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Do you have any unpopular opinions about Awakening?

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Brady's one of those characters who seems laughable when you get him initially, but if you passed down Galeforce, just take a stint in GK for Luna and maybe Dual Guard, promote to Sage and you're pretty much set for, well, all the rest of the maingame and postgame.

Cynthia's the same way, and lots of people hated her too initially.

Cynthia's hate comes from a certain someone(hint: Vaike!Kjelle) who said Cynthia sucks because she don't have Sorcerer set ups and the like. Also she does not have Armthrift and Sol both, so she is not a heavy hitter. Remember that the hate generally comes from the time that Mercenary and Sorcerer are worshipped, everyone should have Sol and Armthrift, and I WOULD NOT DENY that a LARGE PART of it comes from the fact that she is Sumia's daughter

Brady actually did not get a hate whatsoever for no apparent reason, despite the fact that he is Cynthia with a wang(that feels sooooo wrong)

Basically, the hate for Cynthia really is not justified in the first place.

And lets not forget that some people still think that Knight is a terrible class set, because they miss the entire point of the class.

Anyway if were talking about main game no grind, Brady par is 1 Turn and he can Rescue Bot, so hes.... a bit decent

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Oh, I love Brady. As a sage, he has always ended up better for me than that other magic guy. I was sad to see him ranked so low in the ranking thread. When he gets galeforce, he's unstoppable. And he has a nice design for a healer.

I like Basilio thing and didn't have problem with it. I read a lot of comic books and similar things happen all the time, so it didn't bother me.

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Well, after all this talk about music, I might as well give my take on the music.

This one always seemed to me the thing that was universally praised.

In my case, I find the soundtrack to be bland and barely noticeable. A honorable mention has to go to the incredible dull battle preparations theme, which perfectly reflects my mood when I see yet another wide open map with randomly placed enemies scattered all over the place.

Come to think of it, the FE12 screen has also been incredible dull. I really hope they don't maintain that pattern.

In contrast, FE11 maps definitely bland. But it's soundtrack managed to make it come across as the most intese shit ever.

The transition between battle and map theme always comes across as rather clumsy to me.

The technique is interesting to be sure, but the battle versions usually lack the power and energy that would justify a switch.

And after a battle, it switches to early to the map theme.

It should switch right when the screen transitions to the map, to go along with the rather rough switch between 3D models and 2D sprites. And not right when the enemy dies.

You know, I really loved the base screen in the Telius games. It was cool to talk with the PCs about... the stuff that's actually happening right know. As opposed to stuff like Awakening's supports, that were designed to fit anywhere.

It made the characters feel so much more like a part of your army and the universe at large.

And this along with the changing backgrounds gave you the feel that you were really traveling.

To see this replaced with a screen that only exists to watch randomly generated lines and receive random items is an hell of a waste.

I actually like the lack of feet. It makes the models quite a bit bearable to me.

Because the last thing I wanna see, are the absurdly long high heels that every class seems to have.

Oh, and the cast is godawful. It's like an entire army of Jar-Jars. Except Jar-Jar was never this predictable.

They are like robots who are only programmed to do one thing. You read two lines of text from these guys and you are already bored.

Or at least two, if getting off on killing and belittling enemy soldiers like a freaking psycho would qualify as a character trait.

But not an endearing one, to be sure. No wonder Grima couldn't understand Robin's devotion.

Edited by BrightBow
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I seem to have an unhealthy addiction to Mastermind. (Wallhart and Gangrel's theme) when it seems most people don't really like the song.

I love it to pieces. It's better than Don't Speak Her Name, even.

And Don't Speak Her Name is currently my ringtone. [/squee]

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I definitely agree with the dislike for the soundtrack, which apparently isn't such an unpopular, opinion, but whatever. The only soundtrack that I can even remember is that one map theme that sounds like everyone in the orchestra is horribly out of tune.

For an actually unpopular one, my favorite character in the game is Pheros. At best, the playable characters were funny for a little while before getting repetitive and boring, and the rest of the villains honestly would have been more interesting if they showed up as generics with unique weapons and models and high stats.

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I really should check this forum more.

Unpopular opinions? Let's see...

  • I don't dislike Sumia, or her default pairing with Chrom
  • Emmeryn should stay dead to add more weight to the story - on second or later playthroughs, I just can't take Chapter 9 seriously anymore
  • Walhart should stay dead
  • I don't like the marriage system, it makes the supports sound weird
  • I don't like the time travel plot, it complicates everything
  • I don't like the high stat caps; 20~30 is the way to go
  • I want double Morgan - oh wait, this is probably not unpopular at all...
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Oh, and the cast is godawful. It's like an entire army of Jar-Jars. Except Jar-Jar was never this predictable.

They are like robots who are only programmed to do one thing. You read two lines of text from these guys and you are already bored.

Or at least two, if getting off on killing and belittling enemy soldiers like a freaking psycho would qualify as a character trait.

But not an endearing one, to be sure. No wonder Grima couldn't understand Robin's devotion.

Yeah all this, especially the part about belittling enemies after killing them. I don't think there's a single decent person in your army.

At least we have people like Libra and Henry that are fully aware of it, I guess.

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