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Do you have any unpopular opinions about Awakening?

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Am I the only person amused by how many people are posting rather popular opinions as though they're unpopular? Is that an unpopular opinion?

From what I've seen of Tumblr and GameFAQs (and a bit of Gaia/FEF), everything I said is unpopular: Especially the Meta and Chrom's ending things. The older Meta is better, and Chrom's ending is the right choice if it weren't for that goddawful stinger.

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I have the most unpopular opinion:

- I wish I could enjoy my favorite characters, my favorite ships, my favorite gameplay options, a decent story, and good game overall without having to have them bashed or me encouraged to bash others in return thanks to all the recent negativity I've been getting from this side of the forums. I simply want to respect other opinions whether I agree with them or not, and have my opinions respected in return.

......yeah, from what I've seen lately, I'm probably one of the few with this very unpopular opinion..... :>_<:

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I have the most unpopular opinion:

- I wish I could enjoy my favorite characters, my favorite ships, my favorite gameplay options, a decent story, and good game overall without having to have them bashed or me encouraged to bash others in return thanks to all the recent negativity I've been getting from this side of the forums. I simply want to respect other opinions whether I agree with them or not, and have my opinions respected in return.

......yeah, from what I've seen lately, I'm probably one of the few with this very unpopular opinion..... :>_<:

I have this opinion too, to be honest. I got very annoyed when people started bashing me for saying Lucina is ugly and has a shit character design. And I've been bashed for some of the reasons I dislike Sumia and her paired with Frederick too (so what if the main reason is that I love Freddy and I hate Sumia? I normally don't ever like pairing a character I love so much with a character I hate. And in real life, would you want a person you care for to get with someone you dislike?). Like you, I just want to enjoy my favorite things in the game and dislike my least favorite things in peace.

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Here's another one:

-Maribelle and Sully are Chrom's best pairings. No to Sumia, No to Woman!Avatar, and really no to Olivia (which comes off as Chrom marrying a gift from Ferox).

Heh. I like those too, but it's like everyone always forgets those in lieu of Sumia or Robin or Olivia.

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...Stahl/Olivia, Lon'qu/Maribelle and Virion/Lissa are the exact pairings I'm doing in my current (aka 2nd) playthrough. What is this sorcery?!

Brilliant minds think alike!

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Chrom can die in a fire. Sigurd, Leaf and Lucina are still my favorite lords.

I hate both Sumia and Cordelia. They're yandere for a guy whose personality could be compared to a rock.

I prefer Tharja over said pegasus knights. At least she's honest about her yandere-ness.

I forget Gregor exists.

And I hate Roy.

moving on from the hilariously ironic "Chrom can die in a fire" part, how the hell did you get this

I mean at least Sumia has her hilarious ghosting on Maribelle....

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an unpopular opinion?

I hate using the pair up system. You're pretty much forced to use it if you want your units to survive.

another unpopular opinion? I hate having the children inherit hair color. Just give them their defaults!

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I don't know if these are unpopular opinions or not, but I'll post them anyway.

- I prefer using most of the Japanese names in this game over the American ones.

- I really don't like Azure/Inigo's English voice. Too deep, IMO. :>_<:

- I don't like Chrom and don't get why he's so popular among females. In fact, I have a hard time deciding who he gets to marry in each playthrough because I think his potential wives are a lot better off with other guys.

- I don't have a problem with marrying 2nd generation.

- Male Morgan >>>>>> Female Morgan.

- I think Say'ri and Yen'fay are underrated. Even though they're both horrendously underdeveloped.

- I usually reclass Olivia into a Falcon Knight in my playthroughs.

- Same with Liz and Emmeryn, even though I know that they're better off as Dark Fliers.

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- Male Morgan >>>>>> Female Morgan.

burn the witch

another unpopular opinion? I hate having the children inherit hair color. Just give them their defaults!

eh this depends on the character

for example, Severa getting Cordelia's hair color would be nice, but Cynthia with Sumia's gray hair would suck

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Oh, I don't believe there are any canon pairings in this game either. At all. Only people's headcanons are the canon. Which means basically every possible pairing is canon, actually. But you know what I mean.

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Yeah, I heard that happened with FE4. And we already have people uproaring about how ChromxSumia is "pushed" in the game. I personally believe they're nothing more than a shoutout to MarthxCaeda and not meant to actually be canon.

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Yeah, I heard that happened with FE4. And we already have people uproaring about how ChromxSumia is "pushed" in the game. I personally believe they're nothing more than a shoutout to MarthxCaeda and not meant to actually be canon.

FE4's situation happened because the two person that is involved in the situation is an extremely popular character, who also happen to be the fan favorite pairing by far

No, the situation with FE4 did not exactly happen thanks to the fanbase. Its caused by IS being indecisive and in some parts idiotic

And Im going to straight out say that if Chrom and Sumia copied Sheeda x Marth, I'll be very very happy

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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From what I've seen of Tumblr and GameFAQs (and a bit of Gaia/FEF), everything I said is unpopular: Especially the Meta and Chrom's ending things. The older Meta is better, and Chrom's ending is the right choice if it weren't for that goddawful stinger.

Yeah, I definitely wasn't referring to you. A lot of your opinions are legitimately unpopular (I know I disagree with a lot of it). But that's a good thing in a way. Diversity.

But when people are saying "I hate {insert commonly hated character/pairing here]!" or some other popular notion, in my mind, I'm thinking "Oh, Miss Thang! What world do you think you live in where that's unpopular?" :rolleyes:

I would prefer there to never be canon pairings for this game. Just imagine the shitstorm that it would cause.

I've said it before, but if there is a sequel to Awakening and it establishes some canon pairings, the world would burn. I actually kind of want to see that.

Edited by Sublime Manic
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