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NFL 2013-2014 Season!


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Yeah, well, it doesn't change the fact that Lebeau is like 75 years old now. He was a great defensive coordinator, but it's about time he let someone else take over. I just hope whoever it is can live up to his reputation. He's going to be a HOF coordinator.

Also, I thought of a poem that sums up my thoughts about the Steelers now.

Once upon an NFL

Black and gold reigned supreme

The Pittsburgh Steelers had it all

A group of men who were a real team

They won repeatedly

with one loss here and there

The offense scored a lot of points

And the defense were like bears

They saw the Super Bowl

Three times in six years

They didn't win the third one

But fans still loved them to tears

Then injuries piled up

And Todd Haley came in

Mike Wallace soon left

And then James Harrison

The offense now

Hardly can score

And the defense is starting

To weaken their core

Big Ben's upset

You can't blame him

His offense just won't

go out on a whim

Fumbles, sacks

And lots of missed passes

Sometimes I think

Haley's brain is molasses

But what happened?

You guys were the best

You made the fans proud

To be fans like the rest

You could crush the Ravens

And smack around the Pats

You even defeated the Packers

In three seconds flat

Now all of that seems

Like ancient history

The glory days are over

No more cheering with glee

We're all in misery

Cause this team is just lame

And I ask with hope

Will it ever again be the same?

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah, but I don't think the Steelers were ever THIS bad. Right now, they're pretty much the new Lions (no offense to Helios, the Lions are pretty decent now, I just mean when they were worse).

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They don't compare to the lions because Lions were many freak accidents away from playoffs. In terms of raw talent and age the Lions are much different to the Steelers. There's really not much of a precedent for the Steelers but it's basically if the Ravens previous offseason went incredibly poor as opposed to the way it did. Makes the rivalry better I'd say; both teams are so similar but so opposite.

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Right NOW, yes. I'm talking about when the Lions were bad and hardly won at all.

If you're talking 2011; they started strong and a bunch of freak accidents, blown coverage, bad Titus Young routes, and completely destroyed running game (see: freak accidents) later they had a 4-12 season.

Lions of the 2000s were mismanaged due to a functioning moron of a GM known as Matt Millen. His only good thing was drafting Megatron because of the broken clock analogy. They had no all-star team to build of off and they were just awful in all areas. Steelers have good management, an all-star team whose window has begun to close, and a very poor start. The only similarity is in the fact that they suck; in which case, that applies to many teams like the Cardinals (who never had an all-star team even in the Super Bowl since they were literally the worst team ever to reach a Super Bowl). The details are extremely different. The precedent may be the 80s Steelers and I'm not sure if they tried the same thing to keep their all-star 70s team together, but I'm not well versed in the history of your team.

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Dont be too depressed Ana. The Steelers are not exactly bad, they are just below average. Probably 5-8 wins this year, but certainly no play-offs.

Yeah, probably. But I hope things turn around again eventually.

If you're talking 2011; they started strong and a bunch of freak accidents, blown coverage, bad Titus Young routes, and completely destroyed running game (see: freak accidents) later they had a 4-12 season.

Lions of the 2000s were mismanaged due to a functioning moron of a GM known as Matt Millen. His only good thing was drafting Megatron because of the broken clock analogy. They had no all-star team to build of off and they were just awful in all areas. Steelers have good management, an all-star team whose window has begun to close, and a very poor start. The only similarity is in the fact that they suck; in which case, that applies to many teams like the Cardinals (who never had an all-star team even in the Super Bowl since they were literally the worst team ever to reach a Super Bowl). The details are extremely different. The precedent may be the 80s Steelers and I'm not sure if they tried the same thing to keep their all-star 70s team together, but I'm not well versed in the history of your team.

Oh, oh, okay. I see now. I didn't really know much about the Lions' history myself. As for the Steelers, I think they went downhill some in the early 90s, actually. In fact, their QB was literally run out of town after they lost that one Super Bowl they went to.

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Alright I haven't been on in forever so I'll just list some of my thoughts from this week.

1) AFC East is full of great defenses.

2) Seahawks are the best team in the NFL...AT HOME. Still need to see what they're like on the road.

3) The Cards didn't win. The Lions lost. Too many missed opportunities this week. Mad props to Honey Badger though. Hope he doesn't get into trouble in the NFL.

