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The Hubby Club

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My husbando is Virion. Always and forever. Although i only married him on my first run, hes still my Ultimate Husbando. I love Libra too. I had an Avatar marry Henry. Why not? Hes awesome.

One of these days, i should have a run where my Avatar married Walhart for the lulz.

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I've honestly seen a good deal of hate for Chrom. He's definitely a popular choice but if that Facebook poll is anything to go on he's not even in the top three most popular charactersor the most popular mal choice (which oddly went to...Walhart, but ignoring that Henry is more popular).

I can see where people are coming from when they call him boring and let's face it if he switched story positions with another guy that guy would be the more popular one. Let's face it, bishie (what the heck spellcheck changed that to Bosnia) main character you can marry = popular. And yes, I admit that I married him and like him for story reasons (and that Scramble convo was HNNNG). That being said, he gets more of a personality in DLCs and when he doe show personaliy I find it rather entertaining.

Just defending my first husband here. I know it'll make me look like a crazy fangirls but he's really not as popular as people think (he's popular, just not THAT popular). You're free to dislike him but I've heard a lot of other people say "I don't get why others like him" and I felt the need to explain.

Anyway, I've made it obvious that my main hubby is Chrom. I like him and his personality a lot, but not to the extent that I need to marry him every run. I married Lon'qu on my second run but in the end I wound up wishing I married Gaius or Frederick. Third run hubby will either be Frederick, Gaius, or Stahl. I also hope to get around to marring Inigo, Owain or Laurent someday.

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I can see where people are coming from when they call him boring and let's face it if he switched story positions with another guy that guy would be the more popular one. Let's face it, bishie (what the heck spellcheck changed that to Bosnia) main character you can marry = popular. And yes, I admit that I married him and like him for story reasons (and that Scramble convo was HNNNG). That being said, he gets more of a personality in DLCs and when he doe show personaliy I find it rather entertaining.

Just defending my first husband here. I know it'll make me look like a crazy fangirls but he's really not as popular as people think (he's popular, just not THAT popular). You're free to dislike him but I've heard a lot of other people say "I don't get why others like him" and I felt the need to explain.

Actually, Lucina is more popular than he is.

I'd say when it comes to rabid fans, there's more in the Lucina and Tharja count than there is in the "Chrom's Fangirl Legion".

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I think Chrom's getting to be more of a base breaker nowadays, truth be told. Likely due to hype backlash. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if most of the more popular characters get like this. (I'm more or less certain Cordelia and Tharja are base breakers already as is Henry(?).

To mildly defend Chrom (mildly as I'll admit its something I want to hit him in the head for), I think he mentions straight out in his conversation with Tharja that Emmeryn would trust her and the story (imo) makes it clear he used Emm as a role model. ...Not exactly the smartest of choices (sorry, Emm, but trying to offer parley to Gangrel [disclaimer: I LOATHE Gangrel and am not looking forward to getting his S support in my Harem run. If he had more supports to work on that backstory and atoner stuff, then maybe, but... bah] and going back to the capital weren't exactly sane moves. Points for having the courage to walk to your death and bring about peace [and proving Chrom's words totally wrong], but still...), but an explanation nonetheless. It's implied that's also why he tried to parley with Walhart in chapter 20 too (only if you have Chrom battle Walhart, of course).
We also have Chrom who trusts the Avatar when it's not really a good idea to (following chapter 21) and who would rather risk Grima awakening again than to lose another person close to him.

...You know, I wish they'd expanded a little more on these faults. Ah, well. Fanfictions are there for that reason. And headcanons, of course.

...What? Just because I like a person doesn't mean I'm going to ignore when he's a total idiot.

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Oh husbands, Gaius for me even if I don't like his supports with the FAvatar, but I like him as a character, and this:


I didn't expected that, but I'm pleased lol

Anyway, but I still want a file with Priam as a husband, I don't know why, but I want to marry my avatar to him after I readed in the wikia this conversation he has with Morgan:

"Until recently, I lived in a secluded village and trained to be the world's strongest. But leaving that village changed my life, because it gave me you. It will be fun to return one day and tell my old friends of these happy developments"

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I always play with Japanese voices on, and I seriously hate what they've done with Inigo. "OTL The voice itself isn't bad, but it doesn't suit Inigo at ALL. It's horribly disgustingly deep, compared to his softer Japanese voice. It's such a horrible change, and I just feel like if people prefer English!Inigo, it's because they haven't heard his much MUCH better, more suitable Japanese voice.


I prefer to play as guys, but Awakening is one of few games where I play as a girl in 2 out of three files. For one, you get the far superior and much cuter Morgan-M, and for another, the guys in this game aren't bad at all. Ricken and Henry are both my top choices, but I also adore Inigo and Yen'fay.

Ricken I like because shotacondohoho he's very cute, and I'd date someone who was shorter and younger than me in real life. It's funny that he and Morgan-M look the same age.

Henry is one insane little coot, but I love how cheerful his is in spite of it all. Morgan-M is almost a spitting image of Henry when he has white hair.

Inigo is one I never expected to marry, but after I read My Unit/Inigo's married Spa of Bonds conversation, I just had to try marrying him myself.

Yen'fay is a character with so much potential that sadly never gets expanded on. Which is a shame, since his design is very cool, and his Japanese cut-in quites are so badass-sounding.

