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Which do you prefer, offense or defense?


Which strategy do you prefer?  

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  1. 1. Your choice?

    • Offense
    • Defense

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Why choose when I could have crushing offense and unbreakable defense?


Depends on the case.

In FE, I'm almost always slow and turtley. For the most part, I "Take it slow, make it happen" (which until I went on my Vantage Craze after realizing how freaking OP it was/is, summed up my combat doctrine for the whole series (Vantage.. made my combat doctrine change though- now it's "Keep Calm, And Strike Vanguard" for Awakening.))

In Starcraft, I'm a mix. I play Terran. And Like Tanks. (And Occasionally Nukes).

LoL? I'm almost strictly Defensive, and can't ADC or Jungle for anything. I pretty much play Leona and... Leona. Occasionally Lux. Or if I'm topping? I'm Riven.

4X, I'm always looking for the biggest wrecking ball (I.E. Civilization: Nukes. Alpha Centauri: Singularity Planet Busters, Gal Civ 2: Terrorstar). I'll play defensively until I get it, then WORLD DOMINATION. EITHER BOW TO ME OR I MERCILESSLY GENOCIDE YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE POPULATION.

More action oriented?

Things like the Tales series? Offensive as all get out. (EG. I main Colette, who's ToS's Glasscannon of Glasscannons. (Sheena's just glass, no cannon component, BTW.))

WoW? I played every role. I didn't really like healer though. Loved Tanking, but I -played- offensively as a Tank. (Hard to explain, but in simple terms, I only liked DK tanking. Hated Warrior or Pally. Couldn't ever level a druid to 15. Ever. But the reason was, while Warriors or Pallies could live thru more, DKs didn't necessarily have to because they hit hard (And Self-healed. Self-healing Tanks OP)) In PvP, I prefered Leveling Twinks (Set up a twink. Hit target twink bracket? Level exclusively thru PvP for that bracket. (308 Blues. 308 Blues!)

Mecha Games? I'm one of those high-speed-high-attack in your face players. Except Armored Core V. There, I roll a tank. Like everyone else, because that game is terribly unbalanced.

FPS? I camp.

Over all, I guess you could say I'm defensive, but I'm more like "what gets the job done".

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Yeah but he's built larger than grown men, while Chuubou is small even for his age.

I'm currently reading Eyeshield 21, so at the time I said that, I was on the game between the Dinosaurs and the Devil Bats, so I thought you were talking about Sena.

Now I know what you're talking about. hehe

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I like a durable DPS. Offense trumps defense slightly, but I don't like glass-canon/squishies either.

Still would prefer that when I hit something, they die.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I'll trade being a glass cannon for being a glass fighter jet please

A brick fighter jet would also be nice

Edited by Rehab
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I'm currently reading Eyeshield 21, so at the time I said that, I was on the game between the Dinosaurs and the Devil Bats, so I thought you were talking about Sena.

Now I know what you're talking about. hehe

Oh. I thought you were talking about Gaou. Because he's a freshman or sophomore as well. Which is kind of weird considering that he's 6'7" and almost 300lbs

seriously what the Christ >__>

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I push relentlessly until my opponent makes a mistake.

If I'm punished for my recklessness, cooling down into passive-aggressiveness is cool too. The most important thing is to win!

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i.e., run away while your friends fight

everyone knows esme is a SPOONY BARD


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In all strategics games: economy. Economy is the best. Economy allow you to buy more tanks, build more walls and reach new weapons quicker than your opponent. MONEY BUY POWER!

In RPGs: It's matter how engine work, because in many games better attack mean more than better defense.

In real life: THINKING!

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Until you inexplicably come down with a completely legitimate disease, right?

what's a spoony bard btw

is it a bard that spoons?

it's a reference to FFIV

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In all strategics games: economy. Economy is the best. Economy allow you to buy more tanks, build more walls and reach new weapons quicker than your opponent. MONEY BUY POWER!

Eh.. Straight Research tends to work better than Economy.

You can have all the gold in the world, but all the bought knights on horses can't save you from the crazies who researched Nukes in the iron age.

*Has, on several occasions, reached Nukes in civilization in the 1200s.* (BTW: That's always funny to see. Oh look, those guys over there are threatening us with SWORDS. *Fires a Nuclear missile at them*)

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It depends largely on the situation. In strategy games, I say defense any day. You do need offense to gain territory, but territorial gains aren't worth much if you can't hold on to them. In fighting games, the most effective offensive characters are usually faster while defensive ones are slower (at least in my experience). In that case, offense tends to win out because those games are typically designed to favor fast, hard hitting characters that can chain combos over slower "combo fodder" characters (Ganondorf, I'm looking at you). In action games that offer character builds or classes, I usually go for defensive as I like having some staying power if I get in a fight (actually, I like stealth most of all. The enemy can't hit what the enemy doesn't see :ph34r:. Then again, that could technically count as defense). In MMO style games, it's a moot point since the whole idea is to cooperate with other people to cover your weaknesses (party up with a DD class and healer if you're a wall, and play with wall classes if you're a glass cannon or support).

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Eh.. Straight Research tends to work better than Economy.

You can have all the gold in the world, but all the bought knights on horses can't save you from the crazies who researched Nukes in the iron age.

*Has, on several occasions, reached Nukes in civilization in the 1200s.* (BTW: That's always funny to see. Oh look, those guys over there are threatening us with SWORDS. *Fires a Nuclear missile at them*)

OK, not all strategics games, but almost all RTS. And if you think "only research" is good option play in Warzone 2100(very good RTS with bad graphics) against real player or Nullbot AI. Trust me, you won't survive 10 minutes.

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