4) RGIII is scared right now. He's playing to protect himself and not to win. He's trying as hard as he can to avoid putting pressure on his leg.

5) Eagles offense looks awesome. Their defense...not so much. To put it into perspective, I'm starting Alex Smith over Cam Newton this week in a different FFL.

6) Chargers offense can be scary if Phillip Rivers gains some confidence and Ryan Mathews stays healthy.

7) Was James Starks the answer at RB for the Pack this whole time?

8) The Bears look much better than most people expected, and I think people are starting to see that Cutler is more talented than people think. And why is that? Because the OLine is giving him more time.

9) For all you kids who complain about drops, just remember that the Lions have the most drops in the league...and they have Calvin Johnson on their team (who has either 0 or 1). Pettigrew needs to go.

10) Stafford is the most accurate QB in the NFL statistically through the first two weeks. Never thought I'd see the day.

11) The Bengals are the best team in the AFC North. Ravens need to build some chemistry still, but they'll be scary second half of the season.

12. This is the Dolphins best chance to unseat the Pats. When the Pats get healthier and their young WRs get more comfortable in the NFL, they're gonna be scary. Build a division lead until then.

13. Bucs are probably the dumbest team in the NFL. Who just loses 2 games with 5 secs left on the clock? Penalties suck.

14. Chiefs are looking good so far this year, but people are getting a little too excited. They've only played Jax and Dallas. Wait til they play a good team before you jump the wagon.

15. Steelers are NOT the Lions of the past calm down Anacybele. Their offense just can't score. And now I finally realize why you hate Todd Haley so much. This is honestly 90% his fault. His play calling is terrible. STOP RUNNING THE BALL WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE A DECENT RB! LET BIG BEN TAKE CONTROL OF THE OFFENSE. The D is old but they're not even that bad. Ike Taylor shut down a top 5 WR Monday in AJ Green. Their pass rush is pretty decent. Their offense just needs to score. I like how Tomlin put it (and I'll paraphrase): "We've scored 19 points in two weeks. If you told me we scored 19 points in 2 weeks, I'd say there's a pretty good chance we'd be 0-2."

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Okay okay, sorry. xP

And I agree with you completely on the Steelers. Unfortunately, I still see fans blaming Tomlin or Ben or who knows who else. Todd Haley needs to GO. Ben had every right to be pissed. Sometimes I hate Steeler fans. I can see why Lord Raven hates some of them.

And yeah, the defense can still do some awesome shit. Polamalu batted away a pass and so did Kiesel. And Dalton's throw got messed up at some point. And as you said, Ike Taylor shut down AJ Green. But all those missed tackles were pathetic. That needs to stop. It's the only issue I saw though.

Edited by Anacybele
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7) Was James Starks the answer at RB for the Pack this whole time?

Sure looked like it on Sunday, although I really want to see more of Lacy, but he got injured much too soon. When he's healthy I think those two will be a scary tandem for defenses.

Edited by Mr. Haar
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The Browns are officially trying to tank their season.

They just traded their top 5 draft pick from 2 years ago to Indiapolis for a 1st round draft pick. Yes, TRENT RICHARDSON is now a Colt. Whan was he picked? Like 4th overall?

Hmm, I wonder what the Jaguars will do to try to get worse now...

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Yeah I seriously did a double take when I saw that. what the hell lol, the Colts are stacked at RB - of all positions! What!

(They're also stacked at QB too, but they only need Luck since no one would start Hasselback at this point)

Ravens need to build some chemistry still, but they'll be scary second half of the season.

Can't. Fucking. Wait. You only saw glimpses of what is to come in the first half of hte fourth quarter of that game! The only reason we didn't blow them out is because we play to win, not to run up the score... so many easy opportunities.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Oh Richardson was 3rd overall btw. Haha, it's gonna be hilarious when the Browns draft an Offensive lineman with the 1st pick in the draft.

I can hear it now, "We want to move forward with Weeden, and we need to keep him upright to do that."

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Their owner is actual serious about reforming the team though, so I wouldn't try to make them the butt of these jokes anymore...

I don't think that's a joke, Raven. That seriously would be the stereotypical Browns thought process.

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The Browns actually did really good with this trade. I never thought Richardson was anything special, and now they will have a top 2 pick and a top 10 pick in the draft.

Sadly, I expect them to fuck it up in some way.
The Colts projected win total actually went down after this trade if you can believe it...
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