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Do you have any unpopular opinions about Awakening?

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- The children should have been the main characters.

This this this.

The children have much more stake in everything than the parents do, and they all seem more developed (Even if some of them are less tolerable). Lucina is really the main character imo, as she's the only one (barring avatar) with any agency in the game.

But to add to the unpopular opinion pool,

-Emmeryn's paralogue was well handled. It was the only way to handle it, and it doesn't take anything away from her actions in chapter 9.

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This this this.

The children have much more stake in everything than the parents do, and they all seem more developed (Even if some of them are less tolerable). Lucina is really the main character imo, as she's the only one (barring avatar) with any agency in the game.

But to add to the unpopular opinion pool,

-Emmeryn's paralogue was well handled. It was the only way to handle it, and it doesn't take anything away from her actions in chapter 9.

I'm thinking that the best way to handle the story would have been to remove the Valm arc and replace it with one in which you play as the children and escape from the future. (Actually, I think a "mid-quel" like this would make an excellent follow-up to this title).

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I'm thinking that the best way to handle the story would have been to remove the Valm arc and replace it with one in which you play as the children and escape from the future. (Actually, I think a "mid-quel" like this would make an excellent follow-up to this title).

FE5 style!

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FE5 style!

That'd be pretty cool.

Another Yilsse based game, this time focused on the kids.

Throw in a set of (doomed) side characters and viola, a great set up.

...None of the kids have "Free Reclass" And Morgan don't exist. (Well that'd ruin Sazuke's day.)

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The man with 2 Prf and the best GBA Dark Mage is pretty cool

He was saying this game has the worst healers.

But FE6 just lols on healers, they barely heal, and are OHKOd on hard mode and ORKOd on Normal. If it wasn't for shit hit rates and avoid increasing supports, I would rather vulnerary.

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I don't think of Anna (the playable character) as an actual character, more like a conglomerate of stupidity and gimmickry.

You have a point. She doesnt seem to be a real character. But this doesnt bother people mainly because:

Shes Anna and finally playable.

Shes optional.

The problem with this game's healers isnt that they dont heal well, (especially since they got a bit of an EXP boost when doing so) but that the game throws too many options at us to make them completely obsolete and rather pointless. (except maybe Lunatic and above)

Edited by Florina Stark
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But FE6 just lols on healers, they barely heal, and are OHKOd on hard mode and ORKOd on Normal. If it wasn't for shit hit rates and avoid increasing supports, I would rather vulnerary.

And again, the man with 2 PRF and the best GBA Dark Mage say hi

Outside that

Yeah right

Actually Clarine is not that bad in HM and NM alike. DAT EVADE MAN

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And again, the man with 2 PRF and the best GBA Dark Mage say hi

Outside that

Yeah right

Actually Clarine is not that bad in HM and NM alike. DAT EVADE MAN

*Thinks of how nice evade is on FE6 females*

*Is reminded Sue died to two 15% hits, and how Clarine and that other cleric died from anything before promotion and after it from wyvern lords*


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- The soundtrack of this game is mediocre and forgettable.

- The level design in this games is poor.

- The support conversations suck.

- Cynthia is an annoying, obnoxious little shit.

- The skills in this game suck major arse.

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- The soundtrack of this game is mediocre and forgettable.

- The level design in this games is poor.

- The support conversations suck.

- Cynthia is an annoying, obnoxious little shit.

- The skills in this game suck major arse.

sup BrightBow 2.0 :B):

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- The soundtrack of this game is mediocre and forgettable.

- The level design in this games is poor.

- The support conversations suck.

- Cynthia is an annoying, obnoxious little shit.

- The skills in this game suck major arse.

you sure you're not just talking about yourself there


(JK NM, you rock, but I don't agree with that bullshit at all.)

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- The soundtrack of this game is mediocre and forgettable.

That is definitely unpopular.

