('-')v

I agree with this mindset as well.

I think the only time I actually DO display my dislike for a character, is when someone ASKS for my opinion.

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Real talk though, I understand OPINIONS and all, it's just a bit disheartening when people are so vocal and venomous with their hatred of a character. I have characters I dislike too, but I always feel like, why bother announcing such negative statements it to the world? I'd rather contribute something positive instead. v('-')v

Yeah, I get what you mean so much ;;

This is pretty much how I feel about a lot of things I guess. In the end though, it's really unavoidable to have people who feel the complete opposite of this. The best thing you can do is to just ignore their comment and shrug it off (like water off a... pegasus' back. Or something like that?)

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No, it wasn't.


I know it's tumblr... but it was from someone that was relatively known for posting fanart of a variety of FE girls on Youtube.

I would have expected them to be more tolerant knowing the backstories of each one of those girls.

Well that made my opinion of Ato/Ilnuch drop like a rock.

..I mean his Nowi (err Nono at the time) rant already did. That... was dumb.

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Sumia is my baby, haters get out. >:(

Real talk though, I understand OPINIONS and all, it's just a bit disheartening when people are so vocal and venomous with their hatred of a character. I have characters I dislike too, but I always feel like, why bother announcing such negative statements it to the world? I'd rather contribute something positive instead. v('-')v

Some of the hate does seem to stem from the OMG NO CHROM IS MINE brand of crazy, but it's not just that either. Sumia is a really flawed character: she's clumsy, she has like no confidence in herself, and she messes up a lot. And I think a lot of people dislike that because to them that equals a weak person. But, well, I like her for that, because she knows she has these flaws and does her best anyway. She gets depressed by her failures, but in the end it just makes her even more determined to improve and I think that's an admirable trait.

I do dislike the way the Chrom and Sumia pair was pushed in the game though, because I think it ended up being a detriment to Sumia's character. The lack of marriage options for her meant less supports where her character could be fleshed out, and she's just reduced to the ~*~love interest~*~ character whose entire purpose revolves around Chrom. She doesn't even get to start her pegasus ranch despite how much she loves animals in her ending with Chrom, what the hell.

(I'm rambling at this point, so I'll stop, haha.)

Man if there was a like button, I would like the crap out of your post >__< Well said!

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Honestly, people have their preferences. There are characters they dislike, and characters they like.

But my goodness...

"People hate her because she is a dumb useless bitch who cant do anything but pies and sandwiches and her only purpose in the universe is bring Cynthia into the world, thats all shes useful for."

I think she's cute, very docile, and has her flaws, but has her serious and capable side. She is literally just a few attributes away from Olivia, and I don't see as much hate for her. Just because a woman LIKES to fit within her feminine gender roles, automatically makes her a bad character?

That's quite the double standard in Olivia's case then.

I am well aware of the criticisms of Sumia, and localization didn't help her when it comes to Chrom.

And even some of those criticisms about her character, I can agree with... but mother of crap, geez people... Why are you so freaking passionate with that hate for a video game character? Is it because her character is so bad "She isn't worthy of Chrom"?

Yet you believe that it's OK to criticise Lissa with pretty much the same reasons as Sumia? Rey, you are just a jerk now.

Edited by Lissa's Husband
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Yet you believe that it's OK to criticise Lissa with pretty much the same reasons as Sumia? Rey, you are just a jerk now.

Whoa, whoa, whoa... I'm fairly certain he was kidding with that...

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Yet you believe that it's OK to criticise Lissa with pretty much the same reasons as Sumia? Rey, you are just a jerk now.

Nonono, that was Gim-rey. See, Gimle (Or Grima for us westerners) is kinda mean that way.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa... I'm fairly certain he was kidding with that...

Rey criticises Lissa since when

Other than the obviously joking "slander your waifu" thing or did you actually take that seriously

Nope. I was totally serious.

Totally one hundred percent serious.

Yep... You won't ever see me be more serious. Ever.

I'm just a hypocrite.


Edited by shadowofchaos
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Nope. I was totally serious.

Totally one hundred percent serious.

Yep... You won't ever see me be more serious. Ever.

I'm just a hypocrite.


My sarcasm senses are tingling......I hope......

