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Motivate me to hit the gym


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That's nice. But I'm down most days...

So all the more reason to go right? :P:

But for srs, working out frequently not only keeps you healthy for years to come, it elevates you in the eyes of your peers and them ladies.

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Working out is good for you

Forcing yourself to go consistently will get you some of the self-discipline you clearly lack

You dont have to get huge or anything, but getting toned/cut is nice

do it dude

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It's true. 8(

But what makes me "unhealthy"?

That's debatable. A high fat content in a first-world nation where food is incredibly easy to come by, for example, is obviously unhealthy. But in a place where you'd have to float quite awhile from one meal to another having more fat could be greatly healthy.

I guess that I'd say healthiness as we know it is a combination of several factors. Overall fitness through exercise (e.g. lifting twice your own weight, running a mile in under six minutes, flexibility enough to touch your toes), along with a diet low in fat --especially trans fats--, sodium, sugar, and carbohydrates.

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I dont find gyms helpful. There was one that I joined (it was a recreational center, so its free until I turn 18) that I would go to about 2-3 times a week. I would spend a considerable amount of time lifting weights and using the machines but I barely saw any results. This is just a bit of personal experience, probably doesn't reflect what the general consensus believes.

I wouldnt bother joining the gym if I were you. Stay home and work out, it's free.

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