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whoa long time. Finally have some free time to do some stuff. Anyway, here's my swordsman animation with a better shading and colors and stuff. some frames are off by a couple pixels but i just wanted to show that I didn't totally quit spriting... School and varsity sports take a butt ton of time from this stuff!


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The critical is kinda not very creative... but I don't know what to do with it lol. any suggestions? I think my problem with it is that its really small to do stuff with it with my actual artistic skills (which aren't that great)



I didn't like the wagging of the tail at the end. Its lame that im just recycling other frames so yeah

Edited by GhastStation
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Thanks Fuzz!


Tribute to Cyclops from the Xmen! one of my favorite Super Heroes.

I know I won't be able to make full animations like i did in the summer, so I think doing bases like this of my favorite heroes will be both interesting and challenging, what do you guys think?

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you mean that big sword wielding cat mf? yeah ! challenge accepted!!

edit: I was looking at existed sprites, its so similar to gba fe sprites that it wouldn't be very custom of me...

I'm open to ideas! I can't think of one myself!

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Thank you~

I was trying to think of really cool armor or something, I just finished this


its kind of everywhere, but I let my creativity go and went with it. its something like a Dragon Shrine Guardian or something,

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In case people have seen this one yet...

a collab animation with Lenh (a very very goood good spriter) and I for showcase a couple months ago!


The spooky hands and all the cool effects were hers, I don't know how to do those things...

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@Alfred: uhm, haha nope! I thought of the concept myself. He has a back story and everything.

@Klok, That would be really cool. Except I don't really have the frames. Lenh kinda took over when it came to the hands so someone would have to break it down frame by frame. Unless Fexna and you can pull some wack shit and make it work!

also, updated version of armor mang


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Whoa that's incredible.

Is it supposed to be inspired to a character in the Mario&Luigi RPG saga?

Anyway, great job!

The hands were inspired by Zelda:OoT Dead Hand and WW floormasters (pretty independent but still part of the character design). Ghast built up the ideas so I can't say if that's what he envisioned, but the motions were fun to create. :)

Aaagh I'm giving away my secret references...

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The moving one looks quite good, though you may want to work on the timings of the gif (I believe it's 22 10 22 10 or something along those lines)

The standing one is... well, it doesn't move enough. You'll probably notice that the other map sprites have the whole body move, not just want part--if you just move one part it looks a little cheap, to be honest. It also looks a little too tall. Not dimension-wise, but just the guy just looks insanely tall. I would choose a different set of frames to work from or just reference an existing map sprite for it.

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The standing frame kind of violates the map sprite dimensions now D: Indeed, it's within 32x32, but the base of the sprite would either be cut off or the entire thing would have to be pushed up (which would look weird since he'd be floating) to make it work. Not that you particularly need to stick to guidelines but I suppose the whole point of FE spriting is to keep things down to such limitations.

The moving frames look good although you framed them in the the GIF a little funny--they kind of jump around a lot. I would just ref against vanilla sprites to get a better sense of the motions.

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