Pretty sure BrightBow didnt even play the game, whereas i think NM has. :P:

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*regarding soundtrack being mediocre and forgettable*

That is definitely unpopular.

I somewhat agree with this. There's only really one memorable song in the game (you can probably guess which), while the rest are just noise to me. And while past Fe games usually remake a lot of classic Fe tracks, at least they're really damn memorable.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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- I found the Chrom/FeAvatar supports legitimately funny. I also don't get the hate for their S rank because they don't mention a thing about the previous two supports yet everyone says that they used "we saw each other naked" as an excuse to get married. You could swap out FeAvatar's supports with MaAvtar's ones and he S rank would still make perfect sense.

- I find Stahl/Cordelia to be incredibly boring supports.

- I like Olivia's English voice and prefer it to her Japanese one.

- I love Say'ri.

- I find it to be quite the double standard that everyone cites Cordelia and Tharja as terrible spouses due to not letting go of their old loves (though for Cordelia's sake I argue that it's just lazy writing) and yet nobody points out Virion and Inigo, who never let to of their flirting habits even post-marriage.

- I didn't find the story bad.

- I like the whole brain damage dynamic with Emmeryn, but I still find that bringing her back from the dead was a cheap move story wise. :/

- Donnel is adorable and not a crap unit. He also produces a monster Nah.

- Anna is a meh Trickster but an amazing Bride.

Edited by PiplupPeanut
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I somewhat agree with this. There's only really one memorable song in the game (you can probably guess which), while the rest are just noise to me. And while past Fe games usually remake a lot of classic Fe tracks, at least they're really damn memorable.

I rather agree as well, though I'd say there are two memorable songs in the game ("Purpose" and "Run all you like - you can't escape fate.")

Radiant Dawn probably had the best soundtrack to date.

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I rather agree as well, though I'd say there are two memorable songs in the game ("Purpose" and "Run all you like - you can't escape fate.")

Radiant Dawn probably had the best soundtrack to date.

I can definitely agree with this part

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Not everyone who likes certain characters endorse a character's actions. They may like them simply because they find their character interesting from a literary point of view, or whatever other reasons. I like Loki. A lot, but doesn't that mean I think everything he does is right. I simply find him and his methods intriguing and I really enjoy the dynamic he has with Thor. By no means do I endorse summoning an army of aliens to take over earth or stabbing Thor or really 99% of the things he does.

I understand some people don't like characters who may be well-written (quite debatable in Tharja's case, but not the point) but are morally ambiguous to straight-up evil, but at the same time, people who do like these characters are not necessarily condoning the actions of these characters, either. More often than not they are likely to just find these characters and their motivations, backstory, and whatever else interesting. It doesn't make them a bad person.

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Hmm... unpopular opinions I have?

* Chrom is pretty bland. As is Lucina. Lucina's probably my least favorite of the children (barring perhaps Severa or Kjelle).

* F!Avatar x Chrom support is as anime cliché as can get.

* I have nothing against the Chrom x Sumia supports. Not even the S Support.

* I'm not as fond of the Chrom x Olivia pairing in regards to what the children get out of it.

* Sumia is a better character than Cordelia.

* Henry had better development and character in the NA version than the JP version.

* Donnel as a unit is pretty outclassed, and as a father, there exists other options for his best options that are just as good.

* English Olivia is better than Japanese Olivia.

* Grima is not a generic doomsday villain.

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-The soundtrack is overrated. There are only a few good ones like "Don't speak her name!" and "Id (Purpose)" but even those are overrated.

-I never make Owain a class that doesn't use swords because of "My sword hand twitches!".

-I hate how there are only divine dragons, wyverns and an earth dragon, not fire dragons, ice dragons, and mage dragons.

-I actually like Severa. Very underrated. I know she's a tsundere, but she isn't actually that bad.

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So you're okay with child and spouse abuse then? Good to know.

I'm a terrible person!

When WestBrick and Katella say the OST is good, you know it's good.

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