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NFL 2013-2014 Season!


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So I wasn't able to see the first Packers drive because of this NBC blackout thing with Time Warner. How bad was McCarthy's play-calling at the goal line?

Not bad, it was just another case of Jermichael Dropley

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The Bils last Playoff game in the 99-00 season had a QB controversy in itself. Rob Johnson started the game even though Floutie was the starter for 15 games that year.

Over the course of our 13 year playoff drought we have had 1 winning season (9-7, lost to Pittsburgs back-ups in the last game of the season) and 9 different starting QBs (10 since Jim Kelly retired). In only 6 of the 13 seasons did a QB play all 16 games. And injuries were not the reasons for the changes. Instead of cutting the players we hung on to them for too long. 8 of the 9 QBs were on the team for 3+ years and started at least 1 game in multiple seasons.

JP Losman (1st round pick) sat for a year behind Bledsoe which didn't help at all.

Trent Edwards (3rd round pick) looks like the 2nd coming of Brady in a 4-0 start to the season, he only sat and watched for a few games before starting. Concussion happens, hes never the same and they close out the season with a 3-9 record.

Its been bad here.

Edited by Hawk King
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I'm not gonna lie, there's few QBs I feel as badly for as I feel for Mark Sanchez. Dude went from loved to hated in the drop of a hat and was coached by rather murky offensive folk (Rex Ryan is a brilliant defensive mind which is why they managed to hit two AFCCGs in a row, so Sanchez did just have to be a game manager). He lives in the Jets media stream which has caused us all to hate him, was constantly yelled at to be favored in favor of Tebow, lost many many offensive weapons, and NYJ's dominant defense is now gone. Rex Ryan keeps getting put under fire and more or less set up to fail as well by media standards. Also, USC quarterback and only one year at college before going pro. Mainly the media scrutiny is probably getting to his head, though.

Having that said, Sanchez fuckups aren't as funny as they used to be imo, I think at some point its just shitposting to keep them up.

At any rate, can't wait for the Lions offense; Saints were a fun team to watch when their offense was ridiculous and the Lions will have more or less similar levels of intensity and style. Also, Jim Schwartz is from Maryland!

EDIT: Ravens may be signing Brandon Stokely. Fun fact is that he was drafted by BAL and he is the last currently active Raven from that 2000 Super Bowl season.

EDIT 2: Dallas Clark is now a Raven. So hopefully this means our offense can be whole again...

Edited by Lord Raven
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So the Steelers lost to the Giants. But it wasn't a bad one. Still., it kind of annoys me that every other AFC North team won their games, especially since the Ravens and Bengals totally schooled their opponents.

But then again, the Steelers were the only ones that actually faced a tough team as far as I could see, so... Still, DeCastro made a really good impression, so I have my hopes for him. Dwyer lost weight, so he should be faster now, and a fast RB is always a good thing. Wheaton showed promise too. I couldn't listen to all of the game, so I looked up stuff on the NFL website. Sanders seems to have improved as well, which is good after the huge mistakes he made last season. With Sanders it always seemed like hit or miss. He either did really awesome or totally fucked things up.

The main problem was Bell. He got hurt ALREADY. Which means he lost an opportunity for more experience. But at least he should be fine to play again soon and we don't have another DeCastro situation.

Edited by Anacybele
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Giants aren't a tough team

Buccs in their current state are probably better than the Giants lol

If they aren't good, how come they recently won a Super Bowl? Clearly they are a good team. Not the best ever, but good.

You're just saying this because the Ravens crushed the Bucs.

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If they aren't good, how come they recently won a Super Bowl? Clearly they are a good team. Not the best ever, but good.

The Patriots are experts at choking in the Super Bowl. Also luck.

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If they aren't good, how come they recently won a Super Bowl? Clearly they are a good team. Not the best ever, but good.

You're just saying this because the Ravens crushed the Bucs.

It's been proven time and time again that Super Bowl runs are a matter of luck for 4 straight games especially when you just eek into the playoffs like the Giants did (and in the Ravens case, barely get into the 4 seed over the Bengals) and play all those games on the road. It's a matter of getting hot at the right time and etc. One more example I can think of is the 2008 Arizona Cardinals which had no business being in the Super Bowl.

Case in point: the 2012 Ravens were not a very good team. Regular season was filled with ugly, ugly wins and the team constantly went down with injury. Two of our best defenders (Haloti Ngata and Lardarius Webb) caught the injury bug and Jacoby Jones caught a sideline pass with 30 seconds left on the clock.

And no, I'm not. The Buccs gave Flacco fits in the first quarter from what I've heard. Intercepting his pass and continually putting pressure on him, mixed with lots and lots of dropped passes (our receiver corps are made of piss, thankfully we just added Dallas Clark and Brandon Stokely - we were desperate enough that we had to add two 35+ year olds to our roster). In fact, if we were against the NFC South this year then based on this preseason game a Buccs-Ravens showdown would go incredibly poorly on both offenses because Buccs have a ridiculous secondary now (as well as a good front 7).

