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"Hey, thanks big guy~!" Andrea sang. "Now, let's see if we can rid the beach of these pests!"

Fry the Sea Urchins with Flame! (near, area)

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Andrea rolls a 7 when attempting to burn the Sea Urchins. She must choose one effect.

The spell draws unwanted attention or puts someone on the spot.

The GM removes a tag from the spell and it deals -1 damage.

The spell drains your energy giving you a -1 to Intelligence rolls for a short time.

And yes that's what you do. You can spend all 3 hold right now or wait and use some next turn or whatever you want.

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  • Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself

Open up the attacker to an ally giving that ally +1 forward against the attacker

In that case, just these two.

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okay i've been forgetting eclipse chose near for her spells but all that does is add +1 to the hit roll but it doesn't matter cause it's still not a 10 so just i need to remember that and yeah that's what that does

also debilitating causes a status effect and far requires enemy spend a turn approaching on you unless they have some gap closer

area only hits up to 3

wow i suck

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Clipsey isn't the most intelligent lass, and this reflects on poor Andrea. I'll take the -1 hit to Intelligence again. How fried are the urchins, and do they go well with ketchup?

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While Mel went back with the other soldier Evan kept exploring, finding one of those weird warp spots he'd heard about. Marking it's location for use in the future Evan went back to the Knights, finding out where Mel went and followed after her.

"So I found one of those warp portal things, isn't there supposed to be one in town too? Oh and uh... shouldn't we try to be meeting up with the others? We do need to try that dungeon out eventually."

Edited by Eail
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Andrea incinerates two of the Sea Urchins, leaving the last one close to death. She wasn't tired out too much, as receiving consecutive roll penalties does not lower her Intelligence by 2, but rather compounds the duration of both debuffs. Boris' defensive position prevents the Jellyfish from attacking her, and he takes one of their shocks for her, and dodges one of them. Andrea will be able to attack Jellyfish 3 more accurately, due to her positioning. Boris takes 6 damage due to dodging Jellyfish 2.

Andrea: 17 HP (-1 Int on Rolls: 4 Rolls)

Boris: 12 HP

Sea Urchin 1: 0 HP!

Sea Urchin 2: 0 HP!

Sea Urchin 3: 2 HP

Jellyfish 1: 9 HP (+1 on Int Rolls)

Jellyfish 2: 9 HP (+1 on Int Rolls)

Jellyfish 3: 9 HP (+1 on Int Rolls)


Mel heads through the grass to the beach, when a wild Evan appears! There appears to be a cave going underground nearby and a wilted vine near a cliff. There is also a chest on top of the plateau with a few enemies.

When you see an enemy like the Jellyfish with (+1 on Int Rolls) it works like your guys' rolls the way you have buffs. So bosses and stuff will have better rolls.

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Mel wandered down towards the plateau and ran into some tough looking bushes blocking her way. With a frown, she called over sweetly to Evan. "Ohhhhhh, Evaaaan~ Mind hacking away at these bushes for me? They just seem like such a bother for me to deal with~"

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Muttering to himself that he got stuck with Mel instead the mage or even the bear Evan steps forward, drawing his sword. Hacking away at the bushes that would be blocking their path. It took several minutes but eventually the work was done and now the way was clear of the shrubbery.

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Evan and Mel enter the cave. It appears boulders are blocking the way but they may be able to figure something out.

Similar to how you can talk to up to 3 people in town at once, when in caves and dungeons, you can preform two actions with the enviroment to solve puzzles in one turn. You can activate switches, unlock doors/blocks, and push blocks as well as other things. Dungeons are different than caves however, as you will only be able to see the screen you are on, and not conjoining rooms, unless an ally is next door.

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Mel grins. "And here's my specialty. Ok, here's what we're going to do. First, we're going to take out that blob up over there. Then, we're going to push the western-most rock down until we can access the switch. Activate the switch, that'll destroy the boulder. Then we take out the second blob, push the boulder right under it down until we can get past it and then escape up the steps. Lets go." Mel races forward and pulls out her blaster, aims at the blob and blasts it squarely in the face.

[spoiler=Rolls and such]


8+2=10, hit with no side effects.

10 damage to the blob!

After completely wrecking the blob's face, Mel goes and pushes the westernmost boulder down as far as she could. With a sligh sigh, she waved to Evan, "Ok, you get the switch and the next enemy. I'm just going to relax here for a bit."

Edited by scorri
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Boris was getting beat left and right by mere urchins and jellyfish. This was embarrassing. "Let's finish this so we can get out of here."

Boris does Ground Pound (not sure if magic or physical)

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"All right. I'll do my best to finish 'em in a hurry! Hang in there!"

Cast Sea Food Quick Fry! (that's Flame (Near, Area))

Edited by eclipse
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Sorry, you need bananas for Ground Pound. (Ammo System basically, but it hits all enemies on your current map so yeah).

You can just swipe at them with claws for Hack and Slash.

Eclipse, just a reminder, you also have Flame, Snowdrift, Tornado, Raindrop, Examine, and Heal in your spell book, if you want something else. (In exchange for -1 damage or the damage roll Heal would take -1 health and would have a heal roll instead but it's basically the same. examine is just a hit roll though)

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Andrea's spell succeeds, though not as strongly as she likes. She heals for 7 HP. (-1 damage)

Boris hacks and slashes at the Jellyfish. Due to his large size, he is able to hit two targets at once when he swipes. He hits both the Jellyfish for 6 damage. He also manages to dodge one of their attacks, taking only 7 damage from the other two.

Andrea: 17 HP (-1 Int on Rolls: 3 Rolls)

Boris: 13 HP

Sea Urchin 1: 0 HP!

Sea Urchin 2: 0 HP!

Sea Urchin 3: 2 HP

Jellyfish 1: 3 HP (+1 on Int Rolls)

Jellyfish 2: 3 HP (+1 on Int Rolls)

Jellyfish 3: 9 HP (+1 on Int Rolls)




Mel lands a prime shot, utterly annihilating the Red Blob. Evan helps push the blocks and then Mel presses the switch. The turrets shoot out arrows, pushing the boulders into the pit. One hits on the rock though.

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there were also 8 rupees in the other sea urchins whoops

Boris' ring increased the power of the healing spell healing him for 8 instead of 7!


Taking a look at Andrea's magic, we notice her 6 spells. She has room for 4 others. Her Spell Book and Magic Rod are also shown, and we can notice any bonuses they give. Current she has room for 10 spells, and her rod allows her to cast one spell at a time.


Blaster (Equipped to Mel)

Sword (Equipped to Evan)

Magic Rod (Equipped to Andrea)

Healing Ring (Worn by Boris)

Winged Bear Flute


3 Yellow Fruit

Warp Powder (x10 Uses)

Knight's Shield

53 Rupees

haha edits

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Since Andrea discovered her healing spell, Boris continued his hacking and slashing at the weakened jellies.

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Giving a sigh Evan unsheathes his sword and charges the slime, cutting down his intended target. Really, the moblins were tougher than these things... well at least he was getting a bit better with his swordplay.

"Hey, did we get any kind of reward from that captain for finding his men? I'd have rather not risked our necks to get nothing out of it to be honest." The swordsman asked his partner.

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