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NFL 2013-2014 Season!


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Hey, at least your teams are winning. Pittsburgh hasn't had a win yet. They seemed to have drafted a lot of crappy guys and STILL need to fix their o-line. It seems the only thing good about the o-line is DeCastro. At least he and Wheaton are very good.

The team just better learn from their mistakes and start winning in the main season, because losing while all the other AFC North teams are winning their games is kind of pathetic and makes me feel the same.

That being said, though, they should know who to give the boot when the main season starts.

Edited by Anacybele
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Hey, at least your teams are winning. Pittsburgh hasn't had a win yet. They seemed to have drafted a lot of crappy guys and STILL need to fix their o-line. It seems the only thing good about the o-line is DeCastro. At least he and Wheaton are very good.

The team just better learn from their mistakes and start winning in the main season, because losing while all the other AFC North teams are winning their games is kind of pathetic and makes me feel the same.

That being said, though, they should know who to give the boot when the main season starts.

Of course losing doesn't make anyone feel good, but it's preseason. Winning means nothing, it's all about individual performances by the players. Even the Packers got their butt kicked in week one, especially when they put their fodder backup QBs in the game. That being said, in Pittsburgh's case, well, I haven't noticed a lot standout players, so I guess that doesn't help much. I guess you should just not be upset about losing, be upset about the lack of player performance. :P:

I don't really have this problem. So many Packers rookies and otherwise really played lights out the last game. I'm pretty happy about it.

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Yeah, that's true, Helios. I guess I'm just a little afraid of a repeat of last season. xP

But hey, I'm finally going to get to actually watch a game this Saturday, cause I'm off work. ^^

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The past two Ravens games have reminded me of their cardiac arrest 2012 season... i cant stomach that again. Panthers-Ravens game was strangely exciting, somehow. And a player got ejected

And lmao@Lions...... I kept hearing about that game on /r/nfl and I was just laughin my ass off

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Fumble recovery ALREADY. Damn! XD

Yeah, Steelers!

EDIT: Damn it, never mind, it got reversed. >.>

EDIT: YEAH BEN! That was AWESOME maneuvering! Go Big Ben! :D

EDIT: That penalty was a load of crap! It wasn't even a choplock! Boy was Tomlin pissed though.

EDIT: And the Steelers still lost. Despite that it went into overtime and how hard those young linebackers played. Sigh... Is this team ever going to win again? They haven't won for at least four games now. I have to admit though, Gradkowski has one hell of an arm. That guy can freaking throw. One good thing has happened though, and that's the Ravens losing to the Panthers. Wee.

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And lmao@Lions...... I kept hearing about that game on /r/nfl and I was just laughin my ass off


I know it's just preseason, but man it's awesome beating the Pats. The DLine looked and have been great (as expected). Still a little worried about the back 7 a bit -- Houston looked good but Darius Slay got schooled by Tom Brady. The LB corps looked better, but as a whole they haven't looked great this preseason. The safeties have been pretty good, namely Glover Quin. A couple of the other CBs (like Bentley and Green) have looked good in limited play time as well. If I had to be worried about something though, it'd be the first team offense. Lions need their offense to be dynamic and score points since the defense isn't elite (yet). Stafford hasn't been accurate, the WRs have been dropping passes, and there doesn't look to be any momentum without Calvin Johnson (or Ryan Broyles) in the lineup. On the bright side, the offensive line actually doesn't look too bad despite the losses this offseason, and the running game looks somewhat improved (the numbers don't really show it, but Bush and Joique Bell have looked good so far, and the run blocking has looked better than in recent years).

We're gonna be seeing a lot of cuts and trades this next week now that teams need to cut down their rosters. Gonna be interesting to see what teams do.

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We just cut Shiancoe. I don't have much faith in Dallas Clark after the previous game, whereas Shiancoe was doing some work.

Marlon Brown is still on the roster. Ravens need to start drafting WRs with dreads.

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We're gonna be seeing a lot of cuts and trades this next week now that teams need to cut down their rosters. Gonna be interesting to see what teams do.

Yeah, I hope the Steelers make the right cuts. Not many of our guys have been looking promising, and ever since Todd Haley became the offensive coordinator, the offense has been going down the drain. Ben and his receivers can still pull some awesome stuff, but stupid Haley isn't letting them do so to their full potential anymore. And as usual, the o-line needs work.

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Cut deadline is today. Tebow and Vince Young have already been cut (part of me is crying on the inside because of this). Wonder what other big names won't make their respective teams.

Next week is real football though. This is a good thing everyone.

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We kept Mellette and Brown, hopefully they become two WRs that won't drop passes like our failed projects before... Brown looks like a mini-Boldin which is exactly what we need. I don't trust Jacoby Jones.

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Oh nooo anacybele whatever will the steelers do after bombing the preseason

Was this really necessary?

Anyway, the Steelers cut Dwyer? That sucks, he was damn good! I've seen him plow through people almost as good as Redman does! :(

But if he doesn't have enough dedication to the job as they say, well, good riddance then. The Steelers like guys who play because they enjoy it and wanna keep playing and they don't take shit. Trust me, Ben and Hines Ward learned that lesson very well.

At least Miller is back though! He rocks. ^^

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Was this really necessary?

yes because wins in the preseason don't mean anything and anyone can tell you that. you know why? You're not trying out the schemes you're running in the regular season, running the audibles, and etc. In the end, it matters little and it only is there to show how well players play or what kind of instinct a player would have. Things to that extent. W/L don't show these. It gets annoying to hear how sad you are whenever the Steelers lose, and then back it up with an excuse and poor sportsmanship when nobody honestly cares especially during the preseason.

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yes because wins in the preseason don't mean anything and anyone can tell you that. you know why? You're not trying out the schemes you're running in the regular season, running the audibles, and etc. In the end, it matters little and it only is there to show how well players play or what kind of instinct a player would have. Things to that extent. W/L don't show these. It gets annoying to hear how sad you are whenever the Steelers lose, and then back it up with an excuse and poor sportsmanship when nobody honestly cares especially during the preseason.

I'm aware that wins/losses in the preseason don't matter. I just wanted to see the team win, that's all, whether it matters or not. You did not need to make fun of me.

And what excuses and "poor sportsmanship" are you talking about?

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I'm pretty surprised Vince Young was cut from the Pack so soon. I didn't expect him to stay with the team long, but, four weeks? Seriously? I just hope Seneca Wallace will play at a somewhat competent level when/if he's needed.

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I'm pretty surprised Vince Young was cut from the Pack so soon. I didn't expect him to stay with the team long, but, four weeks? Seriously? I just hope Seneca Wallace will play at a somewhat competent level when/if he's needed.

Don't really understand why Vince was cut. Makes you wonder if he'll ever get another chance to compete in the NFL. Same with Tebow.

Can't help but feel excited that this Sunday, I can look forward to some solid NFL action.

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