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Yeah, fans like that annoy me. I mean the ones that get all overreactive and crap when someone criticizes their beloved wifey or hubby or other favorite characters. You don't see me screaming and yelling every time someone says they dislike/hate Frederick. I accept that he's not real popular and most other female players prefer other men (namely Chrom, which actually rather annoys me. But only because I find him bland and I'd like to see female Avatars with other men more often for a change, even if they aren't Frederick). Besides, it just means more Freddy Bear for me. Hehe.

. . .You know what, I'm not even gonna say anything. I'm just gonna stand by and watch.

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You want to know why arguments always get venemous? Because there's a fandom for the game, and fandoms tend to have a lot of shippers, and quite a few of these shippers get insensitive OR sensitive very, very, VERY EASILY.

And then when a mommy shipper and a daddy shipper hate each other very much...

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everyone in the game is a walking talking anime stereotype anyway, you're probably gonna hate some of them

big whoop I don't like Sumia anyway

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Just because a woman LIKES to fit within her feminine gender roles, automatically makes her a bad character?

Just how Sully is bad because she wants to fight and be less feminine, right? Female characters never get a break. NEVER.

I like Sumia. She reminds me of Florina only more outgoing and not shy. Ive got no problem with her. I also liked Colette from ToS a hell of a lot too. In yer face, haters.

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A lot of people have waaaaay high standards for female characters than males. Like, when a female character has x trait it's awful (because of said trait) but a male character have the same trait it's totally fine, wtf? Fucking double standards.

Just a general observation, really.

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A lot of people have waaaaay high standards for female characters than males. Like, when a female character has x trait it's awful (because of said trait) but a male character have the same trait it's totally fine, wtf? Fucking double standards.

Just a general observation, really.

I've kind of noticed that as well. I've seen a few people say x trait adds to the character if they are male, but bash the character if they are female.

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In a lot of fandoms I see it's usually the female characters under fire while even the least popular males don't generate as much hate around them. Granted, some writers are really awful at writing women, but I'd put the blame on the author and not the character. Many writers fail to understand that women are human and should be given the same depth as any other character and not some one-dimensional stereotype.

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A lot of people have waaaaay high standards for female characters than males. Like, when a female character has x trait it's awful (because of said trait) but a male character have the same trait it's totally fine, wtf? Fucking double standards.

Just a general observation, really.

Are you observed this on mainly male audience? Or also female one? But I agree on your point the author part i bad writing is the cause of such bad characters. Maybe because I always took this perspective, I can hardly hate a character because I tend too say "what was the writers thinking?!" instead of hating the said character. But for people to take that perspective is nearly uncommon except when they take writing seriously.

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I'm not sure what the HP fanbase is comprised of (iirc it's pretty even?) back when I was more active in it a few years ago but even Hermione gets her share of flames. And that's saying something. They can never catch a break.

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I'm not sure what the HP fanbase is comprised of (iirc it's pretty even?) back when I was more active in it a few years ago but even Hermione gets her share of flames. And that's saying something. They can never catch a break.

To be fair Lumi I don't like Hermione much and she's my least favorite of the Golden Trio :P

I think I've noticed the same thing as Lumi, although HP is not a fandom I'd use as an example. I think that in general, female characters are quicker to draw ire than their male counterparts, and I think a reason for this is because apparently it's not so hard to make a guy "likable" whereas people don't seem to be able to make women as "likable". That, or the vocal part of the fandom is made up of women, who are generally more vocal than the men. I dunno for sure, but I've noticed it as well.

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I guess it isn't the best example but I'm not really good at pulling examples out of my head. I guess there's another one I'm really irritated by, though.

For all I know while most Avenger fans I hang out with are women, I see Black Widow under fire by a lot of male fans for being "useless" even though she outsmarted a trickster god, has awesome martial arts moves, and figured out how to close the goddamn portal itself. She's also IMO the most logical and level-headed of the team. Sure, she's not as powerful as Thor or Hulk, but she got shit done and a lot of people make that judgement of uselessness based on the fact that she's an attractive woman (and attractive women are only there for eyecandy amirite) and ignore everything she actually did in the movie just because she can't punch a goddamn hole in a building and has boobs. It's sad.

It's just, I dunno, I see a lot of it and I may not remember every exact instance of it I see but I see it enough to see a pattern.

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