Giants also play in a division that goes heavily by the adage of "any given Sunday." Last year, the NFCE records were 10-6, 9-7, and 8-8 with all these ridiculous matches between them. Giants also play very poorly sometimes and great other times, but based on the score both teams played quite poorly.

At any rate, its preseason, so I guess our second stringers are waaaaaaaaay better than the Buccs and the Steelers are fucked if they ever have injuries... which they do.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Giants are definitely a decent team you guys are insane.

But then again, the Steelers were the only ones that actually faced a tough team as far as I could see, so... Still, DeCastro made a really good impression, so I have my hopes for him. Dwyer lost weight, so he should be faster now, and a fast RB is always a good thing. Wheaton showed promise too.

The main problem was Bell. He got hurt ALREADY. Which means he lost an opportunity for more experience. But at least he should be fine to play again soon and we don't have another DeCastro situation.

Lost weight ≠ faster (unless he went from obese to healthy, or from being big enough to be an O-lineman to WR). Only way he'll get reliably faster is if he went through speed training.

Don't care about pre-season losses. They don't mean anything (players are visibly complacent during those games). They're glorified scrimmages.

Which leads me to a more important point: if a player is getting injured during pre-season, he and the rest of his team are doing something VERY wrong.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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The Patriots are experts at choking in the Super Bowl. Also luck.

I am offended by this statement. We did not choke in '07 David frickin tyree got the ball stuck in his helmet. That's just luck.

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I am offended by this statement. We did not choke in '07 David frickin tyree got the ball stuck in his helmet. That's just luck.

The ball wouldn't have gotten stuck in his helmet if the Pat's coverage wasn't totally falling off at that point in the game.

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Yeah, there was an interception that was dropped around there. The clock management in the last 30 seconds was pretty poor too. Three timeouts and they can't drive the ball a *little* better when all they need is a field goal? They have Randy Moss on their team too!

Wes Welker also dropped a pretty crucial pass in SB46 and Gronk was incredibly close to catching that Hail Mary at the end.

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Welker's abilities were so over hyped. He dropped catches at crucial moments all the time.

And gronk wouldn't have been anywhere near if he wasnt injured. And we would of kicked the giants ass. But some team hurt his ankle.

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That Hero has been promoted to a Titan and got a personal foul penalty five minutes into his first preseason game with them

As a Ravens fan I would kill for a receiver like Welker, dropped passes or not

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In terms of salary cap hit, Boldin + Pollard = all of our acquired free agents

Trading him was probably a good decision. The sixth round pick was an extra since people were waiting for us to cut him before signing him, so Jim gave John a gift.

EDIT: Nobody remembers that Boldin drops passes about as often as Welker in the worst moments. Second half of the Super Bowl was a nice compilation of How To Drop A Pass in the How To Stop A Drive And Make Flacco Look Like Shit subsection in the Ravens Receiver Corps Recruitment Video. Yet he's only remembered for his catches and the Ravens offense is screwed without him.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Coming off of this last Ravens game (as a Ravens girl in a Patriots household) was tough for me. Sure, it was a win, but as Harbaugh basically said, that was some of the worst football they'd played.

Now, I'm no expert so I can't pick apart exactly went wrong but there was a complete lack of offense (which I somewhat expected) and defense (Ravens without defense is a sad sight indeed) for those first quarters. It was nice to see that Torrey Smith can still break away with a run but the other wide receivers were giving me heart palpitations. Also, full disclaimer, I couldn't catch the whole game so I had to rely on live look-in coverage from the NFL network which was torn between three other games at the time.

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Nice to see our first touchdown from a basic slant route from Torrey Smith, some Boldin stuff right there (but more elusive because Torrey's faster). Saw some Torrey Smith on the outside too, so it looks like him and Flacco will be carrying our offense through rough times. Ray Rice could barely run the ball effectively, averaging like 1.3 YPC. Tandon Doss keeps dropping passes (a problem solved by Stokely and Dallas Clark) and Jimmy Smith got burned REPEATEDLY by Julio Jones - I can't wait for Lardarius Webb to come back. And Jacoby ran a bad route that caused Flacco to throw straight into a player's knee and it bounced off for an interception which made me SO mad -_-. Our run defense kept allowing the RB to break off. Basically, Matt Elam had to make a million tackles (great rookie right there) because our front 7 kept blowing it.

I DVR'd it to watch it. What I got from it is that they're running a Read Option with Tyrod Taylor if he's ever in the game (and when they ran the play that game it worked well enough to get him 7-8 yards to a first down or something) and that our backups are too good to be NFL backups but not good enough to be NFL starters.

Edited by Lord Raven
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