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Hey dood! yeah, not much feedback going on and I'm anxious to get better. Could you be more specific? maybe its the legs? or something like her looking unnatural? i can't really figure it out either lol that's the problem :\

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I'm trying rip off the least amount of sheets possible, or at least make them not obvious :\ i suppose motion blurs shouldn't be attempted to be customed atm

also thats awkward because the cape flow IS ripped off from the female sage so :\, as for the hair, well ugh women

Edited by GhastStation
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I really like this. Very cool.

His eyes look a little weird when they close, though? I think the archer has a blinking frame too? Maybe you should have a look at that and see how they do it. Also some of the colours seem a tad off; where did you get them from?

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hmm, i'll take a look at that archer blinking frame. As or the colors, the jacket is from his mug, which is from an official mug but I don't remember whose. His legs are from black hair from Karel I think? His boots/gloves/hair are from another portrait too.

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the bit where he flails both swords at the same time ahead of him, it looks fine to me except, thats not really something you actually do with a sword (i know how to use a sword, i did some reanacting and am pretty good at martial arts plus fencing but that doesent apply here) its not flailing wildly in front of you, that applies to most weapons except nunchuck thats only uncoordinated flailing

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@Cyron, it may not be practical, but it is fire emblem lol. In this universe it can fly. I tried to reanact (?) it seems passable to me.

oh shoot, missed that one frame... I'll fix that up but first, here's an update on Lucy

the top is the critical, the bottom is the normal.

the hair is pretty bad i know, i'm still having a hard time with hair and hair flow


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In terms of cool returns, what I'd suggest would be something like the Rogue or Hero animation return, with the whole backwards spin jump, since it seems like it'd flow well into his basic standing pose, and would work from the position he ends up in once the attack part of the animation is done.

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maybe, but that would seem pretty obvious splice for a return. I'm thinking like, the same sort of return but he throws a sword up in the air and grabs it then goes back to standing with a sword spin somewhere. but thanks for the suggestion!

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