There's only one character I'd never consider marrying at all, and I dread having to support with him to fill the support library: Walmart. Just...ugh. Who on earth thought it would be fun to allow the stupid old ugly lobster to be marriageable? I can't stand Walmart at all, and I can't wait for the day when I can NOT recruit him with no regrets. He's a horrible person, and his generic support with Morgan-M is beyond mean and cruel. Worst father ever. At least Gangrel wants to redeem himself and has so much regret. Walmart is just...I have no words to describe my intense dislike. I wonder if anybody actually married Walmart, I really do.

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Both myself and my boyfriend have Stahl as our husbando, and there's a reason for this. He's so adorably awkward that it's hard not to love him, and some of the stuff he says is just so cute. (The 'fuzzy kittens' line, for instance.)

Vice husbando is Donnel for pretty much the same reason as Stahl, trading 'cute sleepyheadedness' for 'dawww that accent.'

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I'm not particularly bugged by either Japanese or English voices. I've even got used to Olivia's Japanese voice, which I once complained was too high-pitched and squeaky for me. I prefer the language I can understand, though, and I have no desire to learn Japanese at the time being, so English for me.

My only regret about playing as a male avatar is that I can't get male Morgan. :P: His support conversation with Owain reminds me of my friends in high school, playing Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic: The Gathering against one another.

But anyway, I don't really like any of the first generation guys too much except for Henry and Libra. Laurent, Gerome, and Inigo are cool but I'd rather have them as my male avatar's kids rather than my female avatar's husband. That's one reason I usually play as the male avatar, the other reason being that for some bizarre reason I feel less weird as a male character ?_?

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I'm pretty sure I'll stick with Chrom because I like the story more with them paired AND it makes more sense with the backstory my female avatar has (which will take far too long to explain). ...And also because, while I'll admit their supports aren't exactly the best, I find them hilarious and the better Chrom supports (namely Sully, Maribelle, and Olivia)... well, Sully and Chrom always struck me as just friends (long story), and Olivia's... makes no sense story wise. Neither does Maiden. So, process of elimination also plays a part in this. ^^; (before anyone says anything, I find Sumia's supports with Chrom to be worse than F!Avatar, which automatically rules it out.)

Agreed with some edits! Aside from Chrom, I've also married Frederick, Libra, Henry, and Stahl. Almost done with a Priam x FeMU run. I personally wouldn't marry any of the 2nd gen characters, although if other people want to, that's fine. I never ended up with a lot of 2nd gens, so....eh *shrugs* I also don't think I would ever marry Ricken or Basilio (love Basilio SO MUCH just not in that way :( and I can't do loli).

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I was patient enough to wait for Priam. He's my favorite character and my husbando, so I don't have any regrets. :3 I married Lon'qu on my second playthrough (which I deleted on accident), and there were a small group of files that just for supports with the avatar...

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Agreed with some edits! Aside from Chrom, I've also married Frederick, Libra, Henry, and Stahl. Almost done with a Priam x FeMU run. I personally wouldn't marry any of the 2nd gen characters, although if other people want to, that's fine. I never ended up with a lot of 2nd gens, so....eh *shrugs* I also don't think I would ever marry Ricken or Basilio (love Basilio SO MUCH just not in that way :( and I can't do loli).

I'm just going to make a loli!Silvia for when I go to marry Ricken.

And my sister has already staked a claim on Priam, so I think when she decides to take a break from her husband, she'll marry either Gaius or Priam.

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I can never marry ricken as it just feels wrong... considering I imagine my avatar to be around 24, even though ricken probably isn't that much different in age from me, if his "older than he looks" thing is to be believed.

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Um... well, since a few of his supports mention him "coming of age" soon, he might be 15 before the time skip and 17 after, meaning that either at 16 or 18 he'd be a legal adult - depending on when the legal age even is.

Since it seems to be a more Victorian setting, I'm wagering it's 16, making him around 15.

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Um... well, since a few of his supports mention him "coming of age" soon, he might be 15 before the time skip and 17 after, meaning that either at 16 or 18 he'd be a legal adult - depending on when the legal age even is.

Since it seems to be a more Victorian setting, I'm wagering it's 16, making him around 15.

I believe someone posted an artbook that gave the ages for at least Chrom, Lissa, and Emmeryn. Apparently Lissa's age is 14-15 or 15-16 (I forgot which) before the time skip. I highly doubt Ricken is older or the same age as her. I imagine him to be 12. Which is just ...

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I believe someone posted an artbook that gave the ages for at least Chrom, Lissa, and Emmeryn. Apparently Lissa's age is 14-15 or 15-16 (I forgot which) before the time skip. I highly doubt Ricken is older or the same age as her. I imagine him to be 12. Which is just ...

I think it's 14-15, since I believe she's ten years younger than Emm (who's 24-25). I think the localization attempted to up Ricken's implied age to about... 13 or 14 ish. I thought he was ten in the original, tbh.

...Actually, they probably tried to up it higher, but then we actually GOT ages for a couple of the chars, which skews things.

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I think i have an even amount of male Avatars and Female Avatars. Balance!

*high-fives Florina*

And yeah, before we got the official ages I actually imagined Lissa to be 16-17 before the time skip. No younger than 15 at the least. I thought Chrom was easily in his 20s pre-time skip.

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