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Reclassing and Promoting obviously affects a characters wardrobe and as such the question of 'which class looks best on me?' gets pushed to the surface(also 'does this make my butt look big' :P: ). Though I suppose this comes down to which class looks best/which character's default appearance bests the classes' appearances.

To start it off - I really think Lissa's model looks a lot better in the PegaPony outfit than it does with her silly yellow hoop skirt thing(so you can imagine that in general the cleric and war cleric don't appeal to me much)! And Fredrick's default look is just simply awesome.

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GK Sully for life because pants

helps that GK's my favourite class but definitely pants

also default Flavia because Hero looks fine anyway, has personal colours, and actually gets her body's skintone right.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I'm OCD about keeping them in their original classes.

Even promoting them irks me sometimes. I always want them matching up to their portrait appearances.

Like it REALLY bothers me when I promote Henry to a Sorcerer... yeah...

I really wished I could pull off what I can with the Dread Fighter class and the Tactician class... I can record a critical/skill activation with the original unpromoted Tactician clothes without the lower stat caps.

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This may sound dumb, but I wish there was an option in the options menu that would keep characters with their default model even after class change.

EX: Gregor promotes to Hero but he would still keep his mercenary model, Virion reclasses to Wyvern Rider but still keeps his archer model, etc.

Edited by Virion
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I usually like to keep people in their default class trees, especially when they have a custom colors for the promoted classes, but it depends on the character and what I want them to do.

I actually like Lissa's structured skirt, though I have her as a Sage. Reminds me of some stuff by Jean Paul Gaultier and Thierry Mugler. The more FE reminds me of such things, the better, as far as I'm concerned.

Favorite class outfits include male Dark Mages and Sorcerers (LOVE the use of sheer for these classes, female counterparts as well; very chic although the female Sorceror look veers into 'witchy'), Fighters, Barbarians, and Berserkers. Show that skin, boys! Dark Mage, Sorcerer, and Fighter in particular have BDSM influences in them which I especially appreciate. Also a big fan of the Trickster outfit and the armor for Knights and Generals (armor in this game in general). I also think the structural shoulder armor for a lot of flying classes is cool looking. Speaking of flyers, I LOVE the open back on Cherche's costume, but don't like the way what's visible of her legs shows; doesn't look good. Not a big fan of the bows in Tiki's default outfit either.

Not a fan of Tiki's default costume (bow placement is lazy and doesn't look good), Chrom's costume, the Hero outfit (most unfortunately), and the use of fur in any class featuring it. Or cravats, for that matter (Basilio being the only exception). Also not a fan of pots as helmets. You'll always look ridiculous, Donnel, sorry. Good thing I'm not a fan.

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The only wardrobe that comes to mind that I actually have a strong dislike for is the Berserker outfit. Ugh, that's ridiculous...

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I understand they meant to put everything into the game as a celebratory anniversary title... but I never really liked the reclassing concept.

I understand they kept uniqueness by giving each character class sets, and how skills being learned are the point of reclassing... but despite the strategic benefits, I feel like as a character, each has their own "class" to contribute to the team.

I might be bland and vanilla... but that's how I work. Hell, I've had friends yell at me for eating a hot dog plain.

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This also irks me to hell and back.

The discrepancy between portrait and model here is... killing me.

That mostly irks (Erks) me not just because of the discrepancy, but because it shows the devs were lazy in giving her Nowi's costume whether she is her's, Nah's, or Tiki's daughter. I mean, I wish she had her own unique costume, but they should've at least given her her actual mother's costume, not just Nowi's.....gah, its also annoying since I find Nowi's the least appealing of all three....

But yeah, its always the original class tree for me with most everyone except the obvious Donnel, and Vaike because I need a Berserker and he fits the bill.

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I understand they meant to put everything into the game as a celebratory anniversary title... but I never really liked the reclassing concept.

I understand they kept uniqueness by giving each character class sets, and how skills being learned are the point of reclassing... but despite the strategic benefits, I feel like as a character, each has their own "class" to contribute to the team.

I might be bland and vanilla... but that's how I work. Hell, I've had friends yell at me for eating a hot dog plain.

Better than eating only the hot dog and not the bun, like one of my friends :P:

You're actually not alone, soc. I usually feel the need to class change people to what matches them the best, even if I want to reclass them to something else that's just as effective and funnier. Only exception is Inigo, apparently, who I like to reclass into a sage if he has a magical father.

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I understand they meant to put everything into the game as a celebratory anniversary title... but I never really liked the reclassing concept.

I understand they kept uniqueness by giving each character class sets, and how skills being learned are the point of reclassing... but despite the strategic benefits, I feel like as a character, each has their own "class" to contribute to the team.

I might be bland and vanilla... but that's how I work. Hell, I've had friends yell at me for eating a hot dog plain.

You eat stuff plain too? why don't we ever actually talk

The reclassing thing bugs me too. Especially stuff like Chrom just keeping his Lord outfit when I've already promoted him by chapter 5 because a random Anna just so happened to have a Master Seal and Chrom's like NOPE and keeps his normal outfit the entire game.

Chrom should have had a forced promotion before/during/after the two year time skip.

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You're welcome.

This doesnt bother me in the least. Nope.

Virion losing dat outfit upon a reclass makes me a sad panda. Also so does him not having a Sorcerer option.

Yeah the Manakete Morgs is really egregious. (but shes oh so spammy in dat class!)

Swordmasters and the octopus coat. Yeah.

Miriel as a Dark Mage is just weird. Its like putting Professor MacGonagall in a bikini.

Edited by Florina Stark
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I also love seeing Lissa's Pegasus Knight model in cutscenes.

What makes me wonder is that Manakete Morgan's ears aren't pointy. I guess it's a half-manakete thing. Well really, it's that the artists didn't want to make a bunch of portraits just for her. It makes sense that they wouldn't make a bunch of portraits for her, but it'd be cool if Morgan had something different than the hair from her parent.

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You're welcome.

People think that looks bad? Have you seen the female Sorcerer's outfit. I'm so conflicted about it because obvious reason.

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