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Which of your units always gets rgn blessed?


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There was a topic somewhere where you mentioned this, and out of all the times I've played I've only had Gaius screw himself once. It's pretty strange.

Chrom's another one who I just happen to get lucky with... save for the fact that he doesn't know what dodging is. He just stands there and takes it, which is nice and all, but you can't uphold your sister's legacy when you're pushing daisies next to her Chrom. DODGE, DAMN IT.

I tend to have the same issue of "Dodge, damn you!" that you have with Chrom with Gaius. And it goes without saying that Gaius takes hits like... well... a chumpasaurus.

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Chrom, FeMU, Morgan, Libra, Henry, and perhaps some others that I can't think of right now. Stahl, though, hands down, RNG blessed every time. For some reason, he always turns out amazing for me and quickly soars above Sully. As for RNG screwed? Miriel and the pegasus knights. Disappointing but not unexpected.

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RNG blessed? Brady is this in my current run. 6 or 7 stats per level up, and it's awesome.

Some units like MU, Morgan and Nah consistently get good level ups that I don't even need to pay any attention on them. For others like Lucina and Noire, they need a little extra work to get that one or two remianing stats maxed. Brady still stands out because I didn't expect him to be this good, unlike the others I mentioned.

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Virion. If hes not receiving extreme amounts of favoritism (which is 99% of the time), usually ends up good enough to be a frontliner because the RNG likes him.

Ive never had a bad Henry. Low speed Henry, yeah but never a bad one.

Stahl. Natch. The Onion That Rides.

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Lucina on my runs are consistently good, but I mostly do convenience-induced Chromatar so I don't think it counts as much a blessing as MU gives her good bases and she takes veteran and rolls with it more. Definitely better than my Chroms, though. Any time when it actually matters Chrom decides to go "lol I have a 65% strength growth supposedly but let's never roll strength ever" and no matter how hard I want him to front for once, his stats just doesn't want to go up properly. At least he'll be making good use of that Dual Strike + in the back.

Lucina on the other hand is ridic strong. She joined with better strength than Chrom on my Lunatic run despite him being promoted and she at base, for one, and it gets better from there. 47 strength Paladin by chapter 20? Yes please.

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On my Lunatic+ run: RICKEN. (Yes, Ricken on Lunatic+. I had an Arms Scroll. Celica's Gale is C-rank. Figure out what happened?)

During Ch5, he leveled 3 times. Got MAG/SPD/DEF all 3 times... he out did Miriel who had a 4 level advantage on him in MAG and DEF, and tied her in SPD.

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RNG blessed: Stahl and Sumia. Ironic, really.

RNG screwed: FeMu in Lunatic(+). There has been MULTIPLE time where she hasn't gotten a single point of defense in four level ups in the prologue despite +Def. MULTIPLE.

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Except for Anna, for some ridiculous ironic reason.

Omg. She never ends up good on my runs. Like ever. Not unless i grind her guts out and even then its hit or miss. Wtf Anna!

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